Fables first look at Fablescon on 23/3!
Mmmm, something is up at Fablescon! 
Saturday, 3:00 pm:
"Boring Panel Room
In the Shadow of the Wolf. As long as we’re already in this room talking about Fables, Telltale Games gives us a first look at their upcoming video game based on the Fables Series. Join Richard Iggo from Telltale, as he grills Bill Willingham, or maybe it will be the other way around, but in any case, one of them will show you a few visuals from the game, and give away as few secrets as they can hold on to."

Saturday, 3:00 pm:
"Boring Panel Room
In the Shadow of the Wolf. As long as we’re already in this room talking about Fables, Telltale Games gives us a first look at their upcoming video game based on the Fables Series. Join Richard Iggo from Telltale, as he grills Bill Willingham, or maybe it will be the other way around, but in any case, one of them will show you a few visuals from the game, and give away as few secrets as they can hold on to."
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Guess I'll have something to look forward to after work.
Can't wait for this! Visuals sound great, but it would be awesome to see actual gameplay.
Telltale won't have a booth at PAX East this year (sadface).
Errr, define "folks". Will the footage be online after the panel?
I predict shaky-cam/cell phone footage of the presentation within minutes of the panel. Maybe even within minutes of the presentation itself.
I'm even too old for skype via iphones. Who ever told these people that this is bearable for the conversation partner?
Will Telltale have any presence at PAX at all? I know they're saving Fables for the Fables con, but we all sort of know there might be something else coming soon too. Something involving...TF2 items?
Please note that I'm not asking you to reveal any possible new game or anything, just if Telltale will have any presence at all.
Not at PAX East. I think everyone is staying put on the west coast this weekend, except the people heading out to FablesCon.
Given Telltale's track record in recent years, there's usually a period of one month between the first real information/trailer and the actual release of the game, so that would mean the season would start in april/may. There's also another game reveal on april 1st, so these are exciting time for us fans. Good stuff
Well, it could be something else I suppose, but there's already been a leak that strongly suggested that
Also, most importantly, the art on the Key Party-website matches the UI-art in Poker Night exactly.
I spoilered my post in case you want the game reveal to be a surprise. Highlight to read!
So, you're probably right about it's public reveal not happening until tomorrow.
No report?
No images/photos/info?
I was hoping for at least a blog post or something from someone who attended the panel, but I guess Fablescon isn't big enough to warrant any media presence. Also, PAX is this weekend.
GDC does start at the 25th. Telltale isn't listed as an exhibitor, so Fables probably won't have a presence at the show floor. There are a couple (I counted 4) panels with people from Telltale, but three of those are about Walking Dead and one of those is about breaking into the video game business (with Jake Rodkin). Nothing about Telltale's general future or Fables, but who knows if they'll let something slip at the Walking Dead panels.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jake hints a little about The Walking Dead: Season 2, Fables, or the new Poker Night. Guess were gonna have to play the waiting game now.
source: http://www.vertigocomics.com/blog/2013/03/24/news-from-fablescon
I've been searching for these sneak peeks and haven't found them but if you do please let us know
"There is also a game coming from Tell Tale, that is looking very exciting!"
Froma "Comic book Resources":
"[...] and the highly anticipated Fables video game from Telltale Games will be released this summer."
Emphasis mine.
Although that latter part might be bad news to some that wanted a way to disable the timer in The Walking Dead, I find the prospect of the timing of the choices actually affecting the gameplay very interesting indeed.
But I'm not glad that, so far, it seems identical to The Walking Dead gameplay-wise. We all liked TWD, but I really don't want interactive movies to become the new standard for Telltale, which is looking more and more like the case.
If King's Quest is released (or Sam & Max Season 4, etc.) I'm sure that they'll use more adventure game style game play since it's appropriate for those particular franchises.
You heard it here first folks, information is definitely coming out tomorrow!
I thought tomorrow never dies.
Now, is that before or after we live and let die?