Who here thinks Rebecca is a b!tch?

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

Is it just me or is Rebecca just a downright bitch? There's no use being so hostile just because you're a whore and got impregnated by a random guy. I hope she's the next casualty. I won't feel sorry for her.



  • She is, and it's a fucking shame. Telltale has always given some reason to like everybody, but Rebecca is just so fucking bitchy, there's nothing to like.

    At least Larry was trying to protect his daughter.

  • I think she'll be better in later episodes...

  • don't like to say that, but

    she will survive till the end, because she is hated by everyone

  • edited February 2014

    I even tried to help Larry after his heart attack in the meat locker. I acknowledged that he had it rough and was indeed looking after all he had left, Lilly. For Rebecca, on the other hand, I hope she has a miscarriage. I wouldn't want to be the offspring of that bitch.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    She is, and it's a fucking shame. Telltale has always given some reason to like everybody, but Rebecca is just so fucking bitchy, there's nothing to like. At least Larry was trying to protect his daughter.

  • She ain't pretty, she old, she fat. She got a mouth of a ****.

    Ain't nothing to like about that woman!

  • Rebecca wasn't that much of a bitch as people think she is. She is just like Nick except she didn't apologize. She was just yelling at people because she though you were bit by a Walker. The thing that people think she is a bitch is when you say "Who's baby is it?" You are trying to get her pissed in the first place xD. Also, she defended you when Nick almost blew your head off ;)

  • I thought Andrea in the TV series would, but my expectations were luckily false.

    Slither29 posted: »

    don't like to say that, but she will survive till the end, because she is hated by everyone

  • edited February 2014

    I love the scene where you are given the option to blackmail her. I blackmailed her, told her to watch her mouth and felt really good about it. Unfortunately we'll have to bear with her at least till episode 3.

  • edited February 2014

    well Larry's behavior makes sense , after all what would most of us think about a convicted murderer ? no matter how nice he is to every1 and Larry was the only 1 , except for Carly , who knew about it.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    She is, and it's a fucking shame. Telltale has always given some reason to like everybody, but Rebecca is just so fucking bitchy, there's nothing to like. At least Larry was trying to protect his daughter.

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

    I couldn't resist :p

    himmatsj posted: »

    She ain't pretty, she old, she fat. She got a mouth of a ****. Ain't nothing to like about that woman!

  • I fucking love Larry. He's my number 5-6 favorite game character. Of course, I love him a lot more in retrospect than I did in the moment.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    I even tried to help Larry after his heart attack in the meat locker. I acknowledged that he had it rough and was indeed looking after all he

  • Exactly. Rebecca is just like, "A little girl?! FUCK, GET RID OF HER!"

    rz1986 posted: »

    well Larry's behavior makes sense , after all what would most of us think about a convicted murderer ? no matter how nice he is to every1 and Larry was the only 1 , except for Carly , who knew about it.

  • We can only hope.

    I think she'll be better in later episodes...

  • Spoiler

    I thought she was just yelling at Nick for using the gun in the first place due to the fact that noise attracts Walkers.

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Rebecca wasn't that much of a bitch as people think she is. She is just like Nick except she didn't apologize. She was just yelling at people

  • I wonder why everyone hates Andrea in the TV show. In the comic, she's awesome.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    I thought Andrea in the TV series would, but my expectations were luckily false.

  • edited February 2014

    She didn't have to apologize, but she also didn't have to continue being a bitch once she knew you were going to live.

    And also, no, she didn't defend you, she scolded Nick for freaking out.

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Rebecca wasn't that much of a bitch as people think she is. She is just like Nick except she didn't apologize. She was just yelling at people

  • She's reallllllllllllyyyyyyyy annoying. Makes you want to commit suicide just from the sight of her face.

    This sums up why I hate that character

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I wonder why everyone hates Andrea in the TV show. In the comic, she's awesome.

  • ikr just sniping people all day xD

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I wonder why everyone hates Andrea in the TV show. In the comic, she's awesome.

  • Total see you next Thursday.

  • edited February 2014

    She's ain't fat lol She's pregnant. And she's not old, because she is having her first baby... And she's not ugly. I don't know why people think she is a bitch. She scolded Nick when he almost killed you. She was looking out for her group because she was afraid of you becoming a walker. Then you piss her off and she just says "I knew you would be a problem." You literally said something that you shouldn't even had heard xD I still thought it was hilarious when I said it though.

    EDIT: Switched Rebecca from defending you to scolding Nick

    himmatsj posted: »

    She ain't pretty, she old, she fat. She got a mouth of a ****. Ain't nothing to like about that woman!

  • Oh yeah sorry about that got that wrong.

  • Can you explain to me how she was a bitch after she knew you were staying? (No sarcasm I actually want to know)

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    She didn't have to apologize, but she also didn't have to continue being a bitch once she knew you were going to live. And also, no, she didn't defend you, she scolded Nick for freaking out.

  • She wasn't like Nick exactly because he apologized. And even if you don't choose the "who's baby is it" option she still acts hostile telling Clem not to get comfortable and to go away.

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Rebecca wasn't that much of a bitch as people think she is. She is just like Nick except she didn't apologize. She was just yelling at people

  • I thought she was bad before. Then I played again last night.

    For the first time, I tried talking to her when they give you the option to appeal to anyone when Pete first brings up taking her arm off. Holy FUCK, what a bitch. I tried saying: "what if I was your daughter?" And she responded something along the lines of "you're not, if it were up to me, you'd be dead already, that shit won't work on me, blah blah blah." I know it was worse, I just can't remember it. I think that playthrough will be my "hold a grudge against Rebecca until the end" one.

  • Oh thanks for that I didn't see that because I played it by pissing her off and every youtuber did the exact same thing. Now I see how she is a bitch.

    Mr_Eeuss posted: »

    She wasn't like Nick exactly because he apologized. And even if you don't choose the "who's baby is it" option she still acts hostile telling Clem not to get comfortable and to go away.

  • "You got what you wanted, now just leave!"

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Can you explain to me how she was a bitch after she knew you were staying? (No sarcasm I actually want to know)

  • Oh okay @Mr_Eeuss informed me about how she said something like that. Thanks. :)

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    "You got what you wanted, now just leave!"

  • omg I didn't realize she was that bad xD

    sos4prez posted: »

    I thought she was bad before. Then I played again last night. For the first time, I tried talking to her when they give you the option to a

  • I agree with that last one. She takes a beating in the comic, what with getting her cheek sliced open, getting shot in the fucking forehead, yet she still troops on, and takes down everyone. Like one time, Rick was being threatened by a bunch of assholes, one of which had a sniper rifle, and then Andrea just shot the sniper in the face, then the dude talking to Rick. It was so badass.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    She's reallllllllllllyyyyyyyy annoying. Makes you want to commit suicide just from the sight of her face. This sums up why I hate that character http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/andrea-from-the-walking-dead-summed-up-in-pictures

  • What a badass.

    Bubadoo posted: »

    ikr just sniping people all day xD

  • That only ensures that she'll try to retaliate later on.

    Me, I went with the "I'm a little girl" option. She has no idea that I know. In fact, given the nature of this, I'm not sure that I'll tell anyone, ever. Alvin is a complete beta pussy; if he doesn't believe the baby is his, what of it? He's not going to do anything. However, having whatever murderous rapist brigand believe that it's not the brigand's baby might get her killed outright, which is what I want.

    Mr_Eeuss posted: »

    I love the scene where you are given the option to blackmail her. I blackmailed her, told her to watch her mouth and felt really good about it. Unfortunately we'll have to bear with her at least till episode 3.

  • "I think that playthrough will be my "hold a grudge against Rebecca until the end" one."

    Are you implying that you have a playthrough in which you don't?

    sos4prez posted: »

    I thought she was bad before. Then I played again last night. For the first time, I tried talking to her when they give you the option to a

  • If she changed her song, sure. She could possibly win me over. There's only like a 2% of that, but it could happen.

    Slicer posted: »

    "I think that playthrough will be my "hold a grudge against Rebecca until the end" one." Are you implying that you have a playthrough in which you don't?

  • edited February 2014

    The glimpse you get in the bathroom could be the hurt rose beneath the barrage of all those thorns that she displays during the rest of the episode.
    I want to trust Telltale to make her redeeming qualities rise to the surface soon enough, if there are any. If they don't, then oh well. Perhaps she can redeem herself through other means. Larry perhaps wasn't the most compassionate member of the group, but hey, he had charm coming out of his ass and quite frankly many still like him as a character.

    It's really dependant on what Telltale makes of the whole baby business. Has she cheated on Alvin on purpose? Then they'll probabky focus on making her as hatable as possible and then force us into a situation where refusing to help her is an apparent dick move, just like with Larry. Or was she perhaps raped by someone (like Carver, as one assumption reads)? In that case, we'll probably end up understanding her hostility and symphatizing with her. I look forward to finding out which is it.

    For now, her flaws make her interesting. I intend to remain friendly-ish with her to the very end, personally. I sure hope Telltale can meet our expectations on the decision difficulty.

  • Unfortunately, she's not unrealistic. I've met people like this. I can direct you to sites full of them. They're not fun to be around.

    It's Nick who's unrealistic. How the hell do you go for nearly two years in a zombie apocalypse without knowing basic firearm safety?

    Reusou posted: »

    The glimpse you get in the bathroom could be the hurt rose beneath the barrage of all those thorns that she displays during the rest of the ep

  • It's not that unrealistic and he can kill walkers. He just has Luke and Pete help the group a lot.

    Slicer posted: »

    Unfortunately, she's not unrealistic. I've met people like this. I can direct you to sites full of them. They're not fun to be around. It's

  • Also if you stay silent when you wake up with the whole cabin group surrounding you, Rebecca tries to take the gun from Nick and that's when it fires.

    goddamn it rebecca nobody likes you

  • Well, I would understand her bitchy behavior if I was persuaded that it is just the "mess of hormones" as Alvin puts it

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Exactly. Rebecca is just like, "A little girl?! FUCK, GET RID OF HER!"

  • :O what is this? I love all of Telltale's characters even if they are mean a b!tch, or hostile. Don't be a hater of haters! And please don't judge a person by the first episode. Hopefully you can understand her more like Larry later on, and if not too bad!

  • I believe she will redeem herself in some way. In the picture for episode 3 Rebecca looks like she's in harm's way (see what I did there?) and Clementine looks really scared. I hope she will redeem herself because if she doesn't I will be sorely disappointed.

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