What was your Most Scariest Moment in Walking Dead

What was your most creepiest/scariest moment in the walking dead. There were a couple for me. I put touchier a series of the walking dead best moments 1-5. However, I'll just share my favorite, most compelling moment in the series.
I actually paused and recorded moments during my second play through. That I thought was simply amazing. I'm intently focused on Moral Choice Gaming. Hence name in my youtube channel "interactive gaming"
After I played the walking dead. I am hooked.
What was your most creepy/favorite/compelling moment in the series.
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Now,I don't mean to brag,but I'm not scared very easily,I can play ANY horror game without being scared once.
But,TellTale,I applaud you,I used to think it was impossible for a game to scare me,but then episode 2's plot twist happened.
When the St.John's were revealed to be cannibals,I was TERRIFIED!
The RV nightmare with zombie Clem, scared me so bad.
Just one? There's too many.
The dinner scene/finding Mark in episode 2 was powerful enough to make me stop playing the episode for a couple hours. Hopefully, more of that stuff in season 2!
I must say the RV scene with Clementine turning. I did not expect that. I was shouting to my screen; why?!, why?! until Lee woke up.
Definitely the nightmare in the RV, because it literally felt like one.
Definitely the nightmare in the RV, because it literally felt like one.
The walker that jumped out and bit Lee.
Wow. That must have really put the fear in you. I thought it was an excellent twist.
To be honest... I wasn't scared even once when playing these 5 episodes + 400 Days. But during the moment when Lee had a nightmare in RV I was like "WTF is going on here?".
On the other hand... what was your most funniest moment in TWD?
The bit when Lee was burying the dog and the camera looked up to find someone watching him.
I yelled out loud for some reason.
It was creepy.
The walker in the car after leaving the front part of the train, that made me shit my pants
When Lee was bitten or The RV nightmare. Or any of the deaths of the main group.
Even though I'd been spoiled about all of them beforehand...
-When Brenda St. John is holding Katjaa hostage amidst that dark, stormy backdrop, and Mark slowly crawls into view, reaching for her.
-When you have to try and save Molly from the Walker. I knew I could fail, and she was moving around so much.
-When Ben gets grabbed in the school. I wasn't expecting it to happen quite like that, and that Walker was terrifying-looking.
For me, it was the moment when you open a stall at the Dairy farm and see Danny's gun pointing right at you! That felt insanely real, and I even thought that if Kenny & Lee wouldn't be whispering as loud, Danny wouldn't turn up! O Quieter, you guys!!
Also, I agree with floweroftheforest: when I saw the dark figure staring at us in episode 4, my heart sank. boaaaa! * makes a zombie face*
Oh my god! that part! I was in my room when that happened and I just let out this huge scream! My dad though something had happened, until I explained what just happened, then he just looked at me like I was crazy.
When Lee and Mark were moving walkers out of the way of tractor. One of them still being alive... kinda expected it but it still kinda startled me.
every time that Clementine exposures to dangerous circumstances.
To me, I think the scariest part of the game is that part at the end of A New Day where Lee is looking at the photograph of his family, and is then interuppted by that gun shot and the screaming in the distance. The girl didn't scare me that much, but it was the sound of the man screaming that gives me the shivers. I got the shivers just talking about it. It may not seem scary to other people, but to me, a man screaming bloody murder like that in the distance in the middle of the night just freaks me out.
agreed, for me psychological horror is scarier than "Normal" horror. The ideia that you are being watched by someone and you don't even know about that scares me.
The funniest moments to me. Here's a list:
1. The part where Lee can't reach the brick.
2. The part where Kenny tells Ben that his idea of walking to Savannah is "fucking stupid."
3. Kenny flipping out at Ben after he reveals that he gave meds to the bandits.
4. How Lee says "no" when Clementine asks if she can get a vote on Ben's fate if you take her to Crawford, and if you not let her have a vote.
5. How Andy cries for Lee if you refuse to kill him.
6. Having the option of leaving Lilly to die.
Hearing the Stranger's voice at the end of Long Road Ahead. I thought the guy was a pedophile and he was grooming Clem. I was scared shitless.
For me, one of the scariest moments is when Lee is almost dead and the walker starts attacking Clementine. I didn't put it past the game to end on a note of complete futility and kill her off. I'm glad they didn't.
The RV nightmare gave me the biggest jump. I'd just thought I could take a breath after the attack, Carleys murder and finding out about duck and BAM! Skidsville!
Yeah actually that was tense.
In episode 4 when Ben takes off and Clementine gets cornered by walkers. Adrenaline was flowing and it was so hard to aim because of it, I kept missing and that didn't make it better. I was so worried about Clementine, and that's why it was my scariest moment
When I was burying the dog and the guy looked at me.
The zombie hand when I reached down to pick up Clem's hat.
You mean her walkie talkie? If you're talking about the part where Lee gets bit, he was picking up Clementine's walkie talkie.
That was great. And the cannibal plot twist.
And in episode 5, when you see the shadow of a guy run past you at the very start, but only if you look at the right time. Gave me the jump
yeah that is what I meant lol
Clem dream and being bitten scared me so much couldnt believe it happened like punch straight face and feeling theres nothing i can do and clem missing so scared thinking of what to do and shock which turned to anger so many emotion crazy but clem finale was a knockout blow
I thought that the beginning scene in the bathroom in Ep. 1 S2 was disturbing. The atmosphere just makes me shiver every time I play the game. As an aside,
RIP Lord-Saint Bromid!
Seeing Danny pointing his gun right at you through the barn door almost gave me a heart attack.
When Lee woke up to find Clem gone. It wasn't JUST that Clem was gone, it was how the entire scene played out. Everything was dead silent except for Lee calling out to Clementine. The group wasn't there, walkers were nowhere in sight, and the entire scene seemed just... wrong, somehow. Like Lee was completely alone. I wasn't even sure if he was actually awake at that point, because it seemed like some kind of nightmare at first. Especially when Clem's hat showed up in the backyard. The complete silence and, well, emptiness at that point was a bit unsettling for me. For those same reasons, the bit in the Marsh House in Episode 5, before the Stranger finds you, also creeped me out a little bit.
worst jump scare ever i almost pissed my pants cause how scary it was. it was when in episode 3 the car with the animal crackers in it and you go next to it and the walker makes a noise outta nowhere ;(
The dude that was creepin on Lee when he was diggin the grave.... I threw my controller
When Lee gets bit after grabbing the walkie talkie. DIdn't see that coming. I literally jumped when it happened.
Honestly? When you're burying the boy in the backyard, and the Stranger is just THERE OUTSIDE THE FENCE AHHHH.
Don't know why this terrified me the most out of everything that's happened, but I'd have to say the scene where Nate starts acting insane. I guess it's because insanity is one of the less touched upon subjects in the game. Don't know if its me just being a girl and all, but I'd hate to get stuck with him during an apocalypse. He's still one of my favourite characters though.