The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • wow, that was pretty depressing. But hey, not everyone here is some sort of tech master. Just ask Carley.....................oh wait, nvm :'(

    Pell3t posted: »

    Here I sit looking at these awesome gifs thinking how little I know about my computer/internet. I don't even know how to put music on my mp3 p

  • Wait, Carley isn't a--

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    TWDFan86 posted: »

    wow, that was pretty depressing. But hey, not everyone here is some sort of tech master. Just ask Carley.....................oh wait, nvm

  • 4-6 weeks?

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    SaltLick305 posted: »

    "Episodes will be periodically released every 4-6 Weeks" Sike ScumbagTelltale TheyStillRock

  • edited February 2014
  • Oh my god. That is disturbing lol

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    GdaTyler posted: »


  • Silly Clem, a wizard is only dead when he means to be.

  • Hey, hey, hey now! I believe the proper term is urbans.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Unless Kenny has something against reporters and black dudes.

  • Or maybe yes squared times infinity.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Maybe. Maybe yes.

  • Ah, one of my favorite pics from DA. I needed that.

    Zeruis posted: »

    Fucking hell... Eye-bleach for everyone:

  • "That's a...reasonable thing to feel."

  • At least we can look forward to the comics :D?

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    Viner16 posted: »

    At least we can look forward to the comics ?

  • Maybey a "Bad luck Ben" too eh?

    That gives me an idea. To make it more Walking Dead related, we should take all 'bad luck brians' and make them into 'bad luck vinces'. "That's not bad! What do you think, kiwi?"

  • or infinite family in the comics....

  • Are you really so self involved as to believe that anyone is going to read all this crap? And come on! The big Wall Street thing where banks stole all peoples money, happened a few years ago, the thing Americas still in the process of recovering from. The thing that Telltale was referencing.

    What does removing the word 'define' change. You still awkwardly defined rape for no apparent reason. Is there a reason? ""to protect or strengthen against attack". "Convince" or otherwise persuade isn't ever part of any of the word's definitions." WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! What does this have to do with anything? What point are you trying to make here? I'm not trying to tear apart your argument, to do that I'd have to understand it.

    Did you just accuse me of passive aggression in a passive aggressive way? And let me rephrase, not "pseudo", pseudo-philosophical.

    If you don't want a truce we should just start posting "you suck," back and forth until someone loses. It'd be more productive.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I didn't say that... ... ...... Prison is pretty much the furthest extent of punishment I would wish on any criminal in the stock market

  • I feel Clem is more lawful good, with her acting as the player's conscience, but this is cool.

  • If he was, then it would be just bad story writing. Just plain bad.

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text My reaction when I saw this.

    GdaTyler posted: »


  • edited February 2014

    Nice work!
    But there's one thing I don't understand about Mark here.
    He climbed downstairs during dinner time. But later he was upstairs again when he, as a walker, attacked Brenda.
    I think he was too weak to climb upstairs himself(with his legs gone), and the St Johns didn't have a reason or the time to carry him back up(they were busy beating people and locking them up).
    So my question here is how did Mark get upstairs again? Anyone has a clue?

    TheMissus posted: »

    Georgia's finest cuisine

  • They could probably make it look a hell of a lot scarier too if they tried hard enough xD

    like another 'dream sequence' ? imho i'd proper lose my shit if they do..

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited February 2014

    I don't know who made this originally

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    I decided to make a Clementine version

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  • Nice work!
    But there's one thing I don't understand about Mark here.
    He climbed downstairs during dinner time. But later he was upstairs again when he, as a walker, attacked Brenda.
    I think he was too weak to climb upstairs himself(with his legs gone), and the St Johns didn't have a reason or the time to carry him back up(they were busy beating people and locking them up).
    So my question here is how did Mark get upstairs again? Anyone has a clue?

    TheMissus posted: »

    Georgia's finest cuisine

  • edited February 2014

    sry, double post

  • So my question here is how did Mark get upstairs again?

    like that:
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    Lindon posted: »

    Nice work! But there's one thing I don't understand about Mark here. He climbed downstairs during dinner time. But later he was upstairs aga

  • edited February 2014

    On my like 17th play through of TWD (Seriously, I love this game, if Telltale make an android version of the game, I will buy it again, for the 5th time, and the 3rd time for S2), just finished episode 2, this happened (In case the photo doesn't post properly, here is the link

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  • sorry about that. at first I thought it was kind of a spoiler; changed my mind later, and didn't know how to get rid of the spoiler warning sign...

    TheMissus posted: »

    sry, double post

  • Larrys not a jedi ,that happens whenever too much charm comes outta his ass at the one time - it's only temporary.

    On my like 17th play through of TWD (Seriously, I love this game, if Telltale make an android version of the game, I will buy it again, for th

  • So much charm that it holds salt licks at angles deemed impossible by the laws of gravity? :P

    Larrys not a jedi ,that happens whenever too much charm comes outta his ass at the one time - it's only temporary.

  • I think Lee learned from Hershel's almighty power in that bell tower fight

  • cant... stop... laughing X)

    i like....

  • Sam's redemption... nuff said

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