Tutorial Mode

Anyone else decided to play the Tutorial first? It was so funny, where SB forces SS and Bubs to play along and be part of his tutorial. Go ahead and play it, very funny.

Also, in SB's room, under the lightswitch there is a rave switch from that SBEmail I can't remember.


  • edited August 2008
    Also I forgot to add, go back on SB's Compy and find a new email. You can then DELETE it! You can also find it in the Trash folder and UN-DELETE it. Then repeat it for new DEL-EET-EDD's. :D
  • edited August 2008
    The email is "techno."
  • edited August 2008
    I did that too. Mostly because I wanted to know about the ''Angel SB and Devil SB" feature.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah, the tut was funny, hopefully there will be a different one for Episode 2.
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