$5 More Expensive on Steam??

Xbox Live:

Episode 1 $5
Episode 2-5 $15

Total: $20

Episode 1 $5
Episode 2-5 $15

Total: $20


Season Pass $24.99

What the heck?


  • It was 22 dollars for pre orders. Season Pass is the best deal. Since most games cost 60 and don't offer that much. It's great for low priced game. The average amount, we'd spend on a pizza into hours of gameplay.

  • You can' t buy single episode on PC.
    Telltale made another great game, I had fun playing it. I don't know what will happen in the next episodes, but for now it totally worth 25$. I'm looking forward to play more. Besides TWD Season 2 is on it's way.

  • If you're getting the PC version the extra cost for the Steam version is money well spent at this point.

  • ^this. I regret not paying the extra for steam, because now I cant even play this game. What a joke.

    AngelEyes86 posted: »

    If you're getting the PC version the extra cost for the Steam version is money well spent at this point.

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