{EDIT} I removed that Pic, makes it seem like I'm hating on the walking dead which I'm not,Who ever mad that pic is dumb lol
New pic
Oh,Btw thanks for my first down vote
I put the Lori pic as a template so I could find a New TDWG Pic :P no hard feelings unlike some other people might have here...
Yellow: Also two people share an intimate moment/kiss/fuck.
Blue: More like smug-dick-whom-AMC-has-a-raging-boner-for-and-tries-too-hard pops in to ruin the moment. "You know what would make this show even better?" they said. "Granting our actors celebrity status!"
Season 4(of the TV show): mostly yellow. Seriously, who gives a shit about Brian?
Vote for who again?
Overly Attached Jolene
I tried
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Nailed it. Gonna need an awful lot of salt licks.
omfg the mario cart one, my sides!
XD Best picture and response ever
Tried my best
That racing cart one killed me. I laughed for a good minute. I'm saving that one.
You don't have to apologize for being awesome.
Manslayer should be taking notes.
Try overly attached misplaced parent.
Um...no? I didn't think so.
More bad news: your parents are dead!
Things on the market cost an arm and a leg these days...
I am Spartacus.
{EDIT} I removed that Pic, makes it seem like I'm hating on the walking dead which I'm not,Who ever mad that pic is dumb lol

New pic
Oh,Btw thanks for my first down vote
I put the Lori pic as a template so I could find a New TDWG Pic :P no hard feelings unlike some other people might have here...
I laughed 'til I cried when I saw this! I love it
Subscribe. I'll be doing the same for season 1 and 400 days. Plus the future releases of season 2 episodes.
I remember seeing that. My dad LOLed for like an hour.
Woah, Rebecca's got Miley Cyrus' chicken ass
Mark was my buddy. He was my pal.
"They killed Mark" "You bastards!"
Season 2, Mark becomes a watchdog: "Hey Mark." "Raourgh."
Season 2's Group in a nutshell.
Summed up season 2 in a few words
This ones sad

Yellow: Also two people share an intimate moment/kiss/fuck.
Blue: More like smug-dick-whom-AMC-has-a-raging-boner-for-and-tries-too-hard pops in to ruin the moment. "You know what would make this show even better?" they said. "Granting our actors celebrity status!"
Season 4(of the TV show): mostly yellow. Seriously, who gives a shit about Brian?