The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I totally agree Guru. I'd quote you but I'm not sure how to.

    I guess the reason we're hiding in here is because it's in a linear format at least.

    Gonna just leave this thread open in a tab so it's easier to find new posts.

    GuruGuru214 posted: »

    The really awful thing? I feel like this thread has become a refugee camp within the Telltale forums. From what poking around I've managed t

  • I guess we've just got to face the music. We're outdated with our love of actual conversation and debate on the internet. The internet if phasing forwards to a new reality where any sort of conversation that goes beyond a few quips should be relegated to private email.

    DoubleFine may be the refugee forum, but it doesn't have the charm and community that we've got here. I dunno, maybe we can instill charm and community in their forums. Like some sort of adventure game ghetto within the larger forums.

  • Wow, this just gets worse and worse. I can't edit posts. I can't delete posts. I can't post new posts. It'd be bad enough just having to deal with the poor design of this place, but nothing fucking works! I'm actually highly doubting whether or not you guys will get to read this post!

  • I guess we've just got to face the music. We're outdated with our love of actual conversation and debate on the internet. The internet if phasing forwards to a new reality where any sort of conversation that goes beyond a few quips should be relegated to private email.

    DoubleFine may be the refugee forum, but it doesn't have the charm and community that we've got here. I dunno, maybe we can instill charm and community in their forums. Like some sort of adventure game ghetto within the larger forums.

  • And fucking hell. The forum didn't respond when I tried to post, so I hit the post button again... and now I've got two of the bloody things!

  • That is happening every time I post, it sucks.

  • It works for me, I just REALLY don't like it.

  • So its random, wow, I have no comment to say about that.

  • Well double fine won't let me post. This forum won't let me post. Maybe its for the best, what with uni and that. It'll allow me to concentrate on my work.

  • Friar: Well double fine won't let me post. This forum won't let me post. Maybe its for the best, what with uni and that. It'll allow me to concentrate on my work.

    DoubleFine has an 'account approval' period. Give it a few hours, and in the morning someone will come along and give you the OK.

    'course, it was only half an hour for me, but that's because I'm awesome and you're not. :p

    And focusing on work? HA! You grossly underestimate the distraction that is the internet.

  • edited September 2013

    Darth Marsden: DoubleFine has an 'account approval' period. Give it a few hours, and in the morning someone will come along and give you the OK.

    'course, it was only half an hour for me, but that's because I'm awesome and you're not. :p

    And focusing on work? HA! You grossly underestimate the distraction that is the internet.

    Well, I registered yesterday, back when your thread was still confined to a single page. Also, I don't think I've ever actually played a DF game...
    Although its not like I play telltale games anymore so there's not much of a change there! The people seem friendly enough over in DF anyway.

    And yeah, I doubt my ability to do my uni work. Why solve complex equations of gibberish and greek letters when you can watch cat videos?

    Friar: Well double fine won't let me post. This forum won't let me post. Maybe its for the best, what with uni and that. It'll allow me to con

  • edited September 2013

    Today is my Enrolment day so I will have a nice day of signing things, talking a bit which will be nice...

    At least it means I will officially be a College student by the end of the day and can get on with studying...
    (And by College I mean UK college Not University I am rather young compared to everyone else around here)

  • I have three different start dates with my course. Ranging from 10.30 on the 23rd of September to 3AM on the 30th of December. Hmmm....

    Hudomonkey posted: »

    Today is my Enrolment day so I will have a nice day of signing things, talking a bit which will be nice... At least it means I will officia

  • It'll be easier to ignore this place when I start uni so I'll be a ghostly presence around here for another two and a half weeks or so.

  • Yeah... it's not growing on me.

    When you have to hunt down specific threads... Yeah. That's a problem.

    About to give them the "it's not me, it's you. Give me a call when you announce another S&M game" speech.

  • Well, DoubleFine is pretty fine. I've already got a thread dedicated to me and wormed my way into someone's signature. Not making this up.

    If you don't come quick, you might end up being caught in my anti-immigration decrees once I get elected Eternal Queen of Halloween.

  • I can just as easily lurk over at Double Fine just as I did on here.

  • Even the TWD fans have created their own forum to avoid this one...
    It is an OK forum actually it at least works as a forum and has the basics...

  • If they can set up a working forum, why can't the geniuses at Telltale do the same.

    (note, when trying to spell geniuses I was closer to guinness every time)

    Hudomonkey posted: »

    Even the TWD fans have created their own forum to avoid this one... It is an OK forum actually it at least works as a forum and has the basics...

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    If they can set up a working forum, why can't the geniuses at Telltale do the same.

    If only I knew. For now, I don't see a single improvement over the old forums besides the cosmetic ones. I believed I just had to get used to threaded discussion and that's that. On the contrary, loading times, message display, navigation, moderator tools, it's all worse than the wrinkled old vbulletin. Quantifiably, not subjectively worse. Functionality be damned, it just has to look snazzy. What are we, Apple? To be absolutely honest, I was almost tearing up at the end of hour two yesterday. Home's been pulled from under my feet. I feel like I'm standing in ruins, and I tell you I'll stay in those ruins. I don't want to go to the DF forums. My harsh critique of Tim Schafer's project management abilities makes me not want to just be a communicative fugitive under his roof, and then there's that ghastly taumel over there, I was so happy when he finally left HERE. And I have important promises to uphold, promises to people who can't just leave. I'm here, I'll stay, and maybe one day I get my avatar back without gravatar.

    These are my ruins, I'll open a diner and serve ash pie to the transients with a long boring story as to how things were back then.

    If they can set up a working forum, why can't the geniuses at Telltale do the same. (note, when trying to spell geniuses I was closer to guinness every time)

  • A very noble sentiment Vainamoinen. (I'm finally getting the hang of spelling that!). I'm definitely in two minds about this. I would love to stay, this forum (or rather the domain. I refuse to call this a forum now.) is full of so many memories. But the heart and soul of it has gone for me. Its so hard to find threads. It's so slow, buggy and just a bit of a mess. Gone are the days of just loading it up, seeing the random threads popping up and just generally relaxing.

    And I don't think it's really a community any more. So many key members have left, and I really can't be bothered with getting to know new ones. It takes so long to 'grow' an awesome forumite (I mean if you checked the join dates of the WOYM regulars the majority of them were from Tales or earlier. Sure there's a couple of newbies, but they are by far the minority (despite being a large proportion of overall users). I don't think I'll have the time to essentially start all over from scratch.

    At least at DF, we are all in the same boat. It's half new, half old but with lots of familiar faces. Here, its all new, all broken, and no-one has a familiar face (thanks to the limited avatar system). I'll probably still keep my head round the door hear now and again out of habit, but this forum is on a deathbed for me. Everything that made it special has gone, and the company behind it is no longer even one that I'm interested in.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    If they can set up a working forum, why can't the geniuses at Telltale do the same. If only I knew. For now, I don't see a single impr

  • Unless things get a whole lot better around here (jeez, what am I, the Lorax?), I'm probably going to ask to have my mod status revoked and then just hang around for a while until I just can't be bothered to put up with this busted ass forum.

    What's really surprised me about this whole thing is how many of the new users seem to hate it as well. I expected them to be more okay with it, but even before the change, I was seeing comments like "it's going to be like Reddit? Oh hell no!". Makes me feel a little better about things.

    The way I see it, this forum is so far from user friendly, a lot of people won't put in the same effort that we have to use it. I honestly expect the community size to dwindle even in the forums outside general chat. After that, the top brass will have to change their decision, because what's the point of having a forum if you don't have a community to fill it with?

    On the other hand, this could just be wishful thinking and either more of the community will be okay with it than it seems right now or the whole place will remain unchanged even as it becomes a ghost town.

  • edited September 2013

    Well, I don't see this thing changing soon, so let's just have some fun with it while we're at it.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        cout << "Hahahaha U SUK" << endl;

    Okay, I'm done.

  • So I threw up at work today.

    I got a massive headache, so I went to take some aspirin, and then I grabbed a glass of water, but because I was so hot and the headache wasn't letting me think straight, I had about 4 glasses, and when i went to the toilet 2 minutes later, I promptly threw it all back up, along with the burger I had for lunch.

    I'm back home now, having made the journey back with a wet bit of toilet paper on my forehead, on a very bumpy bus that I couldn't even lie down in because it kept braking and nearly sending me flying off the chair.

    So yeah, I feel like shit and I just want to sleep for about 7 hours. have your days been?

  • My Enrolment is finished and I'm starting College/sixth form on Monday...
    I can relax a bit more now...
    Or I could study for week 1 tests...
    Decisions, decisions

  • edited September 2013

    Speaking about mods, why do some have tags and some don't. You'd never know you three were/are mods.

    ...If I see that "Yikes!" shit one more time...

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Speaking about mods, why do some have tags and some don't. You'd never know you three were/are mods.

    I believe that in linear 'olde style' discussions, the moderator tags don't show up and in 'threaded' mode they do.

    ...If I see that "Yikes!" shit one more time...

    Over here, it routinely takes 20 seconds for this forum to react to a pushed button when no one is around and 40 seconds if some leftover community members are actually present. And that's the "working version" of the forum. The "Yikes" stuff is just an added bonus to the 504's. By the time I finally see the page I clicked on, I've usually forgotten why I wanted it open in the first place. As you don't go to the last page of a discussion upon opening a thread any more (in threaded discussions, why should you?), I need at least two clicks to even get there aka 40 seconds or 1 minute 20 seconds provided no 504 or Yikes throws a stick in my spokes.

    Wow, this really is Apple.

    Johro posted: »

    Speaking about mods, why do some have tags and some don't. You'd never know you three were/are mods. ...If I see that "Yikes!" shit one more time...

  • I think those tags may only show up in threads created since this abomination became live.

    Also, it's funny that the site feels more unstable now, with some threads completely refusing to load.

    Johro posted: »

    Speaking about mods, why do some have tags and some don't. You'd never know you three were/are mods. ...If I see that "Yikes!" shit one more time...

  • edited September 2013

    Darth Marden wrote:So I threw up at work today.

    I got a massive headache, so I went to take some aspirin, and then I grabbed a glass of water, but because I was so hot and the headache wasn't letting me think straight, I had about 4 glasses, and when i went to the toilet 2 minutes later, I promptly threw it all back up, along with the burger I had for lunch.

    I'm back home now, having made the journey back with a wet bit of toilet paper on my forehead, on a very bumpy bus that I couldn't even lie down in because it kept braking and nearly sending me flying off the chair.

    So yeah, I feel like shit and I just want to sleep for about 7 hours. have your days been?

    It's official. The new forums are vomit inducing.
    Hope you feel better soon! I don't do so well in heat either. I get dizzy spells, especially if the lighting changes (changing room for example). I usually have to stand still for 5-10 seconds until the world stops spinning and I get colour vision back. And I get loads of headaches ¬_¬

    And I still haven't been activated on DF. Do they send you an e-mail when it happens? I hate lurking...

    So I threw up at work today. I got a massive headache, so I went to take some aspirin, and then I grabbed a glass of water, but because I w

  • Sheesh. I'm gone for ONE weekend, and by the time I get back, everything's gone kablooey.

  • I know, I swear there are at least five threads that no matter what time of day, internet connection whatever, it won't load no matter what, that never happened to me in the old forum ever, it also never posted the same comment 7 times and did not allow deletion of posts to.

    I think those tags may only show up in threads created since this abomination became live. Also, it's funny that the site feels more unstable now, with some threads completely refusing to load.

  • if "kablooey" means to murder it's family, cover in feces, bury for 5 years, dig it up, spray Axe on and call it an improvement, then yes, everything's gone kablooey.

  • I guess you could say that, somehow saying this all went kablooey feels like a massive understatement, it is like saying the Titanic was a fender bender, you have no idea just how bad it is from one word.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    The forum doesn't do umlauts.

    ä ö ü

    Every half hour a new disappointment.

  • That's bö-shit.

  • Good god, what have they done, it is ALIVE!

  • edited September 2013

    Well yay for small victories. Now fix everything else.

    ..and now it's not working. Seems to be going off and on.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2013

    Responsive mode on?!?

    ...naaaahh. They were just kidding.

  • It's like a game. It fixes and breaks every time I reload.

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