The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)
A place to share Memes and spread fun in this community
Please, try to give credit / share source
Let's be creative!
Edit: I wanna say thank you for brighten my mood every day, over and over.
How to post images (courtesy of Milosuperspesh):
Upload image to photo bucket or imgur (or use the address/URL of the picture)
Once you have the link, post in the comments and then either highlight the address and click on the tab that looks like a landscape.
Copy and paste the address/URL as it is into the text box.
...or just post the link in that box instead of posting it in the comments
Mod Announcement - Sept 3rd 2018
Hey all! Friendly reminder - Forum Guideline 1.3 says
Avoid posting content that is obscene, gross, violent or otherwise NSFW. Also avoid discussions of topics that lead into controversial or inflammatory discussions such as politics or religion.
We're getting tons of reports of people flagging creepy posts, with people ironically linking to gross fan fiction (and/or weird memes) related to sex (obviously not the normal kind if you're picking up on the tone of this announcement). We've deleted posts up until now but we may start banning people for discussing creepy stuff, even in the context of shock humor as opposed to genuinely liking it.
Please try to keep the meme thread a somewhat clean and "Safe For Work" place.
If you ever stop and have the urge to post memes/fan fiction links/etc commenting about weird types of sex, then - in the words of McDonald's Spokesperson Micheal Jordan (I think he also did something else) - "Stop it. Get Some Help."
Sorry for how RIDICULOUSLY long this post is.
**EDIT**: I seem to have gotten a glitch, where I made it on the front page (Woohoo!) but now I can't edit it to show the picture, but I'll try to fix it....
**EDIT 2**: Now using enter does not work
I think people have got it all wrong, Vinces brother wasn't Glenn. It was Kim Jong un!

We need to know who's responsible for this mustached Clemmy-Kenny hybrid to give credit
EDIT: Made by @tormunds
(?) Cleementine approves of this thread.
Heh i get it they're both asians.
This one is hilarious
This one is for y'all Kenny haters out there.
How do you guys post pics?
This deserves a bump.
Sorry for the size of this one, but I think its earned the right to be big.
Fantastic, we want more
Not sure about the source, but it's somewhere there in the vastness of the internet.
Hah that's what i thought when I first saw Doug.
that was enough of a reason to not save him.
When I was playing with my friend TWD, we had to choose between saving Carley or Doug, we both agreed: Let's not save Doug. I mean, socks and sandals doesn't even make sense. Although, I'm not sure why more people didn't save Doug. I mean, Carley knew our secret, and we didn't knew her at the time. She coulda've been an asshole and spill her guts. I bet the only reason 27% saved Doug was that.
In all honesty I forgot that lee was hiding that he was going to prison till carley gave me the option to tell people in the group about it.
sometimes it happens, but I rarely forget little details in TWD. but y did some people didn't told some of the survivors about his past. BTW, I think you shoulda've been able to point your finger at Ben, keep him in the group and NOT get carley killed. But that would be to perfect. I mean, who else coulda've been? Kenny has got his family, it wasn't lee or lilly, she was even the one who asked lee to poke around. Clem's just a little girl. Carley's trustworthy. Doug's a pussy. Ben was the new guy in the group and we know he gets scared and nervous easily.
lol this thread's pretty cool nice work guys, mad photoshop/paint skills
Oh Shit. Chucky's got the candy!
You're my idol, @RobertMorgan I want your skills
Lol, Is this from the new Gamer Poop episode.
Vince's Presidential campaign slogan.
With Danny for Vice President and Justin as Secretary of the Treasury!
Hah! Great joke. Justin had a pyramid scam and he's in charge of the city vaults!
Found these:
Brilliant! I love ya Robert!
OMG that racing one is awesome!