In the original fable the headless horseman would rise up in a fog and would hunt down anyone who was in the way of him receiving his head, also icabod was one of three men trying to court a lady we know he is a womanizer in the future and now with the way he treats snow and how he had to get his "massage" Another thing I did not metion before that deals with faiths stepfather/king was that he had a special donkey with big ears that made gold. So lets think the killer could be speaking money since lots of fables lost there fortunes , revenge of scorned lover or non lover, or plan power, but I can't get over how the heads were placed with such care even the way they looked there hair was perfect its clearly a message to say I win , I warned you , you should have given me what I wanted , or if I can't have u or it no one will.
i thnk neither dee or dum dd it as well as woody bt sumhw i suspect the mayor... bt hey this is telltale game n we all knw it always becomes the person we least expect lol... Bigsby
Look in the support section. Pretty sure your problem is the "cannot connect to server" message. You need to delete a key in the registry. There's instructions on which one and how to go about doing this in the relevant discussion in the support section. I had the same problem and normally I avoid the registry like the plague. After following the instructions, I've not had that problem since.
Hi, I've been scouring the forums for the past few weeks and I just wanted to try to summarize all the suggested plotlines from myself and other ppl. Sorry to any1 I haven't credited and plz do reply if u want to be named. First is of course the major talking point: Snow's supposed death. I remember when I played thru I went straight to Toad's and Snow specifically asked for the donkey coat that had helped Faith escape her father. I can't remember who took it, but if I am right in suggestin tht she took it, it gives a slight crumb of hope, and may b of some importance later on in the story. Anyway, there hv been many theories about how she might return if she does, and I'll talk about them later, bt it shud b said tht if she isn't shown or suggested to b alive by 3 or 4, she might not return (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!), but tht depends on how Telltale want to do it. And the title names also suggest some sort of trickery, with the next 1 bein called Smoke and Mirrors, and we hv alrady seen in the preview tht Bigby does talk to the Mirror, and it may give us some clues later on, especially surrounding Faith. The point has already been made by some others tht the titles all seem to hv some sort of affinity with the Boy Who Cried Wolf Story, bt tht might just b a creative choice by the studio- we'll see.... There has also been mentiioning by some Fable readers tht there is hope for some sort of resurrection with the help of some sort of doorman, Trusty john, who brought children who hd been decapitated back to life!!! Whether he has been shown so far I don't know, bt if he is a character then tht definitely gives hope, and suggests Bigby will hv to do some things to get his help. And there is also the large talk on the forums about how the Mirror was unable to see Faith, and if she isn't dead it is very unlikely Snow will also b dead. Also, coming bak to Trusty John, his story involved him not being allowed to say things about three potential disasters or he would b turned to stone or killed- "My lips are sealed" - perhaps for a similar reason. Magic in WAU cn b very powerful and do a lot of things, and this might just b another curse, but I don't think by Faith's pimp. And, one of my own thoughts (albeit not the best point) is is tht the Rating of the game suggests some sort of romance or at least characters getting it on! I doubt tht if tht did happen, it would b any1 else other than Bigby and Snow, and tht could lead onto the Story of her getting pregnant. But, the Rating could just simply b applied to Beauty (if the whole stripper story is true), and it would certainly tie in with Beauty's secrecy and shame. And now coming onto the story about the Pimp. Judging by the preview, he seems more murky than magic, and I doubt he is the person directly respoinsible for the powerful magic. He seems small time, and I'm guessing the player will hv the opportunity to give him some serious pain. Fingers crossed.... Next up is the whole RHG investigation, which HeartLocker has compiled so brilliantly. I'm guessing his involvement will b investigated by Bigby in 2 or possibly 3( Crooked Mile, and sum suggestions this has to do with a Shepherd's Crooks Tie he is wearing- not my idea). If he is indeed intentionally supposed to b the cab driver and not the result of character recycling, he will definitely b investigated, cos of his significance - he heard Bigby and Snow's conversation, and therefore will b aware of their chemistry. If he indeed does hv a score to settle with Bigby, then that is very ominous indeed. Next up is Dum and Dee. I think (along with many forum posters) tht they mainyl seem to b organised thuigs/bounty hunters rather thn sadistic beheaders. When Dum walked into the pub, he was asking for info about Faith probably, and so who they r working for will play a major part in the story, whether as a friend to Bigby or a foe. And there has also been many suggestions (even by the game itself at times) tht bluebeard is the culprit, bt tht seems way too obvious for Telltale t do. Another suggested culprit is the Headless Horseman. I don't know about the whole deal with Crane and the Horseman, bt i'm guessin the backstory will play a large part in Bigby's investigation, especially since Bigby is shown to intimidate him by almost pushing him into what appears to b the Witching Well. Bt i don't know much about it, so it's just speculation to me. odacrew1 pointed to the Plot Title "Cry Wolf" which again suggests some sort of affinity with the BWCW story, bt we'll see. But it can also b seen tht the killer might b known around tht point, bt no 1 listens and they strike again. If this is true, all assumptions now shud b thrown out of the window, because it is just as likely tht the eventual culprit is a seemingly good citizen. szczery (think that's how u spell it) suggested that RHG could be looking for Bigby to trip up rather than b the actual beheader if he is the BWCW. That makes sense since he is seen so much, but there must b some sort of suspicion surrounding him. and also coldpretzels posted a picture somewhere of a silhouette in the background when u first help Faith, and tht should be the main culprit. The guy has kind of big hair, bt the silhouette cleverly disguises it so it is unclear whether it is the RHG.
That is all the info I hv right now, and I have tried to get as much together as i cn. But remember it is EPISODE 1!!! We hv only seen a fifth of the story so far, and it will definitely develop to a vastly greater extent than any player cn ever imagine. Since it is so early, I really doubt tht RHG is the main culprit, bt he will no doubt b explored, along with all the other suspects like bluebeard and even Crane. It shoudl be remembered tht TellTale are an accomplished studio and hv a lot of experience in creating decision-based games. I have no doubt tht there will b further shocks along the way that will b totally unexpected, and I just hope tht TellTale keep us guessing after the next Episode. I am one of the many ppl hoping tht Snow isn't dead, since the creators did say it was based on and a prequel to the successful comics, and I will do my very best to keep Bigby on the right line, bt I wil no doubt tear the murderer/manipulator a new one when it reaches it's finale. Congratulations to TellTale for creating such an amazing game with extraordinary atmosphere and such great effect!!!! The amount of speculation and shock tht u hv produced so far is just incredible and thoroughly deserved. Keep it up, and plz for goodness sake bring back Snow!!!
Woody just spilled his info because Bigby already placed an axe in his brain and fought Gren in front of him. I would be scared shitless if I was him and I would just say all he wanted to know. Dee, on the other, is stubborn. He still hasn't tasted Bigby's Wrath. Don't worry, some threats of ripping of his leg and he'll cough up some information.
I find it weird that if you grab Dee he tells you nothing in the teaser, but Woody says the girl with the coat, which could meann a couple of things about a couple characters, I find that interesting...
I've heard theories about she being the ribbon girl. It's a simple story: There was a girl that would use constantly a ribbon around her neck. She would never take it off. One day she met a boy. He asked her: "Why do you always use that ribbon?". She replied: "I'll tell you when the time is right.". They got married, and the girl got very ill. Near death, she said: "I'll tell why I have this ribbon. Take it off from me.". The boy removed it, and her head fell off. The ribbon kept her head stripped to her body. But if you tell Faith her ribbon's beautiful, appears the "She'll remember that" sign, I'm sure that's something to look into. I can't wait to solve the mystery.
yeah sorry about that but I was in a rush. Hopefully you get the general idea of most of the points though. Although it is all speculation, and hopefully Episode 2 will be released soon to either confirm or deny some of these theories.
Would you allow me to repost it on your behalf so everybody else can have an easier time reading it? If you disagree, I'll pull it down.
Hi. I've been scouring the forums for the past few weeks and I just wanted to try to summarize all the suggested plotlines from myself and other people. Sorry to anyone I haven't credited and please do reply if you want to be named.
First is of course the major talking point: Snow's supposed death. I remember when I played through, I went straight to Toad's and Snow specifically asked for the donkey coat that had helped Faith escape her father. I can't remember who took it, but if I am right in suggesting that she took it, it gives a slight crumb of hope (and maybe of some importance later on in the story). Anyway, there have been many theories about how she might return if she does (and I'll talk about them later) but it should be said that if she isn't shown or suggested to be alive by episode 3 or 4, she might not return (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) That depends on how Telltale want to do it.
The episode titles also suggest some sort of trickery, with the next one being called Smoke and Mirrors, and we have already seen in the preview that Bigby does talk to the Mirror, and it may give us some clues later on, especially surrounding Faith. The point has already been made by some others that the titles all seem to have some sort of affinity with the Boy Who Cried Wolf Story, but that might just be a creative choice by the studio - we'll see...
There has also been mentioning by some Fable readers that there is hope for some sort of resurrection with the help of some sort of Doorman, Trusty John, who brought children who had been decapitated back to life!!! Whether he has been shown so far I don't know, but if he is a character, then that definitely gives hope, and suggests Bigby will have to do some things to get his help.
There is also the large talk on the forums about how the Mirror was unable to see Faith, and if she isn't dead, it is very unlikely that Snow will also be dead.
Also, coming back to Trusty John, his story involved him not being allowed to say things about three potential disasters or he would be turned to stone or killed - "My lips are sealed" - perhaps for a similar reason. Magic in TWAU can be very powerful and do a lot of things, and this might just be another curse, but I don't think by Faith's pimp.
One of my own thoughts (albeit not the best point!) is is that the Rating of the game suggests some sort of romance or at least other characters getting it on! I doubt that if that did happen, it would be anyone else other than Bigby and Snow, and that could lead onto the Story of her getting pregnant. But, the Rating could just simply be applied to Beauty (if the whole stripper story is true), and it would certainly tie in with Beauty's secrecy and shame.
Now coming onto the story about the Pimp. Judging by the preview, he seems more murky than magic, and I doubt he is the person directly responsible for the powerful magic. He seems small-time, and I'm guessing the player will have the opportunity to give him some serious pain. Fingers crossed...
Next up is the whole Red-headed Guy Investigation, which HeartLocker has compiled so brilliantly (link?). I'm guessing his involvement will be investigated by Bigby in episode 2 or possibly episode 3 (Crooked Mile) and some suggestions that this has to do with the shepherd's crook tie he's wearing (not my idea). If he is indeed intentionally supposed to be the cab driver and not the result of character recycling (as TT have been known to do in their games), he will definitely be investigated. Think of his significance - he heard Bigby and Snow's conversation (and therefore will be aware of their chemistry). If he indeed does have a score to settle with Bigby, then that can't be good news!
Next up are the Tweedle twins. I think (along with many forum posters) that they mainly seem to be organised thugs/bounty hunters rather than sadistic beheaders. When Dee walked into the pub (he was asking for info about Faith probably), he was covered in blood. If you visited Lawrence before Toad, you'll know that this blood is since his visit there. I think it leads on that who they are working for will play a major part in the story, whether as a friend to Bigby (unlikely) or a foe.
There has also been many suggestions (even by the game's dialogue itself at times) that Bluebeard is the culprit, but that seems way too obvious for Telltale to do. Another suggested culprit is the Headless Horseman. I don't know about the whole deal with Crane and the Horseman, but I'm guessing that the backstory will play a large part in Bigby's investigation (especially since Bigby is shown to intimidate him by almost pushing him into what appears to be the Witching Well!). I don't know much about it, so it's just speculation to me.
Odacrew1 pointed out the title of episode 5 "Cry Wolf", which again suggests some sort of affinity with the BWCW story, but we'll see. But it can also be seen that the killer might be known around that point, but no-one listens and they strike again. If this is true, all assumptions now should be thrown out of the window, because it is just as likely that the eventual culprit is a seemingly good citizen.
Szczery (think that's how you spell it) suggested that the red-headed guy could be looking to trip Bigby up rather than be the actual executioner (if he is the BWCW) (link?). That makes sense, since he is seen so much, but there must be some sort of suspicion surrounding him.
Coldpretzels posted a picture somewhere (link?) of a silhouette in the background when you first help Faith, suggesting it is they who should be the main culprit. The guy has kind of big hair, but the silhouette cleverly disguises it so it is unclear whether who it is.
That is all the info I have right now. I have tried to get as much together as I can. Remember, it is only EPISODE 1!!! We have only seen a fifth of the story so far, and it will definitely develop to a vastly greater extent than any player can ever imagine, true to Telltale's style. Since it is so early, I really doubt that the red-headed guy is the main culprit, but he will no doubt need to be hunted down and questioned, along with all the other suspects like Bluebeard and even Crane. It should be remembered that TellTale are an accomplished studio and have a whole TWD season of experience behind them in creating decision-based games. I have no doubt that there will be further shocks along the way that will be totally unexpected. I just hope that TellTale keep us guessing after the next episode. I am one of the many people hoping that Snow isn't really dead, since the creators did say it was based on and a prequel to the comic series (canon). I will do my very best to keep Bigby on the right line, but I will no doubt tear the murderer/manipulator a new one when it reaches its finale. Congratulations to TellTale for creating such an amazing game, with extraordinary atmosphere and such great effect!!!! The amount of speculation and shock that you have produced so far is just incredible and thoroughly deserved. Keep it up, and please, for goodness sake, bring back Snow!!!
yeah sorry about that but I was in a rush. Hopefully you get the general idea of most of the points though. Although it is all speculation, and hopefully Episode 2 will be released soon to either confirm or deny some of these theories.
Did anyone else find the tarot cards on the desk?
Snow Bigby are the depiction of strength
Faith and Lawrence are a tragedy…
and the one card that Bigby takes with him is the knight with the swards stabbed in his back.
I think it foreshadows Crane hiding something or even Bigby getting stabbed in the back by whatever is going on between Beauty and Beast.
Any other thoughts?
I don't think my first post went through last time. If it did I'm getting suspicious. Mainly what I was saying was in my first play-through. I thought the killer was The Headless Horseman after finding him in the Book of Fables. Then I was thinking about the guy with the Red hair and how he kept on popping up. But now there's rumors that he could be the boy who cried wolf. Then to dismiss the theory. Bigby doesn't acknowledge him or his existence. So I figured he was dead or something. Then on my second play-through I started looking at the victims. Snow and Faith. Both of them beautiful, pale skin, dark hair. The killer is killing his victims accordingly. Both were beautiful. And it got me thinking what if the killer was the evil witch from Snow White and the Seven dwarves. I haven't read the Fables comics and I don't know if she's dead going off Disney's Version. But to me it makes sense. Then even with the teaser to Smoke and Mirrors. We show the urgency to find Beauty, her next victim. I don't know just wanted to see if anyone agrees with my theory.
Just so everyone knows the boy who cried wolf has nothing to do with bigby and the character with ghe red hair is named crispin he works for Cinderella's show shop you can see him in fables encyclopedia page 26
I have a feeling that the ripped jeans may be nothing but a set up what if some one saw something and ran and people keep saying someone had ripped pants at the office what if he was mugged and that's why they were at the office and with the red haired man (crispin) saw something and was there to tell snow or crane but was never seen by them and now he is trying to figure things out himself.
I have a feeling that the ripped jeans may be nothing but a set up what if some one saw something and ran and people keep saying someone had r… moreipped pants at the office what if he was mugged and that's why they were at the office and with the red haired man (crispin) saw something and was there to tell snow or crane but was never seen by them and now he is trying to figure things out himself.
Was one of his jobs a cab driver? It's confirmed that the red haired guy is a cab driver in the credits. The Boy who cried wolf has a lot to do with Bigby, Bigby ate his sheep after he lied to everyone that in the end no one believed him.
Just so everyone knows the boy who cried wolf has nothing to do with bigby and the character with ghe red hair is named crispin he works for Cinderella's show shop you can see him in fables encyclopedia page 26
Is it possible for the ginger to be wearing glamour? Also, can glamour be used as a disguise for human-like fables (e.g. Snow or Bigsby) to appear as someone else? Haven't read the comics, I bought this game on a whim after my friend recommended it for me.
Is it possible for the ginger to be wearing glamour? Also, can glamour be used as a disguise for human-like fables (e.g. Snow or Bigsby) to ap… morepear as someone else? Haven't read the comics, I bought this game on a whim after my friend recommended it for me.
Really? That gets me wondering. I'm in a stand still really. Because I think Bluebeard seems like a likely suspect but he's too open and has too much to lose to just throw it all away. Plus he's rich. If he wanted to kill girls he can do it make them disappear and no one would notice. Then on my Play-through I told Snow I thought it was him somehow and she agreed. I assumed she might of went digging around and got caught and killed. But I just can't help looking past all the physical evidence and look at motive. Faith and Snow have the same Characteristics mostly. So it has to do with that somehow.
Yes it is possible but they have to go to the 13th floor with the witches and it costs a arm a leg and even a head somethimes
And bigby is kept up to date with all glamoured fables
Was one of his jobs a cab driver? It's confirmed that the red haired guy is a cab driver in the credits. The Boy who cried wolf has a lot to do with Bigby, Bigby ate his sheep after he lied to everyone that in the end no one believed him.
Can u please tell me when it's stated that bigby is stated to be the wolf from the boy who cried ,i have been a fan of the big bad wolf my whole life and its a known fact that the big bad wolf is only in two fables red riding hood and the three little pigs and I have read the fables comics a couple of times but I do not remeber it ever being stated that he was that wolf in fact in a issue there are two wolves that run into wolf valley after the rabbit and one is from the fable the wolf and the rabbit and if my memory serves right the boy who cried wolf and the wolf from that fable is a average sized wolf one thing bigby has not been since he lost his mother winter and vowed to eat something bigger everyday. Thanks
From beginning I believe its to simplify that he is all the wolf stories. Until I heard there are other wolfs out there. O.O
or he's the only wolf who can't be covert about it,
Can u please tell me when it's stated that bigby is stated to be the wolf from the boy who cried ,i have been a fan of the big bad wolf my who… morele life and its a known fact that the big bad wolf is only in two fables red riding hood and the three little pigs and I have read the fables comics a couple of times but I do not remeber it ever being stated that he was that wolf in fact in a issue there are two wolves that run into wolf valley after the rabbit and one is from the fable the wolf and the rabbit and if my memory serves right the boy who cried wolf and the wolf from that fable is a average sized wolf one thing bigby has not been since he lost his mother winter and vowed to eat something bigger everyday. Thanks
He was not an average sized wolf when his mom died, take a look at his brothers for average size. The boy that cried Wolf was mentioned and Bigby facepalms himself like how could he forget that is one. The wolf and the rabbit is a Russian cartoon series, the Wolf and the Hare is a fable. Compare Bigby from when he blew down the houses of 2 of the 3 little pigs to Bigby when he attacks Little Red. Also I'll post when I refresh my memory.
Can u please tell me when it's stated that bigby is stated to be the wolf from the boy who cried ,i have been a fan of the big bad wolf my who… morele life and its a known fact that the big bad wolf is only in two fables red riding hood and the three little pigs and I have read the fables comics a couple of times but I do not remeber it ever being stated that he was that wolf in fact in a issue there are two wolves that run into wolf valley after the rabbit and one is from the fable the wolf and the rabbit and if my memory serves right the boy who cried wolf and the wolf from that fable is a average sized wolf one thing bigby has not been since he lost his mother winter and vowed to eat something bigger everyday. Thanks
The wolf and the hare is what I met to say I figured u would get it and I know I said since his mother passed away bigby even said that the first human he went after was red riding hood and we know how that ended up the first time and he was even known as the big bad wolf then. I thought that he was every wolf story to when I first started to read it but which I thought was cool even tho it was wrong in the real world and fable world he is only in the two fables
He was not an average sized wolf when his mom died, take a look at his brothers for average size. The boy that cried Wolf was mentioned and Bi… moregby facepalms himself like how could he forget that is one. The wolf and the rabbit is a Russian cartoon series, the Wolf and the Hare is a fable. Compare Bigby from when he blew down the houses of 2 of the 3 little pigs to Bigby when he attacks Little Red. Also I'll post when I refresh my memory.
In the original fable the headless horseman would rise up in a fog and would hunt down anyone who was in the way of him receiving his head, also icabod was one of three men trying to court a lady we know he is a womanizer in the future and now with the way he treats snow and how he had to get his "massage" Another thing I did not metion before that deals with faiths stepfather/king was that he had a special donkey with big ears that made gold. So lets think the killer could be speaking money since lots of fables lost there fortunes , revenge of scorned lover or non lover, or plan power, but I can't get over how the heads were placed with such care even the way they looked there hair was perfect its clearly a message to say I win , I warned you , you should have given me what I wanted , or if I can't have u or it no one will.
i thnk neither dee or dum dd it as well as woody bt sumhw i suspect the mayor... bt hey this is telltale game n we all knw it always becomes the person we least expect lol... Bigsby
how can i start the game?
Look in the support section. Pretty sure your problem is the "cannot connect to server" message. You need to delete a key in the registry. There's instructions on which one and how to go about doing this in the relevant discussion in the support section. I had the same problem and normally I avoid the registry like the plague. After following the instructions, I've not had that problem since.
Toad is probably going to them since he most certainly can't afford glamour from the 13th floor of the Woodlands.
You find a ripped piece of denim at the crime scene.
One of the men queuing to see Ichabod Crane has ripped jeans.
...yes, there are already like 5 threads about that.
Whatever, I do know tha story of snow white.
Hi, I've been scouring the forums for the past few weeks and I just wanted to try to summarize all the suggested plotlines from myself and other ppl. Sorry to any1 I haven't credited and plz do reply if u want to be named. First is of course the major talking point: Snow's supposed death. I remember when I played thru I went straight to Toad's and Snow specifically asked for the donkey coat that had helped Faith escape her father. I can't remember who took it, but if I am right in suggestin tht she took it, it gives a slight crumb of hope, and may b of some importance later on in the story. Anyway, there hv been many theories about how she might return if she does, and I'll talk about them later, bt it shud b said tht if she isn't shown or suggested to b alive by 3 or 4, she might not return (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!), but tht depends on how Telltale want to do it. And the title names also suggest some sort of trickery, with the next 1 bein called Smoke and Mirrors, and we hv alrady seen in the preview tht Bigby does talk to the Mirror, and it may give us some clues later on, especially surrounding Faith. The point has already been made by some others tht the titles all seem to hv some sort of affinity with the Boy Who Cried Wolf Story, bt tht might just b a creative choice by the studio- we'll see.... There has also been mentiioning by some Fable readers tht there is hope for some sort of resurrection with the help of some sort of doorman, Trusty john, who brought children who hd been decapitated back to life!!! Whether he has been shown so far I don't know, bt if he is a character then tht definitely gives hope, and suggests Bigby will hv to do some things to get his help. And there is also the large talk on the forums about how the Mirror was unable to see Faith, and if she isn't dead it is very unlikely Snow will also b dead. Also, coming bak to Trusty John, his story involved him not being allowed to say things about three potential disasters or he would b turned to stone or killed- "My lips are sealed" - perhaps for a similar reason. Magic in WAU cn b very powerful and do a lot of things, and this might just b another curse, but I don't think by Faith's pimp. And, one of my own thoughts (albeit not the best point) is is tht the Rating of the game suggests some sort of romance or at least characters getting it on! I doubt tht if tht did happen, it would b any1 else other than Bigby and Snow, and tht could lead onto the Story of her getting pregnant. But, the Rating could just simply b applied to Beauty (if the whole stripper story is true), and it would certainly tie in with Beauty's secrecy and shame. And now coming onto the story about the Pimp. Judging by the preview, he seems more murky than magic, and I doubt he is the person directly respoinsible for the powerful magic. He seems small time, and I'm guessing the player will hv the opportunity to give him some serious pain. Fingers crossed.... Next up is the whole RHG investigation, which HeartLocker has compiled so brilliantly. I'm guessing his involvement will b investigated by Bigby in 2 or possibly 3( Crooked Mile, and sum suggestions this has to do with a Shepherd's Crooks Tie he is wearing- not my idea). If he is indeed intentionally supposed to b the cab driver and not the result of character recycling, he will definitely b investigated, cos of his significance - he heard Bigby and Snow's conversation, and therefore will b aware of their chemistry. If he indeed does hv a score to settle with Bigby, then that is very ominous indeed. Next up is Dum and Dee. I think (along with many forum posters) tht they mainyl seem to b organised thuigs/bounty hunters rather thn sadistic beheaders. When Dum walked into the pub, he was asking for info about Faith probably, and so who they r working for will play a major part in the story, whether as a friend to Bigby or a foe. And there has also been many suggestions (even by the game itself at times) tht bluebeard is the culprit, bt tht seems way too obvious for Telltale t do. Another suggested culprit is the Headless Horseman. I don't know about the whole deal with Crane and the Horseman, bt i'm guessin the backstory will play a large part in Bigby's investigation, especially since Bigby is shown to intimidate him by almost pushing him into what appears to b the Witching Well. Bt i don't know much about it, so it's just speculation to me. odacrew1 pointed to the Plot Title "Cry Wolf" which again suggests some sort of affinity with the BWCW story, bt we'll see. But it can also b seen tht the killer might b known around tht point, bt no 1 listens and they strike again. If this is true, all assumptions now shud b thrown out of the window, because it is just as likely tht the eventual culprit is a seemingly good citizen. szczery (think that's how u spell it) suggested that RHG could be looking for Bigby to trip up rather than b the actual beheader if he is the BWCW. That makes sense since he is seen so much, but there must b some sort of suspicion surrounding him. and also coldpretzels posted a picture somewhere of a silhouette in the background when u first help Faith, and tht should be the main culprit. The guy has kind of big hair, bt the silhouette cleverly disguises it so it is unclear whether it is the RHG.
That is all the info I hv right now, and I have tried to get as much together as i cn. But remember it is EPISODE 1!!! We hv only seen a fifth of the story so far, and it will definitely develop to a vastly greater extent than any player cn ever imagine. Since it is so early, I really doubt tht RHG is the main culprit, bt he will no doubt b explored, along with all the other suspects like bluebeard and even Crane. It shoudl be remembered tht TellTale are an accomplished studio and hv a lot of experience in creating decision-based games. I have no doubt tht there will b further shocks along the way that will b totally unexpected, and I just hope tht TellTale keep us guessing after the next Episode. I am one of the many ppl hoping tht Snow isn't dead, since the creators did say it was based on and a prequel to the successful comics, and I will do my very best to keep Bigby on the right line, bt I wil no doubt tear the murderer/manipulator a new one when it reaches it's finale. Congratulations to TellTale for creating such an amazing game with extraordinary atmosphere and such great effect!!!!
The amount of speculation and shock tht u hv produced so far is just incredible and thoroughly deserved. Keep it up, and plz for goodness sake bring back Snow!!!
Whole words, sensible sentence length and paragraph structure would have helped here. That was hard to read.
Woody just spilled his info because Bigby already placed an axe in his brain and fought Gren in front of him. I would be scared shitless if I was him and I would just say all he wanted to know. Dee, on the other, is stubborn. He still hasn't tasted Bigby's Wrath. Don't worry, some threats of ripping of his leg and he'll cough up some information.
I've heard theories about she being the ribbon girl. It's a simple story: There was a girl that would use constantly a ribbon around her neck. She would never take it off. One day she met a boy. He asked her: "Why do you always use that ribbon?". She replied: "I'll tell you when the time is right.". They got married, and the girl got very ill. Near death, she said: "I'll tell why I have this ribbon. Take it off from me.". The boy removed it, and her head fell off. The ribbon kept her head stripped to her body. But if you tell Faith her ribbon's beautiful, appears the "She'll remember that" sign, I'm sure that's something to look into. I can't wait to solve the mystery.
yeah sorry about that but I was in a rush. Hopefully you get the general idea of most of the points though. Although it is all speculation, and hopefully Episode 2 will be released soon to either confirm or deny some of these theories.
Would you allow me to repost it on your behalf so everybody else can have an easier time reading it? If you disagree, I'll pull it down.
Hi. I've been scouring the forums for the past few weeks and I just wanted to try to summarize all the suggested plotlines from myself and other people. Sorry to anyone I haven't credited and please do reply if you want to be named.
First is of course the major talking point: Snow's supposed death. I remember when I played through, I went straight to Toad's and Snow specifically asked for the donkey coat that had helped Faith escape her father. I can't remember who took it, but if I am right in suggesting that she took it, it gives a slight crumb of hope (and maybe of some importance later on in the story). Anyway, there have been many theories about how she might return if she does (and I'll talk about them later) but it should be said that if she isn't shown or suggested to be alive by episode 3 or 4, she might not return (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) That depends on how Telltale want to do it.
The episode titles also suggest some sort of trickery, with the next one being called Smoke and Mirrors, and we have already seen in the preview that Bigby does talk to the Mirror, and it may give us some clues later on, especially surrounding Faith. The point has already been made by some others that the titles all seem to have some sort of affinity with the Boy Who Cried Wolf Story, but that might just be a creative choice by the studio - we'll see...
There has also been mentioning by some Fable readers that there is hope for some sort of resurrection with the help of some sort of Doorman, Trusty John, who brought children who had been decapitated back to life!!! Whether he has been shown so far I don't know, but if he is a character, then that definitely gives hope, and suggests Bigby will have to do some things to get his help.
There is also the large talk on the forums about how the Mirror was unable to see Faith, and if she isn't dead, it is very unlikely that Snow will also be dead.
Also, coming back to Trusty John, his story involved him not being allowed to say things about three potential disasters or he would be turned to stone or killed - "My lips are sealed" - perhaps for a similar reason. Magic in TWAU can be very powerful and do a lot of things, and this might just be another curse, but I don't think by Faith's pimp.
One of my own thoughts (albeit not the best point!) is is that the Rating of the game suggests some sort of romance or at least other characters getting it on! I doubt that if that did happen, it would be anyone else other than Bigby and Snow, and that could lead onto the Story of her getting pregnant. But, the Rating could just simply be applied to Beauty (if the whole stripper story is true), and it would certainly tie in with Beauty's secrecy and shame.
Now coming onto the story about the Pimp. Judging by the preview, he seems more murky than magic, and I doubt he is the person directly responsible for the powerful magic. He seems small-time, and I'm guessing the player will have the opportunity to give him some serious pain. Fingers crossed...
Next up is the whole Red-headed Guy Investigation, which HeartLocker has compiled so brilliantly (link?). I'm guessing his involvement will be investigated by Bigby in episode 2 or possibly episode 3 (Crooked Mile) and some suggestions that this has to do with the shepherd's crook tie he's wearing (not my idea). If he is indeed intentionally supposed to be the cab driver and not the result of character recycling (as TT have been known to do in their games), he will definitely be investigated. Think of his significance - he heard Bigby and Snow's conversation (and therefore will be aware of their chemistry). If he indeed does have a score to settle with Bigby, then that can't be good news!
Next up are the Tweedle twins. I think (along with many forum posters) that they mainly seem to be organised thugs/bounty hunters rather than sadistic beheaders. When Dee walked into the pub (he was asking for info about Faith probably), he was covered in blood. If you visited Lawrence before Toad, you'll know that this blood is since his visit there. I think it leads on that who they are working for will play a major part in the story, whether as a friend to Bigby (unlikely) or a foe.
There has also been many suggestions (even by the game's dialogue itself at times) that Bluebeard is the culprit, but that seems way too obvious for Telltale to do. Another suggested culprit is the Headless Horseman. I don't know about the whole deal with Crane and the Horseman, but I'm guessing that the backstory will play a large part in Bigby's investigation (especially since Bigby is shown to intimidate him by almost pushing him into what appears to be the Witching Well!). I don't know much about it, so it's just speculation to me.
Odacrew1 pointed out the title of episode 5 "Cry Wolf", which again suggests some sort of affinity with the BWCW story, but we'll see. But it can also be seen that the killer might be known around that point, but no-one listens and they strike again. If this is true, all assumptions now should be thrown out of the window, because it is just as likely that the eventual culprit is a seemingly good citizen.
Szczery (think that's how you spell it) suggested that the red-headed guy could be looking to trip Bigby up rather than be the actual executioner (if he is the BWCW) (link?). That makes sense, since he is seen so much, but there must be some sort of suspicion surrounding him.
Coldpretzels posted a picture somewhere (link?) of a silhouette in the background when you first help Faith, suggesting it is they who should be the main culprit. The guy has kind of big hair, but the silhouette cleverly disguises it so it is unclear whether who it is.
That is all the info I have right now. I have tried to get as much together as I can. Remember, it is only EPISODE 1!!! We have only seen a fifth of the story so far, and it will definitely develop to a vastly greater extent than any player can ever imagine, true to Telltale's style. Since it is so early, I really doubt that the red-headed guy is the main culprit, but he will no doubt need to be hunted down and questioned, along with all the other suspects like Bluebeard and even Crane. It should be remembered that TellTale are an accomplished studio and have a whole TWD season of experience behind them in creating decision-based games. I have no doubt that there will be further shocks along the way that will be totally unexpected. I just hope that TellTale keep us guessing after the next episode. I am one of the many people hoping that Snow isn't really dead, since the creators did say it was based on and a prequel to the comic series (canon). I will do my very best to keep Bigby on the right line, but I will no doubt tear the murderer/manipulator a new one when it reaches its finale. Congratulations to TellTale for creating such an amazing game, with extraordinary atmosphere and such great effect!!!!
The amount of speculation and shock that you have produced so far is just incredible and thoroughly deserved. Keep it up, and please, for goodness sake, bring back Snow!!!
Cool just because the magic mirror isn't a genie. Just makin' sure.
Did anyone else find the tarot cards on the desk?
Snow Bigby are the depiction of strength
Faith and Lawrence are a tragedy…
and the one card that Bigby takes with him is the knight with the swards stabbed in his back.
I think it foreshadows Crane hiding something or even Bigby getting stabbed in the back by whatever is going on between Beauty and Beast.
Any other thoughts?
I don't think my first post went through last time. If it did I'm getting suspicious. Mainly what I was saying was in my first play-through. I thought the killer was The Headless Horseman after finding him in the Book of Fables. Then I was thinking about the guy with the Red hair and how he kept on popping up. But now there's rumors that he could be the boy who cried wolf. Then to dismiss the theory. Bigby doesn't acknowledge him or his existence. So I figured he was dead or something. Then on my second play-through I started looking at the victims. Snow and Faith. Both of them beautiful, pale skin, dark hair. The killer is killing his victims accordingly. Both were beautiful. And it got me thinking what if the killer was the evil witch from Snow White and the Seven dwarves. I haven't read the Fables comics and I don't know if she's dead going off Disney's Version. But to me it makes sense. Then even with the teaser to Smoke and Mirrors. We show the urgency to find Beauty, her next victim. I don't know just wanted to see if anyone agrees with my theory.
Just so everyone knows the boy who cried wolf has nothing to do with bigby and the character with ghe red hair is named crispin he works for Cinderella's show shop you can see him in fables encyclopedia page 26
I feel so stupid reading these discussions omg.
I have a feeling that the ripped jeans may be nothing but a set up what if some one saw something and ran and people keep saying someone had ripped pants at the office what if he was mugged and that's why they were at the office and with the red haired man (crispin) saw something and was there to tell snow or crane but was never seen by them and now he is trying to figure things out himself.
I dare you to say that aloud without running out of breath.
Right lol
Was one of his jobs a cab driver? It's confirmed that the red haired guy is a cab driver in the credits. The Boy who cried wolf has a lot to do with Bigby, Bigby ate his sheep after he lied to everyone that in the end no one believed him.
Snow White's aunt/stepmother? Interesting theory, not much is known about her after Snow White ate the apple.
Is it possible for the ginger to be wearing glamour? Also, can glamour be used as a disguise for human-like fables (e.g. Snow or Bigsby) to appear as someone else? Haven't read the comics, I bought this game on a whim after my friend recommended it for me.
Haven't read the comics myself, bought it because I can choose "..."

Really? That gets me wondering. I'm in a stand still really. Because I think Bluebeard seems like a likely suspect but he's too open and has too much to lose to just throw it all away. Plus he's rich. If he wanted to kill girls he can do it make them disappear and no one would notice. Then on my Play-through I told Snow I thought it was him somehow and she agreed. I assumed she might of went digging around and got caught and killed. But I just can't help looking past all the physical evidence and look at motive. Faith and Snow have the same Characteristics mostly. So it has to do with that somehow.
Yes it is possible but they have to go to the 13th floor with the witches and it costs a arm a leg and even a head somethimes
And bigby is kept up to date with all glamoured fables
Bigby is not the wolf from the boy who cried wolf
Actually he is. Bigby is every wolf, there is reference to him eating up sheep in the game and more importantly the comics.
Can u please tell me when it's stated that bigby is stated to be the wolf from the boy who cried ,i have been a fan of the big bad wolf my whole life and its a known fact that the big bad wolf is only in two fables red riding hood and the three little pigs and I have read the fables comics a couple of times but I do not remeber it ever being stated that he was that wolf in fact in a issue there are two wolves that run into wolf valley after the rabbit and one is from the fable the wolf and the rabbit and if my memory serves right the boy who cried wolf and the wolf from that fable is a average sized wolf one thing bigby has not been since he lost his mother winter and vowed to eat something bigger everyday. Thanks
From beginning I believe its to simplify that he is all the wolf stories. Until I heard there are other wolfs out there. O.O
or he's the only wolf who can't be covert about it,
He was not an average sized wolf when his mom died, take a look at his brothers for average size. The boy that cried Wolf was mentioned and Bigby facepalms himself like how could he forget that is one. The wolf and the rabbit is a Russian cartoon series, the Wolf and the Hare is a fable. Compare Bigby from when he blew down the houses of 2 of the 3 little pigs to Bigby when he attacks Little Red. Also I'll post when I refresh my memory.
The wolf and the hare is what I met to say I figured u would get it and I know I said since his mother passed away bigby even said that the first human he went after was red riding hood and we know how that ended up the first time and he was even known as the big bad wolf then. I thought that he was every wolf story to when I first started to read it but which I thought was cool even tho it was wrong in the real world and fable world he is only in the two fables