Yeah I think she will just stop wearing it though rather than losing it,I feel like at that point she is cutting all ties she will probably end up burning the picture of Lee if she still has it too.
Yeah that's pretty sad. It's implied it is the blood from the gunshot if Clem kills him, but otherwise it's still him bleeding all over it when he hands it to her (shard of glass or stump)
Yeah that's pretty sad. It's implied it is the blood from the gunshot if Clem kills him, but otherwise it's still him bleeding all over it when he hands it to her (shard of glass or stump)
Looks like she is going to be in a group of bandits or some crazy tribe of people, and shit is going to go down! xD
Yeah that's pretty sad. It's implied it is the blood from the gunshot if Clem kills him, but otherwise it's still him bleeding all over it when he hands it to her (shard of glass or stump)
It actually get's the blood splattered on it when Lee is bitten at the end of Episode 4
Clem without a hat is like a Kenny without a stache. Forget it.
Look at my picture,she probaly already lost it.
It dosent mean shes gona lose it look at S1 episode 3&4 slides Lee is shown wearing the jacked from episode 2 but he dosent wear it in those episodes.
ghnkl;mfkldkjgkldjg yes i think clementine, hat 3uhh09yjhjnlkjhi3yu9ig
I hope she doesn't. As previously mentioned, it's her last physical link to Lee. Also, she looks... wrong without it. Just look at her!
I think that they'll give the player a choice to leave the hat/ not wear it or to keep the hat/ wear it.
Damn. So it is literally the wound that killed him that is splattered all over her hat. That's deep.
Mortal Klembat
Hahha yeah it's pretty symbolic.
we see blood on her face probably she killed the guy that stole her hat?:D
I know right! XD
her hat is special i hope she doesn't lose it or gets taken away from her.
episode four. she'll lose it by then.