Timeline - Comic vs. Game
I've seen some people claim that the game is already more than a year ahead of the latest comic. Why do you guys think so? According to this timeline it's been about 2.3 years since Lee met Clementine in her treehouse.
There is no accurate timeline for the comics, but there are a few hints here and there in the comics. In Issue #91 Rick said that they were almost 2 years into the apocalypse:
This is how Carl looked back then:
And this is how he looks now in the latest comic, Issue #118:
As you can see his hair is much longer, so I think it's save to say that many months have passed in the last 27 comics. I'd guess they are maybe about 2.5 years into the apocalypse now.
Does anyone know if Telltale are allowed to create their own non-canon future for Kirkman's universe? I think this is important to know, because otherwise they won't be able to continue to tell Clementine's story anymore after this season.
The game is already non-canon so I don't see why they can't go on, but I assume they wouldn't want to stray too far from the comics.
Where do people get this info Wikipedia(Bullshit Version)? I think the comic is more like 3-4 years in and yes the game is indeed Canon with the comics
I think it's a safe bet to say we won't see a fully grown Clementine. Though i guess they would be able to stretch the story for 1-2 years max.
I think it has to be something between 2 and 3 years, because on the official TWD website they say that Carl is 9 now. And he was 7 in the first comics, wasn't he?
But he looks much older for sure.
From the thread about the Reddit posts.
Thats wrong anyways man, Robert Kirkman himself said it was canon and telltale said last season it was canon, hence why Glenn and Herschel where in it
7 or 8, yeah he looks like 15 or 16 now,lol. They keep it annoyingly vague when it comes to timeline
Timeline wise I'm pretty sure the tv show has surpassed the comic because they keep skipping winter so thats about 6 months forward at the start of each season plus In the next few seasons (if the show doesnt get cancelled) it will surpass the comics,be interesting to see what they do then in that situation
It is 100% canon with the comics dude trust me, thats as confirmed as Lee's death. That guy got false information
From what I remember in the comics there has only been one Christmas(when Rick reached the prison and Morgan gave his son a game boy when Kirkman did the issue showing what Morgan and Duane were doing). Yes carl was 7 when the comic started but I think he was close to his 8th birthday. I think Carl's 8th birthday was before Christmas. When Rick reaches the Alexandra safe zone iI think it was Halloween time. I think Carl had his 9th birthday some time in the fall (Autum), hence why he is still only 9, so I think the video game is further in the time line by season 2 than the comics are but i'm sure it won't be long till Kirkman confirms Carl's age in a conversation in the next couple of story arcs.
I don't get why the game couldn't be canon? There is no reason for it not to be apart from the whole Lilly thing but Kirkman did say (in one of the letter hacks if im not mistaken) that the novel Lilly is not the Lilly from the game.
I read the comics and I also play the games and IMO there's something really cool about reading the comics and wondering where TWD game characters are or what sort of shit they have to deal with or even the possibility of them showing up in the comics.
If the game isn't canon then that is super annoying. That would mean we have 3 separate universes of TWD already.
I think they're saying that it's obvious that the Walking Dead game is not canon to the Fables universe.
The only winter they skipped was at the start of season 3. It's true that the show doesn't follow the comics to boot, but timeline wise it's the same thing.
"Where do people get this info Wikipedia(Bullshit Version)? I think the comic is more like 3-4 years in and yes the game is indeed Canon with the comics".
season 1 was canon but I don't think season 2 is. I think they decided to take the game in a different direction. There was even talk of them crossing over characters fron the show in the game at one point. If Clem is as old as 11 then I don't see how it can still be canon with the comics what with Carl still being only 9, the age Clem was at the end of season one which was canon.
As for the wiki information, that was confirmed by Kirkman himself, not that long ago when he was saying what little time has passed in the comics and how Carl was 9.
I think Viner16 is right.
They also said this:
That's what they were referring too in the thread.
Carl was 7 when the apocalypse started, Clementine 9. Now Carl is 9 years old and Clementine 11 (?) years old, so in both cases the characters aged by 2 years.
No man that can't happen, you can't be canon in one season and then not canon the next,those where just rumors about the tv crossover,I assume telltale came to their senses and dismissed the ludicrous idea.
They did it again for season 4 no?
She was only 3 months from being nine though......... not like she was a year younger
Clem was actually eight at the start of the apocalypse...

You are right but only season 1 is canon with comics not season 2 if you dont believe start a dicussion about this on community
It was just a joke

Well Im sorry it's my first time wearing a womens thong, I'm not used to the lack of room......

I'm not gonna start a discussion on something that doesn't need discussing,of course it's still Canon, 100%.
No its not canon for you its canon lol...go start dicussion and then see comments
Well played...

Well played yourself :P

Oh my god I'm not even gonna waste time because I'll just get mad, it's like the Lee is alive thread all over again
Now that i think about it, you're right. Season 4 does start several months after the governor attacked the prison for the first time. But still, only 2 time skips have occurred. At the beginning of S3 and 4
So, S1 is cannon... But S2 is not? Care to elaborate?
In the comics you see the first Christmas within the first 10 issues, and they say not to mention it to the others, especially the kids..
Did Season 1 even get to that point?
I mean, I was so confused by that. If the game is canon with the comics, then shouldn't we have seen snow and Christmas?
Comics: Rick wakes up a month? after the beginning of the ZA. Rescued by Glenn, goes on a gun trip, comes back, trains for three weeks to shoot and Christmas is here!
Right? Where be da snow
This ^^^^
Great job, really.
Can I be the third best friend?
If the comics are 2.5 years into the apocalypse, that would actually match up pretty much perfectly with the game..
On another note, why can't the game go beyond the timeline of the comics and not be canon? I mean, the storylines of the two don't seem to even intersect past Episode 1.
So the game IS cannon to the comics? YES that makes things so much easier and cooler
Sure thing buddy get on in here!

Guys Hershell Greene and Glenn are both in TWD game and TV Show. The two characters are even exactly alike! INCOME SPOILER At the end of episode one glenn says "I gotta go to Atlanta. I have friends out there." hence episode one takes place around the same time as episode one of the TV show or before the TV show. Hershell also tell his son to check on his sisters. When Rick's group in the TV Show meet Hershell ON HIS FARM in season 2 of the TV Show he has two daughters AND NO SON. Game is 100% cannon to the TV Show.
Bro hug!