hbh128 which post are you referring too ?
cos i made the t800 face on clem i also did a kenny version :P which i posted somewhere,,
so just changing the eye's is creative ?
but adding and blending the whole face of a terminator isn't ?
you need to upload them to a host site, like photobucket then they give you a link to post choose the direct link and copy and paste it here then highlight the text and click the 4th tab from the left which looks like a landscape picture.
When I was playing with my friend TWD, we had to choose between saving Carley or Doug, we both agreed: Let's not save Doug. I mean, socks and … moresandals doesn't even make sense. Although, I'm not sure why more people didn't save Doug. I mean, Carley knew our secret, and we didn't knew her at the time. She coulda've been an asshole and spill her guts. I bet the only reason 27% saved Doug was that.
I saved Doug because he seemed strong (saved Carley) and somewhat intelligent (can fiddle with electronics). I also thought Carley had spare bullets on her.
I didn't regret the decision though. Lilly mentioned she had military training with the air force so she would have known how to handle a gun just as well (maybe better) as Carley. So we still had a strong shooter in the group, and saved someone who knew how to work electronic devices.
When I was playing with my friend TWD, we had to choose between saving Carley or Doug, we both agreed: Let's not save Doug. I mean, socks and … moresandals doesn't even make sense. Although, I'm not sure why more people didn't save Doug. I mean, Carley knew our secret, and we didn't knew her at the time. She coulda've been an asshole and spill her guts. I bet the only reason 27% saved Doug was that.
it is indeed a easter egg from sam & max
a bit old but yeah :P
ben is like: dat pickaxe
More points to whoever made this for being creative.
hbh128 which post are you referring too ?
cos i made the t800 face on clem i also did a kenny version :P which i posted somewhere,,
so just changing the eye's is creative ?
but adding and blending the whole face of a terminator isn't ?
That would be whoever did the reddit thingy that Mr. Agent of Chaos posted.
Can somebody tell me why my pictures never work?
gotcha :P i did say mine was old.... but that's your opinion :P
Is it supposed to be from Imgur? You need to use the direct link.
why is T-Dog looking at the ground? he's probably saying is that chocolate or something else?
you need to upload them to a host site, like photobucket then they give you a link to post choose the direct link and copy and paste it here then highlight the text and click the 4th tab from the left which looks like a landscape picture.
and your done !
LOL!!! I love it!
You're getting a like because that comment was awesome.
He looks very asian.
Nah, I just liked Doug more, and Carley seemed like she could be a cool character, but eh. Ehhhhhhhh. Doug it was.
More like Lee-gend!
The Freshmaker.
I have this pic saved. >u<
And the rabbit from episode 2!
I saved Doug because he seemed strong (saved Carley) and somewhat intelligent (can fiddle with electronics). I also thought Carley had spare bullets on her.
I didn't regret the decision though. Lilly mentioned she had military training with the air force so she would have known how to handle a gun just as well (maybe better) as Carley. So we still had a strong shooter in the group, and saved someone who knew how to work electronic devices.
I got the idea from someone's comment, but I can't remember whose it was

Fuck. I want this game!!!
kenney was found killed by zombie shark moments later.