Continuing upon the end of S1(fan-fic)



  • edited December 2013

    Nevermind :)

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    NEVER mind

  • Thanks a lot, we can keep going now!

    Finally the screaming stopped. Radio static filled the air. "What the HELL was that?!" yelled Kenny. "Woodbury? That's the place Amanda

  • Blood, sweat, and tears? That's a bit dramatic. They're typing on a keyboard. Horribly might I add.

    TheMissus posted: »

    If you don't like it feel free to improve it or to not follow it anymore. Insulting everyone who invested blood, sweat and tears on 14 pages full of story so far is a shame

  • They are not perfect, nor near it. But, we have been able to keep instead of getting back at people and their comments, why not just add to the story?

    xer0Hack posted: »

    Blood, sweat, and tears? That's a bit dramatic. They're typing on a keyboard. Horribly might I add.

  • I think it's best if we just ignore this horrible excuse for a troll, we take pride in our work, even if it's flawed.
    We're not professionals, we simply enjoy writing.

    They are not perfect, nor near it. But, we have been able to keep instead of getting back at people and their comments, why not just add to the story?

  • Will you be writing next? Can't wait to see this continue on.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I think it's best if we just ignore this horrible excuse for a troll, we take pride in our work, even if it's flawed. We're not professionals, we simply enjoy writing.

  • [removed]

    Will you be writing next? Can't wait to see this continue on.

  • Some of it has been difficult to read for sure. But you are obviously still interested in it or otherwise you wouldn't be commenting...right? So why not just try to improve it? I mean it seems to be a bit slow the past while anyways so maybe you will get good quality writing following yours...worth a try. Just my opinion tho :) I hated how it ended up going but then I just decided I couldn't let it die like that so why not give it a try. I don't know if it will amount to much, but hey it was kind of fun.

  • I have an idea about what to do when the groups reach a new place, but have no idea how to get them there or where there will be.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Thanks a lot, we can keep going now!

  • edited December 2013

    This might be a little long.

    Clem follows Kenny out into the main room.

    CLEM: Kenny...?

    KENNY: Hey Clem. You okay?

    CLEM: Yeah. I just want to get out of here.

    KENNY: Yeah me too. We’ll get our stuff and jump in the jeep. Let’s go.

    Clem grabs her bag as Kenny tosses his bag over his shoulder. She looks at Kenny, he nods his head towards the garage. Jacob is sitting in the driver seat of the jeep. Tyler is in the back tending to Eddie. Miranda is trying desperately to get her self comfortable sitting on Tyler’s lap, despite him moving around trying to get Eddie to swallow some gross tasting meds. Clem opens the rear door to take the last seat in the back. She sits down just as Kenny is opening the front passenger door.

    EDDIE: Jessica’s going to sit up front.

    KENNY: Clem’s in back, I've got to ride with her.

    EDDIE: We can’t be separated.

    KENNY: Yeah, well hell if I’m riding separate from Clem.

    JACOB: Look Kenny, just let Jessica ride up here. Clem will be fine, she’s got all of us to look after her.

    He looks back at Eddie who is paler than a ghost and Tyler taking care of him.

    JACOB: Alright, so she has me. I won’t let anything happen to her. Look man, Eddie isn’t feeling too good, which you can obviously see, so just let him have a little peace of mind knowing that Jess is here.

    KENNY: Hell...alright. But keep close.

    JACOB: You got it man.

    Kenny exits the jeep and heads towards the other car. Jessica quietly slips past him and takes her seat up front.
    Pascucci is in the driver seat of the car with Charlie in the passenger.

    KENNY: Charlie...get in back.

    CHARLIE: I was here first, you sit back there.

    KENNY: Just get back there.

    CHARLIE: No way...

    He gets cut off by Pascucci.

    PASCUCCI: Charlie...calm down man. I want him up I think he needs to keep an eye on the jeep and Clem.

    KENNY: Damn right...stay close alright?

    PASCUCCI: No problem.

    CHARLIE: Fine. dammit.

    Charlie gets out and shoves gently past Kenny. Just as he opens the back door to get in Jacob calls back to Charlie.

    JACOB: Charlie. Grab the garage door, will ya.

    CHARLIE: Alright, alright.

    Charlie lifts the latch at the bottom of the garage room door and pulls upwards quickly. He realizes almost immediately that he is facing a walker that is turned away from him about 100 yards away. The walker turns towards the room with the now open door. Charlie swiftly moves backwards towards the car.

    KENNY: Charlie! get in, get in!.

    KENNY: Alright! Let’s get out of here already!

    JACOB: Hold on everybody!

    Jacob revs forward with the jeep knocking the walker underneath. As they drive out of the room the headlights illuminate the space in front, which is occupied by a few more walkers that seem to be trickling in from the left. Clem looks out her window to the left and realizes that those few walkers are a few of many.

    CLEM: Oh my god...

    JACOB: What?!

    CLEM: Jacob look over to the left...

    Jacob looks.

    JACOB: Shit. We need to get out of here quick.

    Jacob steers the jeep to the right. Watching behind him, waiting to see the car with the others pull out of the room too.

  • edited December 2013

    1st jeep - Jacob, Jessica, Clem, Eddie, Miranda and Tyler

    They head towards the main road as they drive through the horde as slow as a dead snail. "There are dozens, maybe hundreds of them!" says Clem with a panicked voice. The walkers push themselves to the car, pressing their rotten hands and faces at the windows. "Don't be afraid, Clem, we keep driving... Close your eyes..." says Jacob in a calm voice, then looking at Eddie in the rear-view mirror "... you, too, Eddie - just close your eyes...". The groans and screams fill the air. "Everybody: don't make a move - we don't want to attract them more than necessary." says Tyler. Clementine freezes, just moving her eyes to the left window and then to the right, lastly she decides to close her eyes. After two minutes of silence Jessica remarks "We've covered a distance of 50 yards, maybe 100 in 4 minutes and the monsters just keep following us in walking speed... I don't think this will work...". "Jessica, please... Shut up. You're upsetting Clementine unnecessarily. Better look into the mirror to locate the other car, I need to concentrate...". "You're right, Jacob - I'm sorry" she replies, looking into the side mirror without a move, trying to catch sight of the jeep behind them as the walkers disturb her view. She cannot see anything, so she abruptly adjusts the rear-view mirror, but no sight of the others unfortunately: "I can't see it, it's too many of them!". Tyler turns around to look through the back window, followed by louder grunts. As the other car cannot be seen he puts down Miranda on Eddie and suddenly sits up. "Sit down, what are you doing?!" Jacob urges him. "Ssssht!! Just keep driving..." Replies Tyler, opening the roof window and stretching out his head. After a few seconds he closes the window, yelling: "Stop! The other car doesn't move - they stopped, now being far behind us.". "What happened?!" Jessica asks shocked while trying not to move. "Dunno.. Maybe the jeep has broken down or something else happened - anyway: they need our help! What are we going to do?" Jacob stopped the car, now silently thinking while the walkers become more aggressive. "Tyler, grab the yellow weaponbag right behind you. Check what's in there besides the usual firearms - anything that causes enormous damage such as grenades? If not: do we have anything to build molotow-cocktails? We've found a firethrower back at the weapon storage: Jesus... Let it be in this bag..." While Tyler examines the weapons Clementine is thinking of Pascucci, Kenny and Charlie: Please, don't die...

    Scene swap - 2nd car - Pascucci, Kenny and Charlie

    Please continue

  • edited December 2013


    Pascucci has seemingly passed out and Kenny desperately tries to wake him up, but to no avail.

    ''What's happening Ken?'' Charlie had his eyes closed for the entire trip so far and only just noticed that they had stopped, ''Why aren't we moving?''

    ''I don't know what happened, he just passed out or something. I checked for bites, but he doesn't have any as far as I can tell.'', Kenny replies while pushing Pascucci onto the backseat next to Charlie.

    ''I guess I'll have to take over.''

    Kenny slid over to the driver's seat and started pushing the pedal. He slowly made his way through the growing horde of walkers, when suddenly, he noticed a familiar face emerging above this sea of undead.

    ''I see Tyler's face!'' Kenny yelled in excitement.

    Charlie was confused, why is Kenny ignoring Pascucci? He obviously needs care and attention, so why isn't he helping?

    ''How are you doing back there, everything alright?''

    ''I'm fine, but Pascucci looks a bit pale.'' Charlie replies, so he does care.

    ''Just hang in there, this'll all be over soon.''

    Scene swap - 1st car - Jacob, Jessica, Clem, Eddie, Miranda and Tyler

    ''I'm going to take another look at the other car,'', Tyler says, ''don't push the brake or they'll get to me, alright?''


    Tyler carefully opens the roof window and stretches out his head. He looks at where he last saw the car and notices that they're driving again. He closes the roof window and sits back down.

    ''They're moving, but the horde seems to be growing.''

    Clementine notices a slight hint of worry in Tyler's face, an emotion he hasn't shown very often, ''What if something happened to one of them?'' Clementine starts to sob, ''What if they had to stop because a walker got in, or someone was bit and turned or--''

    Clementine is interrupted by Tyler, who offers a shoulder to cry on. Clementine denies his offer.

    ''Puppy therapy's the best therapy.'', she says while thinking about Charlie. cold, serious Charlie.

    -Please continue-

  • had a 2 day hiatus but i am back now

  • Welcome back!

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    had a 2 day hiatus but i am back now

  • edited December 2013

    just going to put out there that when i write i write for ME and thats probably why my post above was hard to understand. while you where all thinking about how to go on with the story, i was thinking about what I could do next. if i had to write after me it would take me 2 minutes to organise a plan. im not bragging. this is a bad thing and reminders me of secondary school year 7. my friends where pretty lacklustre writers and preferred maths while i LOVED english. one day we played a game, everyone would start a story in there books and after 5 minutes you would change books with the other person and continue their story. (a lot like this) i started a story about an octopus named frank. he was a bacon farmer and one day he saw a giant finned object approaching his crops (i was weird okay) i thought it was a shark and thought that everyone would get it but i watched my freind stare at my story blankly wondering what he was supposed to do.

    as for mr Xer0Hack i have 2 words for you PISS OFF. Everyones worked on this thread and the writers are FANTASTIC better than me by far. they all want the best for this thread. sure i made a crap mistake. my second on this thread, but we are all human. saying that

    "this thread had potential but was runied so im out" is like saying "it was good when it started but you are so crap i cant read this anymore im out"

    Why insult other people when you have done NOTHING to help this thread. no story posts. no constructive criticism. you even called us kids witch is okay and for all we know everyone could be 13 but i can assure you a 13 year old would try to save this post not make it seem like its crap. you are a disgusting excuse for a troll and im glad glossy stood up for us because if i wasn't celebrating my grandmothers 100th birthday i would have given you a blast. now im going to walk my dog.

  • Welcome back, Zasca ;) I agree with you: Everybody has made a good job so far. We'll meet more Xer0Hack's, that's for sure. Let's just keep going on.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    just going to put out there that when i write i write for ME and thats probably why my post above was hard to understand. while you where all

  • I'm not going anywhere until this pseudo season is done.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    just going to put out there that when i write i write for ME and thats probably why my post above was hard to understand. while you where all

  • I've been busy learning for exams that's why I cannot continue with the story, unfortunately :(

  • I would like to get involved with the story, I posted twice when this thread first started and then just lost track I wanna contribute so is there anywhere I can find a summary so far. Don't bother writing one I don't want to cause any trouble just any briefs in the thread? Thanks

  • There's a summary at page nine, it's outdated, but it'll save you some time.

    I would like to get involved with the story, I posted twice when this thread first started and then just lost track I wanna contribute so is t

  • edited December 2013

    Off-topic: I think the OP SomeGuye should think about changing the title of the thread to make it clear that this is a fan-fiction type of thread. That way we might be able to attract some more readers and possible writers.

    So, SomeGuye, if you're reading this, please change the title to something more fitting!

  • I've actually siad the same thing several times though he never reacted

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Off-topic: I think the OP SomeGuye should think about changing the title of the thread to make it clear that this is a fan-fiction type of thr

  • edited December 2013

    I think a mod can change the name too. :)

    TheMissus posted: »

    I've actually siad the same thing several times though he never reacted

  • its okay. good luck

    TheMissus posted: »

    I've been busy learning for exams that's why I cannot continue with the story, unfortunately

  • what that 1 guy said. read the summary then read all the posts. good to have new people joining

    I would like to get involved with the story, I posted twice when this thread first started and then just lost track I wanna contribute so is t

  • edited December 2013

    Car 1
    "What have we got" jacob asked tyler

    "That ice pick, a hammer, the sniper and a pistol" said tyler

    "Give me the pick" said jacob "and take over"

    "What are you doing?" jessica asked

    "Covering you" said jacob. he lept out of the drivers seat and grabbed the ice pick. the walkers had surrounded car 2 and where trying to get inside. there where no walkers surrounding car 1 anymore. there where thousands of walkers behind them. jacob opened the door and lept out straight at the walkers. tyler opened the sunroof and begins blasting with the sniper. he looks at clem and chucks her a pistol.

    "You might need it" tyler said

    "I know" said clem jacob meanwhile was slicing through the walkers until he got into car 2


  • I think I may join in on this, though I'll let Zasca finish typing, of course.

  • go

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I think I may join in on this, though I'll let Zasca finish typing, of course.

  • Bump! Lol I couldn't sit back and let this thread die.

  • @TheMissus

    Lol, it's hilarious when Clem says "Like shit, right Lee?" in Episode 2 and everyone starts staring at Lee. XP

    TheMissus posted: »

    Yeah, I got it. Actually I belong to the impudent part of people that told Clem it smells like "shit".

  • im wating.... though if i come back and no one has posted il prepare a big post

    darnitben posted: »

    Bump! Lol I couldn't sit back and let this thread die.

  • That's weird, it still says in DITH's post that Kenny was bit and the baby didn't survive. I guess I'll keep reading on in case that changes. :P

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    Its not that kenny died its the confusion. the orginal post stated that kenny got bit while chasing the hooded person. as a hardcore walking d

  • edited December 2013


    Tyler's eyes were wide-open. The sound of something loud and heavy soaring through the sky with the speed of a jet, followed by the brightest explosion Clementine had ever seen. She got into a fetal position with Miranda in her arms and prepared for impact.

    The car flew in to the air and landed ten meters farther. A loud beep was stuck in Clementine's ears. She heard someone crying, was it her? She soon regained her sense of hearing and Jessica's desperate voice.

    ''Is everybody okay?'', Jessica asked with a small voice, ''Clementine, dear? Are you alright?''

    Clementine felt a sense of relief smelling the foul smell of dog breath. As she tries to get to Jessica, she screams in pain, ''AAAUUGHH. I think I broke something.''

    Jessica sighs in relief, ''You're alive, Clem, we need to get out of here. I don't think I'm hurt, the airbag protected me.''

    ''Is... is Kenny there?''


  • "There still in the other car" said jessica nervously "im not sure what happend to them" clem looked around and saw eddie Knocked out cold with his head almost off the seat. tyler was awake and trying to steer the car but it was proving difficult due to the crash. the second car road up next to them. it was almost untouched jacob ran out and looked at the car followed by kenny

    "Jesus christ you guys are screwed" said kenny He examined clems condition and turned to kenny "See what you did." he began "you see if she wasnt in that car she would be perfectly fuckin fine and its your goddamn fault"

    and keep this thing alive Continue

  • edited December 2013

    I've been waiting for the season two hype train to die down before coming back to this thread. That being said I'm completely confused as to what's going on, did one of the cars explode or something ? I think we need a new recap soon.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    "There still in the other car" said jessica nervously "im not sure what happend to them" clem looked around and saw eddie Knocked out cold wit

  • Who is your favorite character so far and why?

  • I was wondering if anybody minds making another summary, I haven't been on the forums for a while and I would like to get joined in.

  • ......killed the walker that was against Omid and Christa broke free. Thats is why Christa kinda hates Clem and when they got out of the house...

  • What?

    ......killed the walker that was against Omid and Christa broke free. Thats is why Christa kinda hates Clem and when they got out of the house...

  • Wrong thread ?

    ......killed the walker that was against Omid and Christa broke free. Thats is why Christa kinda hates Clem and when they got out of the house...

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