Foul Language Filter



  • edited January 2013
    JordyLicht wrote: »
    Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's a game where horrific things occur, which are definitely rated R, but instead of requesting a violence and gore filter, he's more shocked by the language?

    That doesn't seem askew to you at all?

    Guy with unpopular viewpoint asks simple question in forum. Angry mob forms and lynches him for daring to step outside the mainstream majority opinion.

    You're completely ok with this?
  • edited January 2013
    Cyreen wrote: »
    Didn't, but obviously you did. Hypocrisy is fun, do it again!

    You're right Cyreen, I guess I do take it a little personally when I see everyone gang up on someone for an infraction so small as this. Live and let live, my friends.

    Non-judgmental response:
    Sorry, that feature is not available.

    Why would you possibly want that? Only in America :rolleyes:

  • edited January 2013
    nojuan wrote: »
    Guy with unpopular viewpoint asks simple question in forum. Angry mob forms and lynches him for daring to step outside the mainstream majority opinion.

    You're completely ok with this?

    I don't see it as lyching. More like making fun of him.
    Is making fun of people bad? Probably, but it sure is funny. There's a whole reality-television industry built on this concept.

    And on a personal note, yes, I'm ok with this. In my humble opinion, I believe it's pretty sad to be shocked by words. I don't believe in 'bad words', there's no such thing; only bad contexts. People using words to hurt people are bad people. Saying shit or fuck because you're expressing an emotion is not hurting anyone.
  • edited January 2013
    JordyLicht wrote: »
    I don't see it as lyching. More like making fun of him.
    Is making fun of people bad? Probably, but it sure is funny.

    I guess this is where I disagree, but I see where you're coming from. Think it would be a better world if we could learn to tolerate and accept that people have different views.

    Anyway, I've said my piece. G'night all.
  • edited January 2013
    *smashes Nojuan's windshield*

    This is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps! This is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps!
  • edited January 2013
    You see what happens, Larry?! You see what happens?!
  • edited February 2013
    Anguish wrote: »
    I've recently been playing the walking dead on the 360 and i really enjoy it but i was just curious if there is or will ever been a Foul Language Filter.I know a lot of people play this game including children ages around 14 and up,not mine obviously because i don't have any.I know it's a mature rated game but there should be an option for it in case your playing this around family or friends with underage kids.I'm not here to nag I'm just here to suggest an add on or update for the title.What's your thoughts?
    Listen. I'm 14 and play this game. I can say that it doesn't matter what age you are, it's called 'mature' for a reason. If you are playing an M Rated game, expect M Rated content. Plus, who plays this game around family or friends? They'll just argue about your choices. :p But in all honesty, language filters are useless, just like censorship on a rap album. Practically everything is bleeped out and on top of that, it sounds like the guy is on a phone call inside of a cave.
  • edited February 2013
    This games theme overall really isn't suited for kids who can't hear a person swear, jeese. A lot of work and doesn't make sense at all.
  • The TV shows use very little in the way of foul language. It's certainly something that's not necessary. An option to turn it off would be nice. I don't mind blood and gore myself, but it would be nice of them to have an option to turn that off as well. I'm sure there are people who get sick at the sight of blood, but would otherwise not mind the rest.

    I don't get why there are so many people against this option in games in general. It's not about censorship. It's about having the right to enjoy a game without having to hear something that's offensive to you.

    This really should be an option in all games and movies. Brutal Legend was a good example that movies and games should have followed. It's a pity I still hear a lot of profanity that sounds forced. Most of Kenny's dialogue was reduced to garbage because of it.

  • edited January 2014

    In the wise words of Eddie, "WHAT?! Fuck no!"



    Ok, I don't feel that strongly about it, but Eddie's just cool.

    In all seriousness, I don't think it really has any reason to be there. Fuck and shit and all that are just words. Who cares? They're gonna hear them eventually.

  • edited January 2014

    It's an option. Why does it matter to you?

    That's like being upset because there's a difficult game and someone asks if they could add normal and easy options.
    "Dude! The game was made to be hard. If you can't handle it then go play Super Mario. The game was made for me and my homies bro. Me. And. My. Homies."

    You care or you wouldn't post. Unless you feel a strong compulsion to reply to every thread in this forum.

    It's a fairly simple option that wouldn't impact the games for those that already enjoy them as they are. If you like it like it is, fine, then don't turn it off. If you don't want to hear it though then it would be nice to have the option.

  • Personally, I don't want dev time wasted on "options" that very few people are likely to use.

    It's an option. Why does it matter to you? That's like being upset because there's a difficult game and someone asks if they could add norm

  • The TV show doesn't use profanity because it's on basic cable. There's only so much you can get away with. I imagine if it was on HBO or Showtime, it would be a different story.

    As far as Kenny, dude lost his wife and child. You really think he would make an effort to restrain his emotions? If anything, his profanity specifically is more realistic than everyone elses.

    The TV shows use very little in the way of foul language. It's certainly something that's not necessary. An option to turn it off would be nic

  • I see. So it's a waste of dev time to provide an optional feature that would provide a better, more enjoyable game experience to a minority of people? I watched it played through on youtube. Had to mute it mostly. I would buy the game and future installments if the option were present. I'm sure there are others that feel the same.

    Actually I love the Game of Thrones series. There's no religious profanity.
    I'm very likely in a very low minority since I don't mind the other stuff.

    There was actually one part where Kenny used religious profanity instead of saying "shi*", which sounded really awkward to me.
    As far as I could tell his language didn't change much after his wife and kid died. If anything he talked less, which was ideal as far as I was concerned.

    Actually I found that religious profanity is grossly overused in this game. At least twice as much as the f-word. Shi-, Hell, Dam-, etc.. are hardly used at all. 90% of the time it's like listening to a PG-13 movie.

    Yeah, maybe I'm weird for not minding the other stuff while cringing at what others consider a lesser offense. I just really dislike religious profanity for a number of reasons. On a personal level I find it is offensive. If I take a step back and look at the word objectively then I can honestly say:
    1. Religious people should know better
    2. Atheists have no use for it.
    3. It usually sounds awkward compared to other expletives.

    I mean.. I can see someone finding a situation frustrating and saying f--- or sh-- or whatever, but that? If you take away the fact that it's just offensive to some people then it's as silly as saying, "Goshdarn it! I don't give a goshdarn! If I catch em, I'll rip out their goshdarned throats!"

    The word's just hollow and goofy without the offense and shock value. At least shi* means something.
    What's the religious profanity saying? Really? Have you ever thought about it?
    You're either saying that something is cursed by God, or you're asking God to curse it. Wait.. what? Are you praying? But you put God as lowercase. Oh.. what is that now? You're not praying, obviously. Is it a two word phrase? One word? Do you even know?
    I know! Just say "dam-" and leave God out of it.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    This game is rated M17+ it contains

    Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language

    You had a warning before you played

    In my opinion they are portraying the swearing in a realistic way, There are people like Kenny who swear when they are angry or upset and i don't feel that they overused "religious profanity" compared to what people like Kenny use the real world, I personally didn't hardly notice the swearing as i was enjoying the story more than being offended and there are far worse things in the game that a little bit of religious profanity.

  • Religious swearing is fair game as far as I am concerned. Same as jokes about religion. How anyone can be insulted by this beggars belief. If I were to be offended if someone insulted the tooth fairy or Father Christmas, people in the real world would think I was nuts. It's the same thing. You can't be offended by something that doesn't exist.
    I suppose though, there are many more religious fanatics in America than Great Britain.

    At the end of the day, if you feel 'offended' by it. Don't play it, simple.

    I see. So it's a waste of dev time to provide an optional feature that would provide a better, more enjoyable game experience to a minority of

  • edited January 2014

    To me, personally, religious profanity is just as offensive if not moreso than racist remarks. But that's just me I guess?

    I've looked at the word objectively. It's hollow, worthless, and contributes nothing of value to whatever work it's used in. Dam- would suffice and doesn't manage to offend every religious person (or at least those who mind broken commandments) within earshot.

    There should be an addition to that for when religious profanity is used. The ratings should include Religious Profanity. There are rated R movies that don't have it and yet PG 13 movies that do.

  • edited January 2014

    Actually, plenty of atheists do use religiously derived curses, simply because that's what's available and commonly used in our culture. Avoiding useful words just because they have their origin in religion would be like making up your own dating system because you don't want to use the Gregorian calender or your own days of the week because you don't want to pay homage to Tyr, Odin, Thor and Freya. Sure, you could do it if staying pure was THAT important to you, but in a world where you have to pick your battles, it seems like a pretty trivial thing to get in a skirmish over.

    (I don't speak for all atheists, obviously, and I know some have made a conscious effort to strip religious language from their vocabulary; opinions definitely vary.)

    (Edit: oops, some things popped up in between while I was writing this! It's in response to PaladinHeart four posts up.)

    I see. So it's a waste of dev time to provide an optional feature that would provide a better, more enjoyable game experience to a minority of

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2014

    Just a warning try not to turn this into a Religious debate as it always ends badly.

    I also don't know how someone could find swearing more offensive than having the option shoot a 10 year old child in the head.

  • edited January 2014

    So, it was never about actual profanity but supposed religious "blasphemy". If that's the case, I have to wonder why you are interested in TWD universe at all. I would imagine the idea of walking corpses tramples all over the entire idea of a peaceful afterlife.

    In all seriousness, it is "used" the way it's used to provide emphasis. It's the same reason people say "Motherfucker" or a string of expletives instead of just one on their own. For example, you would say "goshdoggit" instead of just "doggit"

    I'm not trying to be an intolerant asshole here, but the concept works both ways. I would also imagine that any filter they would bother with would only include the fucks and shits of the world. The only time I hear "God damn" censored anywhere is on the radio, and only on select stations.

    I see. So it's a waste of dev time to provide an optional feature that would provide a better, more enjoyable game experience to a minority of

  • The story, the characters, the blood, the killing, the decisions. They're all within the context of the story. They're not real. The 10 year old child is a pixel. The voice actor is, most likely, still alive and ticking, regardless of your decision in the story. When you're watching a movie and there's a sex scene, they're not really going at it (or at least I should hope not xD But I guess that depends on the type of movies you watch.. lol).

    But the words are there. An offense to both my eyes and my ears. When I'm reading a book I can cover it up. When I'm out in public, say, in Walmart or whatever, I honestly don't hear religious profanity very often, if at all (perhaps a result of living in the Bible Belt region). If I do hear it, then it's over and gone.

    But let's say I'm watching a movie. I get halfway through it.. and they use religious profanity. What am I going to do? Turn it off? Give them another chance? Two more chances?

    Yeah. I get it. Just don't watch the movie. Don't play the game. That's your answer. I should just half watch all the movies I rent/buy. Half play all the games I buy. Yeah. You win. Winner takes it all. People like me? I'm just a nutjob? Right? You're the majority. Mob rules. You win. Maybe the devs can save enough time NOT doing this to make 800 Days.

  • I'm an atheist. I still say 'Jesus fucking christ' and 'goddammit' and so forth, without really even thinking about how intrinsically non-sensical such a curse is if taken literally. Mostly because its not meant literally; its just a generic curse in English which, if it ever truly had a serious religious connection, long ago lost it. Its a product of a culture whose roots are deeply intertwined with Christianity, even for those people who aren't Christians. I've met Jews who behave similarly, saying 'Jesus christ' in moments of frustration without thinking at how absurd it is to do so.

    I'm sorry if religious cursing seriously bothers some religious people, but the simple truth is that the proportion of the gaming population likely to be offended by that particular issue is so tiny that its hard to blame Telltale for not catering to them.

  • Yeah. I get it. Just don't watch the movie. Don't play the game. That's your answer. I should just half watch all the movies I rent/buy. Half play all the games I buy. Yeah. You win. Winner takes it all. People like me? I'm just a nutjob? Right? You're the majority. Mob rules. You win. Maybe the devs can save enough time NOT doing this to make 800 Days.

    I'm not invalidating your complaint, but the hard truth is that those with minority values often just have to either avoid mainstream entertainment that offends those values or learn to enjoy said entertainment in spite of such irritants. A Hindu may think the idea of harming a cow is appalling, but if they're looking for specialized versions of movies and games which omit all references to steak, they're probably going to be disappointed.

    The story, the characters, the blood, the killing, the decisions. They're all within the context of the story. They're not real. The 10 year o

  • edited January 2014

    Ugh. I apologize for applying my personal reasons for wanting these features. It's irrelevant to the actual request.
    I'm pretty sure there are a LOT of people who watch the series on TV that would cringe at the comics. Personally I wouldn't bother with them just because I don't really care for B&W comics. xP

    Just asking for an OPTIONAL Foul Lanuage filter.
    Along with an OPTIONAL Blood and Gore filter.

    Just options. It's not like I'm asking the devs to remove it from the game completely.
    It would open up the game to a larger fan-base.

    Is that unreasonable? Why?

    Are you saying you don't want the option because you simply don't want the devs to "waste time" on it?
    Or do you have ulterior reasons?

    Edit: And it's not about "Hey, my 10 yr old wants to play this!"
    It's about opening up the game to a larger audience. Some people don't like bad language. Some don't like blood and gore. Some don't like either.

    I hadn't really thought about the blood and gore option though. I just thought they could remove all the blood effects if you turn that option on. There's the zombies. I guess they could replace all the red gore on them with green... lol

    Honestly the game isn't THAT long. I don't think it would take much effort to apply two options. Sheesh. The whole Dexter series? Yup. That'd take a while. This game? Not so much. Really up to the devs though, if they get enough requests. Discussing it is meaningless.

  • edited January 2014

    Wasting time on something that wouldn't get adequately utilized is a perfectly valid reason, though I don't think Telltale should stifle themselves creatively to try to appeal to everyone.

    What makes you think a language/violence filter will suddenly draw in more people anyway? I don't think the kind of people who wouldn't play this game in it's current state will suddenly become more interested if bad words were bleeped out or replaced with something more tame, or if all the blood was covered up and the characters were using water pistols instead of actual firearms. The implications are still there, and any person smart enough or any parent who kept their child away from such things in the first place would recognize it immediately.

    I'm sorry, but there are better "options" out there. Like foreign language localization.

    Ugh. I apologize for applying my personal reasons for wanting these features. It's irrelevant to the actual request. I'm pretty sure there a

  • In all honesty I have no trouble with the swearing in this game, but I can think of a good reason for a swear filter. As someone mentioned in TWAU, quite often the swearing is rather meaningless and doesn't add to the game other than to make the game seem more mature. You could easily drop half the swear words and still have the same intensity. As I said though, I don't think it should matter as if your going to play this game, swearing shouldn't be the thing you get offended by lol :D

  • My 11 year old cousin played it and the swearing was fine. I'm sure she here's worse than that at school.

    JordyLicht posted: »

    Disable swearing in the game? Never gonna happen... Like other people said, it's rated 17+, so people under that age shouldn't be playing it anyway. Btw, there are no bad words, only bad context.

  • edited October 2015

    I think every m rated game should have a language and gore filter option to broaden the appeal (more and more games are getting these options lately). It seems the language one would be especially easy to implement. I think it's silly when people say anyone should be okay with language if they are okay with violence. Television censors language before violence all the time so it shouldn't seem foreign.

  • I don't think a M rated game with zombies and gore is going to remove swearing .

  • edited October 2015

    Why'd you guys bump a year and a half old thread? Might as well state a point. I disagree that there should be a language filter. Maybe in other games but this is a definitive story and I don't think it's necessary. The game is clearly very mature even if there was no language, blood or gore, and a language filter is a waste of time and would remove from the experience anyway. Save that for more action-orientated games like CoD or Assassin's Creed, where removing blood and language can very effectively change the game from an adult to teen game while keeping the experience near the same.

    208sr posted: »

    I think every m rated game should have a language and gore filter option to broaden the appeal (more and more games are getting these option

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