I abused tweedle? Seriously?
During the interrogation with tweedle, I absolutely did not choose ANY violent choices AT ALL and never hit or harmed him ONCE; and I even specifically tried to pick the nicest responses. Then here comes snow all angry and upset saying she's all disappointed in me and shit for "abusing" him. I guess this isn't really a big deal IF no matter what she was inevitably going to react that way, but the question still stands as to why she would if you didn't even put your hand on the guy. Oh and I forgot to mention that I was getting tweedle to spill out info while not harming him at all, and blue beard kept constantly saying "This isn't working" or "You're being too nice to him", but CLEARLY tweedle kept spilling out little things about faith and his boss and so on.
Also relative to my issue with that, I get that characters are going to perceive you for the way you talk to them, but DAMN CAN THEY OVERREACT. Like you could say something that isn't even that bad or it might even be neutral, and they react to it like you just said that you support child molesting or something. I get that there are bigger focuses on the game, and maybe the characters reactions are purposely dramatized to leave no debate about how they feel towards what you said, but I don't think it would be asking too much to make that aspect of the game a LITTLE more realistic.
Also sometimes I don't think it should be that hard to figure out which response is good and which is bad sometimes. There are times when I think I'm choosing a good choice and the other person calls me an asshole or something. (Maybe that's just my problem of the perception of the choices.)
Nice to him? You're some kind of wimp? Harden up. Grab the bottle and smash fatass.
The choices aren't always as clear cut as "good" or "bad", and if someone's morality is different enough from yours, they'll think you're an asshole even if you made the "good" choice. It works that way in real life, too!
I was a little surprised by Snow's reaction, too. Now, if I'd just been standing around while Bluebeard beat on Tweedle, I can see her giving me guilt by association. But I was in the middle of fighting with him when she walked in!
Really? That sucks, but the post above gives a good explanation for that imo.
Call me weird but I felt the same way about Toad when I did get pretty violent with Dee. Yeah scaring his son like that is definitely warranted for his disapproval of me, but we're also talking about a guy that threatened to kill his son... which I think definitely deserves a bottle to the face. I kinda wish an option to mention that had been given because that's one reason I decided to act mean for this playthrough.
Ok...I love TellTale,but even i have to admit this episode needed some...err...i dunno,smoothing?It just is a little rough around the edges,but i'm sure the staff will figure it out!I trust them,and maybe...maybe you guys should do the same,too?They just encountered some...i don't even know,but they're gonna get back on track,i'm sure of it!
she didn't know how you handled the interrogation,you could explain that it wasn't you who start the violence,and put the obvious blame at bluebeard,also,you don't have to treat him like a fucking prince,you can still annoy and threaten him and will not get frowned upon by toad,as long as you don't physically abuse the one you captured
Contrary to the dialogue you the game really did think that you went the "nice" way. Because that scene has two alternate outcomes:
a) If you treat him nicely, then you end up in a fight with Bluebeard which Snow encounters.
b) if you be a dick to him and hit him, then Ichabod tries to stop you, and Snow catches you about to punch Ichabod.
So if Snow saw you confronting Bluebeard then that means you were nice to Dee.
I know this because each option unlocks one Book of Fable and in order to unlock all I had to play the sequence again.
You have the option to say "It wasn't me". Snow only came in and saw a beaten up Tweedle (due to Bluebeard's doing) and immediately assumed that it was you who abused him, since Bigby was prone to violence in his past. By saying "It wasn't me" you can resolve the situation a bit.
I picked all the nice options too, Bluebeard said I should give him a massage! His anger was kind of amusing
But, if you pick all the nice options, you have the option to say to Snow "it wasn't me", and she basically backs off.
I know.
It still doesn't make really much sense. I wan't even just nice to Dee, i actually stoped Bluebeard from harming him, WHICH SHE SAW.
But oh, how could i possibly abuse that poor man so horribly.
This episode was pretty poor in some aspects and not just the length.
I have a question, if you ask tweedledee about what he was doing at toads, is there a possibility that he might kill TJ?
Nobody touches TJ while i'm still kickin'!
I've done the interrogation scene 3 times now. I tried being super nice to Woody and Dee, to the point where Bluebeard steps in and complains. And I also tried being brutal with Dee and raging at him until Crane tried to intervene. In both of the "nice" scenarios Snow steps in and fusses about me "abusing" a prisoner. Like chiaroscuro said, you get to tell her that you weren't hurting him and that Bluebeard was the out of control one.
So, I guess no matter what you do Snow gets pissed. Figures.
I did go through it again and picked the "It wasn't me." option and it did work a little better.. Although she was still pretty bitchy.. lol
Well duh, because a prosoner was being abused, it doesn't matter if it's Bigby or Bluebeard that did it.
Why are you surprised by her reaction? A prisoner was being tortured.
Yeah, but she specifically blames you for harming the prisoner, even saying that she thought you were past that sort of aggression and that you could control yourself. If she had gotten angry at you for attacking Bluebeard that would have made sense, but in this case it kind of failed . Just an extra line at the beginning saying bluebeard instead of prisoner, why telltale, why did you break the immersion! lol
As spike1 said, she specifically points the finger at Bigby and accuses him of abusing the prisoner. Even if he didn't touch him.
The quote is "What the hell was going on down there, Bigby? Abusing a prisoner. I thought you could control yourself." She says this even if you don't touch a hair on the prisoner's head.
Except that doesn't break the immersion, it really doesn't matter who tortures the prisoner, Big by was still part of it.
You forget that she walks in to see a beat up prisoner and it is something Big by might do, so it not hard to see why she might assume so.
Again, no duh. Giving his history, are you surprised she might assume he did beat up the prisoner?
Bitchy? Just because she's angry that a prisoner was abused?
You really shouldn't say that.
Actually, yes. I'm surprised that Snow would jump to conclusions like that. She is generally portrayed as a straightforward, relatively logical character and it didn't make sense to me that she would blame him when she didn't see what had happened and she walked in on Bigby fighting Bluebeard and telling him to lay off the prisoner. It was strange to me that she didn't connect the dots.
If she had yelled at Bigby for letting the interrogation get out of hand, or for engaging Bluebeard, then it would make sense. But, it does not make sense for her to just assume that Bigby hit the prisoner when she wasn't there to see anything. Snow has known Bigby for hundreds of years. He even showed her mercy when they first met. She knows there is more to him than the "Big and Bad" thing.
It would have been more fitting if she had just said "What the hell was going on down there?" and left it at that.
Its possible she might assume that, but I would think she would be much more concerned with the visible fight going on between bluebeard and him. Snow would have asked about what was going on down there regarding bluebeard, especially how the prisoner doesn't look that bad, he only got punched in the stomach once lol(And yes, I know how that feels, it knocks the breath out of you but by the time snow is back you would be mostly fine, especially if you can fall down several stories and land on a veranda breaking the metal and not be injured). All Snow ever sees is the last second of the fight between bigby and bluebeard, and I think any sensible person who sees:
a) a visible fight between two fables
b) A guy sitting in a chair with a cigarette in his mouth
Which would you choose to inquire about first? Especially seeing how the next scene cuts away, it means the fight would have been resolved and Snow would probably know why it had happened. It broke immersion for me as well as there is no way to fix her attitude towards you, especially as you would have to make an illogical jump to assume Bigby had beat the prisoner(Assuming you could see him injured at all), and she would have been corrected while down in the chamber. But I think in this situation we are both right, its possible that she might have thought bigby had injured the prisoner, but on the other hand while doing so she has made several illogical jumps, disregarded an active fight, and not bothered to know what actually happened. Telltale also made the mistake of giving no way to fix her attitude by feeding her correct information, which any person should understand and fix there perception based on it.
But thats just my opinion
But she was still basically directing it towards me as if I was responsible for it. Oh and also me perceiving how she was is my own subjective opinion. Whether she really was bitchy or not, It is completely fine for me to interpret it one way or another. Now I COULD be wrong about it, but you opposing my perception in this case is like me saying "You really shouldn't say that." If you told me that you thought your teacher in class was boring or something, I mean its YOUR opinion on how that person comes off to you. So maybe you could tell me YOUR OPINION on why she WASN'T being bitchy, but again, this being a strictly subjective topic on how I thought someone was acting; technically I could say whatever the hell I want
actually you can say that it wasn't you who did that and blame bluebeard for it
I meant her reaction specifically to Bigby. I'd expect her to object to what was going on, but (in my playthrough) Bigby was physically trying to stop Bluebeard, so it's odd that Snow treated him as if he was happily going along with torturing the suspect.