Who here thinks Rebecca is a b!tch?



  • Because she consistently makes the worst possible decisions and misses every real possibility. From the moment she was introduced.

    She threatens to shoot anyone else who wants to shoot her sister when she's already dead so that she won't come back as a zombie. Then waits until the last possible moment to do it herself.

    She tries to commit suicide in the CDC, which almost gets Dale killed since he is willing to stay to save her.

    She almost causes Beth to die by suicide and acts all 'I know better than you' about it.

    She was so gung ho to shoot without thinking first... that she almost killed Daryl with her rifle.

    She trusts the Governor.

    When she finds out things are suspicious with the Governor... she still trusts the Governor.

    When she has a chance to kill the Governor in his sleep, as Carol advised.... she doesn't.

    When she sees he's keeping people's heads, including the miltary pilot's head, which should give a clue that the Governor killed him for no reason, she still trusts the Governor.

    When she tries to set up a meeting between Rick and the Governor, and the Governor throws her out, then says 'we have some issues to discuss' when they get back to Woodbury.... she doesnt press on WHAT ISSUES.

    In fact, the only thing I find forgivable for her is siding with Shane, because frankly.... Shane was the one who would have made the better survival decisions compared to Rick. Shane would have met with the Governor, then shot him in the face. Yes, he was going crazy about Lori (and after killing Otis, he was just crazy in general), but lets face it - Lori was playing mind games on Shane AND Rick continually, and Shane did want to leave. And with Otis, the fat jerk who shot Carl in the first place, Shane tried to have Otis go on ahead with the medical equipment to save Carl. Otis refused to leave without Shane. So Shane did some quick math....

    Otis dies + Shane dies + Carl dies

    is worse than

    Otis dies + Shane lives + Carl lives.

    And Shane did at first try the option of:

    Otis lives + Carl lives + Shane dies,

    but Otis was all NO, WE HAVE TO DO:


    .... which was NOT going to happen.

    Soo.... yeah I went off on a tangent here but the point is still that siding with Shane was the only forgivable mistake that Andrea made - and even that turned out to be the wrong choice since Shane went bonkers.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    She's reallllllllllllyyyyyyyy annoying. Makes you want to commit suicide just from the sight of her face. This sums up why I hate that character http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/andrea-from-the-walking-dead-summed-up-in-pictures

  • She started off being a bitch and didn't change gear, With me she came into the kitchen working her mouth and I just said don't speak to me like that, trying to shut her up and let her know Clem won't take her shite because she doesn't have to to, then the fat cunt tells Clem to watch her ass? To an 11 year old girl? THAT's when I dropped the baby thing, and I only did that because there was no option to glass her.

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Rebecca wasn't that much of a bitch as people think she is. She is just like Nick except she didn't apologize. She was just yelling at people

  • I hope she tries to retaliate. I'm biding my time till I get the chance to salt lick her, or leave her to be eaten by walkers. One things for sure, she is bottom of my list when it comes to people to save, or even help. Or even give beef jerky to for that matter, and I fed Larry.

    Slicer posted: »

    That only ensures that she'll try to retaliate later on. Me, I went with the "I'm a little girl" option. She has no idea that I know. In fa

  • edited February 2014

    Oh, nooooo, I love Rebecca! She's so much like Clementine! Kind and.... sweet and... caring....

    Ah, fuck it, I can't do it. She's a bitch.

  • I'll jump at the chance for a dick move like that. I wouldn't even call it a dick move, I'd call it Karma. In a world with no laws, where you have to depend on the kindness of strangers to survive, it ain't a good idea to deliberately antagonize someone, especially if there's a chance you might need them. Clem sure as hell don't need Rebecca. She started this pissing contest, and my Clem is damn well gonna finish it. I didn't want any enemies, Clem don't need them, but she chose to be an enemy, and it's her who'll have to live or get eaten with the consequences.

    Reusou posted: »

    The glimpse you get in the bathroom could be the hurt rose beneath the barrage of all those thorns that she displays during the rest of the ep

  • edited February 2014

    If Carver wanted them dead he could surround the cabin at night and burn it to the ground Viking style, and shoot anyone who ran out from the flames. I'm not sure about Carver being the bad guy. Rebecca and Carlos think he's bad, which judging by the moral uprightness of their characters, means Carver could be the good guy. I wouldn't be surprised if Carlos and rebecca had fucked him over somehow, and just lied to the group about him being bad. Anyone who wants to kill Carlos and Rebecca can't be all bad. Hell if the Governor showed up outside the cabin to kill those pricks, I'd join up with him.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    He wouldn't need to weaken the defenses from within when he could just wait for two of them to come out, then shoot them both. Wait for a few

  • I trust Telltale to flesh out her character more but sorry, first impressions count, and she would have to do a lot of nice things for Clem to get a second chance. To be honest, unless she finds away to cure the walker virus, pay off the national debt and come up with a sustainable agriculture policy to feed the people of Africa, she's just pushed her luck too far.
    Anyhow first chance I get, I'm telling Alvin. He deserves to know, if my wife was preggo and thought it wasn't mine, I'd damn well like to hear about it. (this time, lol)

  • I'll second that. I'll probably try an keep the baby alive but the second it's out of her I'm bringing out the saltlick.

  • I don't know Carver's capabilities, but I do know he has an assault rifle. That renders everything Clementine could do pointless, because a man in the bushes could do everything Clem does but better. Clem is a distraction that, had it not existed, they'd be trying to find something to do. They don't strike me as militaristic, "watch all day every day" types.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    Not sure how you know what he would or wouldn't need when the story hasn't gone into Carver's abilities or his situation at all. Rebecca, unli

  • But anyone that wants to kill Alvin and his unborn baby are all bad.

    Groovy420 posted: »

    If Carver wanted them dead he could surround the cabin at night and burn it to the ground Viking style, and shoot anyone who ran out from the

  • edited February 2014

    Yeah man. We don't kill babies. We ain't the Save-Lots crew.
    Or pansies like Alvin, for that matter. That's why I didn't drop Ben.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    But anyone that wants to kill Alvin and his unborn baby are all bad.

  • Ben is amazing

    Groovy420 posted: »

    Yeah man. We don't kill babies. We ain't the Save-Lots crew. Or pansies like Alvin, for that matter. That's why I didn't drop Ben.

  • Yes but if the gun hadn't of gone off when it did, Rebecca would have taken the gun and shot Clem. Honestly there is nothing redeeming about Rebecca, I hope I have the chance to [Glass Her] soon enough.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    As he should. There's a reason Pete keeps telling him to keep his finger off the trigger. The gun never would've gone off otherwise.

  • edited February 2014

    Unfortunately, that b!tch's face is found in Episode 3.... Actually, I already decided to kill her when i played in the episode 2. Her behavior and way of speaking made me a killer...and i'm sure that she will give problems to Clem like Larry did to Lee. I won't let that happen.

  • They blame hormones for most of her behavior. I've been around pregnant women, they can get testy sure, but judging by how she treats Alvin, this is just her personality times 2. No one said the words, "shes not normally like this", but its just hinted that, "shes slightly worse now that shes pregnant". I still bet shes a jerk even after she gives birth, but who knows? She might make a complete turnaround (though i'm doubtful. Whoever she had an affair with probably shares alot of her personality traits)

  • I hated Larry until he said "I have charm coming out of my ass"

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    She is, and it's a fucking shame. Telltale has always given some reason to like everybody, but Rebecca is just so fucking bitchy, there's nothing to like. At least Larry was trying to protect his daughter.

  • I hated Larry until the end of episode 1.

    I hated Larry until he said "I have charm coming out of my ass"

  • And that is the best part, because TellTale is turning everything on its head. In Season 1, from almost the very beginning as playing as Lee, we wanted to protect Clementine because she can't take care of herself, so our decisions mostly focused around protecting her. Now, she doesn't have anyone to take care of her, so basically all my choices in Season 2 I make as if I am Lee instead od Clementine. But doing so puts the heat on Clementine. Since Clem is the protagonist now, she can't have everyone love her anymore. You must feel threatened she must be cautious and in the case of Rebecca, she sees Clementine as a threat because she is a little girl and Rebecca has her baby to think about. It doesn't make her behavior excusable, but it makes her interesting.

  • Spoiler

    Forgive me if i'm wrong, but i remember in Season 1-Episode 1, at the very beginning, when you are at Clem's house, after you hear all three messages from the answering machine, Lee automatically picks up a photo in which you see Clem and his parents. My point is: The woman in the picture (the one that goes by the name 'Diana' in the messages) in my opinion looks a lot like Rebecca.
    Also, I apologize for any grammar/vocabulary mistake i may have made in the past paragraph.

  • Damn, just when I thought Rebecca couldn't get any more despicable with her cold attitude towards Clementine, there's this.

    Not even Larry is that heartless.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Yes but if the gun hadn't of gone off when it did, Rebecca would have taken the gun and shot Clem. Honestly there is nothing redeeming about Rebecca, I hope I have the chance to [Glass Her] soon enough.

  • Well she's pregnant if you ask me she has a lot of reason's to be a bitch right now but well see if she's still a bitch when the baby is born then me and ghost lee are going to have a talk with her.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    She is, and it's a fucking shame. Telltale has always given some reason to like everybody, but Rebecca is just so fucking bitchy, there's nothing to like. At least Larry was trying to protect his daughter.

  • What you profess to "know" is more speculation but going with it for a moment who's to say he could even shoot the broad side of a barn/ or that he even wants them dead outright. But we're at an impasse here I can see. You've clearly got a number of things you've taken as a forgone conclusion that the story hasn't even clarified yet. I'm personally trying to avoid reading too much into episode slides and hidden files. Thanks for indulging me though.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I don't know Carver's capabilities, but I do know he has an assault rifle. That renders everything Clementine could do pointless, because a ma

  • I can only see it in the hairstyle, other than that I see no similarities (other than the fact they are both African-Americans) Are you implying Rebecca might be family? Or just pointing out how they look alike?

  • If Clem stays silent when she wakes up after fainting, Rebecca makes a move for Nick's and causes him to misfire. She then bitches at him for the gunshot. Yeah, I'd reckon she's a bitch.

  • Um... No, in the card for episode 2, one of Carver's men has a fucking assault rifle. He doesn't need to hid the broad side of a barn, he needs to get behind them and unload, or he can do that without sending in a little girl, and likely much easier.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    What you profess to "know" is more speculation but going with it for a moment who's to say he could even shoot the broad side of a barn/ or th

  • Like what?

    Well she's pregnant if you ask me she has a lot of reason's to be a bitch right now but well see if she's still a bitch when the baby is born then me and ghost lee are going to have a talk with her.

  • Well sit down and show her how to be a real parent you can join in if you want harpadarpa.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Like what?

  • ...


    That doesn't answer my question...

    Well sit down and show her how to be a real parent you can join in if you want harpadarpa.

  • edited February 2014

    What annoys me most is that she doesn't even have the slightest remorse for her suspicions. When she's initially all like "She's bitten. We can't trust here. She's lying. Put her out of her misery. I'm not cleaning up the shed afterwards." Then later she's all like "You should just leave. You're outstaying your welcome. We don't need any new shit." she doesn't even apologise for supporting her death despite the arm wound not being a zombie bite.

    At least with Nick he apologises and it's later explained he pretty much had a terrible history with guns, and obviously a pretty personal, traumatising experience where he was pretty much acting out of fear for the protection of the group. With Rebecca, it's pretty obvious TellTale is using her to test our patience and will no doubt reward the player at the end for tolerating her and/or punish the player for giving her what she deserves.

    So yeah. Screw her. I'm hoping for Alvin to eventually bite back at her, similar to Ben's lashing out at Kenny. Despite the seemingly homicidal thought generating hormones.

  • Don't call her a bitch, dude. "The Walking Dead" characters aren't one dimensional. I'm sure in next episode we'll see a model wife, kind and caring.

  • edited February 2014

    Lool XD

    Oh, nooooo, I love Rebecca! She's so much like Clementine! Kind and.... sweet and... caring.... Ah, fuck it, I can't do it. She's a bitch.

  • Lolshe excretes a hormone that inspires homicidal thoughts even in caring kind 11 year old girls. Maybe she's responsible for the walkers :0

    Davissons posted: »

    What annoys me most is that she doesn't even have the slightest remorse for her suspicions. When she's initially all like "She's bitten. We ca

  • I think it does.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    ... ... That doesn't answer my question...

  • Also provides the setup for one of the best lines Lee can say 'Fuck you Larry eat up' and cockblocking him with Brenda is also rather funny.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I hated Larry until the end of episode 1.

  • I'm not going to hit her but I WILL make her love me _

    My main goal of season 2 is to make sure she gets lockjaw. After the baby's out, of course. I'm not a monster.

  • When they argued about killing or not killing Clementine because of her bite, she said it's better to kill her, because the bite means nothing but suffering for her. That was kinda... humane.

  • I think we should wait a while before we judge her

  • I remember her saying the amputation would make things "worse for the girl" which at least implied she doesn't care for drawn out suffering. So yeah, she's abrasive but not without some humanity.

    Rubacava_ posted: »

    When they argued about killing or not killing Clementine because of her bite, she said it's better to kill her, because the bite means nothing but suffering for her. That was kinda... humane.

  • Thanks, I didn't remember the exact wording. However I don't dislike her more than the other cabin group members. They're all equally nuts considering they locked up a child. And I'm sure Telltale wants us to hate her, so that's the thing I'm not going to do.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    I remember her saying the amputation would make things "worse for the girl" which at least implied she doesn't care for drawn out suffering. So yeah, she's abrasive but not without some humanity.

  • Everyone back off. If you want to tell me why you think she is in fact a b**** then I will gladly respond at why she is or should be acting like this.

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