Over 400 and counting.
really? isnt there ANYONE left who doesnt rage quit life because they lack the instant gratification they want. so dont buy the season pass. pay more in the long haul! that will teach ttg.
OMG, just look at this thread. I bet that noone from TTG ever reads these entries, unless they have no other choice. It is a unacceptable, how… more paying customers are treated by TTG, The accumulated pain and sorrow that have been created by setting expectations and not fulfilling them is outrageous.
I assume, that the reason is, that too many people have already bought season passes for TWD 2. This means, that there is no incentive for them to deliver episodes in a timely manner. Guess, how it would be like, if they were paid from episode to episode? I bet they were not more delayed than a week, if any.
I will never.
Buy a season pass.
For a Telltale game.
Ever again.
Unless, of course, all titles are already released and available for purchase. I will rather buy each episode individually and spend a few bucks more than to play this game of delays and broken promises and disappointment again. And for now, I will go and get TLOU-LB and try not to think about possible release dates.
A Season Pass doesn't mean shit. Okay. When you buy a Season Pass you're just comitting to paying for something that some assholes in California haven't even finished working on yet. You know what you get for buying a Season Pass by Telltale Games? A big dick in your mouth.
"really? isnt there ANYONE left who doesnt rage quit life because they lack the instant gratification they want. so dont buy the season pass. pay more in the long haul! that will teach ttg."
Yeah, you pay a little more in the long run but you don't feel it as much because you're not paying in bulk and if you're like me who lives in the UK and buys the episodes from the US psn store you're not losing any money at all. Think how much more money a working person will make after purchasing the first episode in the time it takes telltale to release follow up episodes. That's nearly 3 pay checks worth of money. What is it to spend £4-5 pounds on an episode out of 2-3 months wages compared to paying £20 in one month for a product that will take nearly a year to own in full. That extra £15 can go on tangible things you can use there and then like groceries. I know what option I will chose, but to each his own.
Telltale receive a larger amount of money in bulk when people buy season passes, long before they even know how their own story will end, so I think they do benifit from us buying season passes. Where as we don't get the full product we have paid for until nearly a year, they have the money in advance from day one. That is like me going to my boss and getting an advance on my wages. I could then call in sick over the course of the month, missing numerous shifts or under perform since i've got the money already. "Just sayin".
Hypothetically, if telltale made a walking dead season 3 and no one purchased a season pass, they would be pissed..... If telltale released that season episodically and everyone waited until all episodes were made they probably wouldn't even make the disc version and would probably reduce the price of the digital version of the game to encourage people to buy their product. The disc version was the result of the games popularity. People were buying the disc version even though they had the downloaded version of season 1 because they loved it that much.
really? isnt there ANYONE left who doesnt rage quit life because they lack the instant gratification they want. so dont buy the season pass. pay more in the long haul! that will teach ttg.
"Telltale reminds me of my mom when she tells me to go outside to help her with the groceries because she is just around the corner, then arrives five minutes later. It's annoying, to be sure, but I still love my mom, and we still get groceries.
In that sense, I'm not mad, but I don't understand why in the heck she says she's around the corner when she clearly isn't."
I have an analogy for you. Telltale are like an abusive boyfriend, who repeatedly smacks the shit of you, says his sorry and that he won't do it again and then we go back to him because we're hooked and caught in a groove.
Telltale reminds me of my mom when she tells me to go outside to help her with the groceries because she is just around the corner, then arriv… morees five minutes later.
It's annoying, to be sure, but I still love my mom, and we still get groceries.
In that sense, I'm not mad, but I don't understand why in the heck she says she's around the corner when she clearly isn't.
you need to upload the image first or use a direct link to it
check out this post top of any page.
Damn. And here I thought I knew exactly what I was buying. No wait, I did! An episodic game! Probably fully released before the end of this year. No muss, no fuss.
And it cost the whole 25€, whoop-de-doo! Totally breaking down my finances, yeah.
You don't have much track of the value of money I see. It also depends entirely on what continent you live in. For me 25 EURO is two full bags of groceries.
Damn. And here I thought I knew exactly what I was buying. No wait, I did! An episodic game! Probably fully released before the end of this year. No muss, no fuss.
And it cost the whole 25€, whoop-de-doo! Totally breaking down my finances, yeah.
You don't have much track of the value of money I see. It also depends entirely on what continent you live in. For me 25 EURO is two full bags of groceries.
You don't have much track of the value of money I see. It also depends entirely on what continent you live in. For me 25 EURO is two full bags of groceries.
So has anyone from the TT community apologized or anything? Any explanation why the delay to March? I thought this shit wasn't suppose to happen again?
Honestly I'm so impatient for this game but my brother just beat season one(his 1st time ever) and he's going to wait for season 2 to go on disc; I don't even know how he has the patience!
Honestly I'm so impatient for this game but my brother just beat season one(his 1st time ever) and he's going to wait for season 2 to go on disc; I don't even know how he has the patience!
"If you did not like that Telltale did not met their deadlines for Season 1, why did you buy Season 2?"
I can think of a couple reasons. For one, after episode 5 was released there were numerous quotes in articles from Dan Connors, the co fouder and CEO stating that season 2 will have less hiccups and problems than season 2. That would be reassuring for most people that read those articles. there were claims that the episodes would have less bugs and be released more quickly. It seemed plausible as one would expect developmental teams to learn from mistakes, improve and generally get better over time.
One of the biggest complaints people had about telltale when season 1 was in the works, wasn't the quality of the game it was the lack of communication regarding delays. In my opinion the team communicated better during the development of starved for help than they have this time round, the last episode seemed shorter than most of the episodes of season 1 and less engaging, considering it's following on from "no time left".
Those that have invested in the story since season 1 will want to see Clem's story play out regardless, but will have new things to complain about if they feel they have been let down again or lied to about different things. Where season 1 was concerned people were upset because they bought season passes because they were told the episodes would be monthly, this time around people will be upset because they were told episodes would be 6 weeks-2 months and during the promotion of the returning series they were reassured things would be better this time around.
Personally, i'm quite Blasé about the whole thing since I am used to the way telltale work and take what they say with a pinch of salt but I can understand why others continue to moan and vent.
@HnyBear wrote:
Dear Telltale: Stop Lying to Us. I'm so sick of being lied to by this company. Whether it was season 1 or now season 2 of t… morehe walking dead they have never met their deadline for releasing new episodes. Plus it's almost impossible to get your money back for the game even though they violated their own terms.
Telltale please get your ship* together and start releasing things when you say you will.
If you did not like that Telltale did not met their deadlines for Season 1, why did you buy Season 2?
Clocking The Walking Dead once is not too bad. But when you start doing a second playthrough, it gets much worse. When I first finished the first season sometime last year I could actually uninstall the game, and return to my normal routines. But when I decided to install it sometime later when the second season was approaching, and do my second playthrough, everything literally went downhill for me. I ended up with 132 hours on it, and I'm growing more impatient every day.
My advice to your brother is not to make more than one playthrough before the second season is finished.
Honestly I'm so impatient for this game but my brother just beat season one(his 1st time ever) and he's going to wait for season 2 to go on disc; I don't even know how he has the patience!
I think you get a physical copy if you purchased it directly from Tellale. Sometime after the last episode is released.
Ah yes, here its is: "Full Season digital download for Mac/PC. Includes Episodes 1 through 5. Includes a collector's DVD available at the end of the season for just the cost of shipping and handling."
I think you get a physical copy if you purchased it directly from Tellale. Sometime after the last episode is released.
Ah yes, here its is… more: "Full Season digital download for Mac/PC. Includes Episodes 1 through 5. Includes a collector's DVD available at the end of the season for just the cost of shipping and handling."
They have no excuses yet, but they have acknowledged that there is a problem with their releases, and it's their top priority to fix it to release episodes sooner in the future. That's what I got in response to an email I sent a few days ago.
So has anyone from the TT community apologized or anything? Any explanation why the delay to March? I thought this shit wasn't suppose to happen again?
You know very well what I mean. One can't survive on only noodles. What I'm trying to say is that they give us a Season Pass, with a noticeable higher price than buying single episodes. It goes without saying that you think that you get what you pay for. In this case a well structured release schedule, and at least decent Customer Support, with a strong network between buyers and developers. And it has proven to be quite the opposite for those who bought the Season Pass. And the thing that still puzzles me is that they are still using their; episodes are usually available to download four to six weeks apart. We all know by now that it's all baloney. So we who bought the Season Pass is walking on a thin rope in the dark with no guarantee whatsoever if we will get the remaining episodes or not. And the worst part about this is that Telltale Games has still not established communication with us and provide us with meaningful updates on the progress. I'm tired of feeling trivial in Telltale's eyes. So I'm strongly standing by that I didn't get what I paid for, and I'd rather have put my 25 EURO in two bags of groceries. At least you get what you paid for.
Trust me he's more addicted to GTA and he's not good at RPGs, he literally wanted me to guide him thru the whole first season so he can have the "perfect" playthrough. He literally only plays when I'm around to help, while I play it constantly to look into every different possibility
Clocking The Walking Dead once is not too bad. But when you start doing a second playthrough, it gets much worse. When I first finished the fi… morerst season sometime last year I could actually uninstall the game, and return to my normal routines. But when I decided to install it sometime later when the second season was approaching, and do my second playthrough, everything literally went downhill for me. I ended up with 132 hours on it, and I'm growing more impatient every day.
My advice to your brother is not to make more than one playthrough before the second season is finished.
No, they just say, "oh we didn't commit to anything we just write it in the FAQ...", and now they changed the release dates from 4-6 week to 6-8 weeks but whatever, I'm expecting that this delay inly happens in episode 2 like in season 1.
So has anyone from the TT community apologized or anything? Any explanation why the delay to March? I thought this shit wasn't suppose to happen again?
"I suppose making a game of the year is very unprofessional eh?"
Professionalism is about conduct not the result. Mike Tyson has an awesome boxing legacy but he wouldn't be considered professional in the way he went about doing things.
The game deseved game of the year but telltale did not deseve an award for studio of the year. I love the game but I love it because it is based on and inspired by one of my favourite stories, the walking dead. If the story and universe Kirkman established wasn't as phenomenal and infectious they would have had less to work with. coughcoughJurrasic park coughcough
Did ttg get studio of the year for jurrasic park or back to the future? Our votes matter!
I suppose making a game of the year is very unprofessional eh?
That's not to say that telltale are not bad at time management and releasing… more. telltale are STILL bad at time management and releasing.
However, they didn't make a good game, they didn't make a great game, they didn't make a fantastic game. They made arguably the best game ever of the year 2012. That alone by itself buys them a million billion slips. We will always say quality over waiting time for as long as telltale continues to make game of the year caliber games.(even if they should release them faster at the same quality)
You know that I know you know. Please, you really assume some ridiculous things about people.
"What I'm trying to say is that they give us a Season Pass, with a noticeable higher price than buying single episodes. It goes without saying that you think that you get what you pay for. In this case a well structured release schedule, and at least decent Customer Support, with a strong network between buyers and developers."
I'm not aware that season 2 is available as singular episodes. And if so, you're just guessing they would be cheaper than the wholesale Season Pass. Even if not, while there's a marked difference in price, it wouldn't make any difference in my financial status. Probably an euro, maybe two, I wouldn't care much.
In regard of the customer support, I spot @telltalemike actively trying to help out in the support section. I'd call that decent Customer Support. I hope you're not seriously expecting them to come address every wail and woe about the release date that passes through this thread. As for the release structure, I knew the 4-6 week estimation was just that and wouldn't probably hold. I also knew I could occupy myself on other things while waiting for the episodes, than spend my every waking hour complaining here. I still know what I bought.
"So we who bought the Season Pass is walking on a thin rope in the dark with no guarantee whatsoever if we will get the remaining episodes or not"
Your views conserning TTG are all-time low it seems. As far as I know they have yet do anything like that and you're just fearing for some far-fetched worst case scenario. Announcing GoT and TFB and then not finishing up TWD does wonders for future sales I'm sure.
"And the worst part about this is that Telltale Games has still not established communication with us and provide us with meaningful updates on the progress."
Trailer next week and release early March are not meaningful updates?
"So I'm strongly standing by that I didn't get what I paid for, and I'd rather have put my 25 EURO in two bags of groceries. At least you get what you paid for."
That I did. And if you're unhappy, vote with your wallet and don't buy their following episodic games.
You know very well what I mean. One can't survive on only noodles. What I'm trying to say is that they give us a Season Pass, with a noticeabl… moree higher price than buying single episodes. It goes without saying that you think that you get what you pay for. In this case a well structured release schedule, and at least decent Customer Support, with a strong network between buyers and developers. And it has proven to be quite the opposite for those who bought the Season Pass. And the thing that still puzzles me is that they are still using their; episodes are usually available to download four to six weeks apart. We all know by now that it's all baloney. So we who bought the Season Pass is walking on a thin rope in the dark with no guarantee whatsoever if we will get the remaining episodes or not. And the worst part about this is that Telltale Games has still not established communication with us and provide us with meaningful updates on the progress.… [view original content]
"Telltale reminds me of my mom when she tells me to go outside to help her with the groceries because she is just around the corner, then arri… moreves five minutes later. It's annoying, to be sure, but I still love my mom, and we still get groceries.
In that sense, I'm not mad, but I don't understand why in the heck she says she's around the corner when she clearly isn't."
I have an analogy for you. Telltale are like an abusive boyfriend, who repeatedly smacks the shit of you, says his sorry and that he won't do it again and then we go back to him because we're hooked and caught in a groove.
You know that I know you know. Please, you really assume some ridiculous things about people.
"What I'm trying to say is that they give us … morea Season Pass, with a noticeable higher price than buying single episodes. It goes without saying that you think that you get what you pay for. In this case a well structured release schedule, and at least decent Customer Support, with a strong network between buyers and developers."
I'm not aware that season 2 is available as singular episodes. And if so, you're just guessing they would be cheaper than the wholesale Season Pass. Even if not, while there's a marked difference in price, it wouldn't make any difference in my financial status. Probably an euro, maybe two, I wouldn't care much.
In regard of the customer support, I spot @telltalemike actively trying to help out in the support section. I'd call that decent Customer Support. I hope you're not seriously expecting them to come address every wa… [view original content]
Trust me he's more addicted to GTA and he's not good at RPGs, he literally wanted me to guide him thru the whole first season so he can have t… morehe "perfect" playthrough. He literally only plays when I'm around to help, while I play it constantly to look into every different possibility
No, it's not. I can understand the similarities though. Techinacally you can choose what kinda charcter you wanna play as, but it's so far from a traditional RPG I wouldn't classify it as one. Adventure Horror Point-And-Click is the correct genre I guess?
No, in the first week of February, Telltale promised Episode 2 was 'right around the corner' which means the following month apparently
ttg are still going to do as they please. petition is fun idea but usless overall
borderlands = awesome. tftb....not so sure.
really? isnt there ANYONE left who doesnt rage quit life because they lack the instant gratification they want. so dont buy the season pass. pay more in the long haul! that will teach ttg.
4th Match , it has to be , it has to be .
You know what you get for pre-ordering a game?

a big dick in your mouth
Bit late to say this, but yes, please keep discussion of games in the correct sub-section.
Please have a trailer!
Thought this would seem appropriate.
More like...
A Season Pass doesn't mean shit. Okay. When you buy a Season Pass you're just comitting to paying for something that some assholes in California haven't even finished working on yet. You know what you get for buying a Season Pass by Telltale Games? A big dick in your mouth.
"really? isnt there ANYONE left who doesnt rage quit life because they lack the instant gratification they want. so dont buy the season pass. pay more in the long haul! that will teach ttg."
Yeah, you pay a little more in the long run but you don't feel it as much because you're not paying in bulk and if you're like me who lives in the UK and buys the episodes from the US psn store you're not losing any money at all. Think how much more money a working person will make after purchasing the first episode in the time it takes telltale to release follow up episodes. That's nearly 3 pay checks worth of money. What is it to spend £4-5 pounds on an episode out of 2-3 months wages compared to paying £20 in one month for a product that will take nearly a year to own in full. That extra £15 can go on tangible things you can use there and then like groceries. I know what option I will chose, but to each his own.
Telltale receive a larger amount of money in bulk when people buy season passes, long before they even know how their own story will end, so I think they do benifit from us buying season passes. Where as we don't get the full product we have paid for until nearly a year, they have the money in advance from day one. That is like me going to my boss and getting an advance on my wages. I could then call in sick over the course of the month, missing numerous shifts or under perform since i've got the money already. "Just sayin".
Hypothetically, if telltale made a walking dead season 3 and no one purchased a season pass, they would be pissed..... If telltale released that season episodically and everyone waited until all episodes were made they probably wouldn't even make the disc version and would probably reduce the price of the digital version of the game to encourage people to buy their product. The disc version was the result of the games popularity. People were buying the disc version even though they had the downloaded version of season 1 because they loved it that much.
"Telltale reminds me of my mom when she tells me to go outside to help her with the groceries because she is just around the corner, then arrives five minutes later. It's annoying, to be sure, but I still love my mom, and we still get groceries.
In that sense, I'm not mad, but I don't understand why in the heck she says she's around the corner when she clearly isn't."
I have an analogy for you. Telltale are like an abusive boyfriend, who repeatedly smacks the shit of you, says his sorry and that he won't do it again and then we go back to him because we're hooked and caught in a groove.
Damn. And here I thought I knew exactly what I was buying. No wait, I did! An episodic game! Probably fully released before the end of this year. No muss, no fuss.
And it cost the whole 25€, whoop-de-doo! Totally breaking down my finances, yeah.
You don't have much track of the value of money I see. It also depends entirely on what continent you live in. For me 25 EURO is two full bags of groceries.
At the very least enough to know 25€ is relatively small amount for a game that I definetly will enjoy playing, thankyouverymuch.
Depends on a groceries. I could probably fill couple more with plain noodles.
So has anyone from the TT community apologized or anything? Any explanation why the delay to March? I thought this shit wasn't suppose to happen again?
Honestly I'm so impatient for this game but my brother just beat season one(his 1st time ever) and he's going to wait for season 2 to go on disc; I don't even know how he has the patience!
i thought the walking dead was only a digital game
"If you did not like that Telltale did not met their deadlines for Season 1, why did you buy Season 2?"
I can think of a couple reasons. For one, after episode 5 was released there were numerous quotes in articles from Dan Connors, the co fouder and CEO stating that season 2 will have less hiccups and problems than season 2. That would be reassuring for most people that read those articles. there were claims that the episodes would have less bugs and be released more quickly. It seemed plausible as one would expect developmental teams to learn from mistakes, improve and generally get better over time.
One of the biggest complaints people had about telltale when season 1 was in the works, wasn't the quality of the game it was the lack of communication regarding delays. In my opinion the team communicated better during the development of starved for help than they have this time round, the last episode seemed shorter than most of the episodes of season 1 and less engaging, considering it's following on from "no time left".
Those that have invested in the story since season 1 will want to see Clem's story play out regardless, but will have new things to complain about if they feel they have been let down again or lied to about different things. Where season 1 was concerned people were upset because they bought season passes because they were told the episodes would be monthly, this time around people will be upset because they were told episodes would be 6 weeks-2 months and during the promotion of the returning series they were reassured things would be better this time around.
Personally, i'm quite Blasé about the whole thing since I am used to the way telltale work and take what they say with a pinch of salt but I can understand why others continue to moan and vent.
Clocking The Walking Dead once is not too bad. But when you start doing a second playthrough, it gets much worse. When I first finished the first season sometime last year I could actually uninstall the game, and return to my normal routines. But when I decided to install it sometime later when the second season was approaching, and do my second playthrough, everything literally went downhill for me. I ended up with 132 hours on it, and I'm growing more impatient every day.
My advice to your brother is not to make more than one playthrough before the second season is finished.
I think you get a physical copy if you purchased it directly from Tellale. Sometime after the last episode is released.
Ah yes, here its is: "Full Season digital download for Mac/PC. Includes Episodes 1 through 5. Includes a collector's DVD available at the end of the season for just the cost of shipping and handling."
lol i didn't know that but i prefer it digital
Well, obviously. You get it first. Physical copy is just something to but on a shelf in my case.
oh ok lol
They have no excuses yet, but they have acknowledged that there is a problem with their releases, and it's their top priority to fix it to release episodes sooner in the future. That's what I got in response to an email I sent a few days ago.
Coked-out 80s Stevie Nicks is sad. Coked-out 70s Stevie Nicks was awesome, though.
You know very well what I mean. One can't survive on only noodles. What I'm trying to say is that they give us a Season Pass, with a noticeable higher price than buying single episodes. It goes without saying that you think that you get what you pay for. In this case a well structured release schedule, and at least decent Customer Support, with a strong network between buyers and developers. And it has proven to be quite the opposite for those who bought the Season Pass. And the thing that still puzzles me is that they are still using their; episodes are usually available to download four to six weeks apart. We all know by now that it's all baloney. So we who bought the Season Pass is walking on a thin rope in the dark with no guarantee whatsoever if we will get the remaining episodes or not. And the worst part about this is that Telltale Games has still not established communication with us and provide us with meaningful updates on the progress. I'm tired of feeling trivial in Telltale's eyes. So I'm strongly standing by that I didn't get what I paid for, and I'd rather have put my 25 EURO in two bags of groceries. At least you get what you paid for.
Trust me he's more addicted to GTA and he's not good at RPGs, he literally wanted me to guide him thru the whole first season so he can have the "perfect" playthrough. He literally only plays when I'm around to help, while I play it constantly to look into every different possibility
No, they just say, "oh we didn't commit to anything we just write it in the FAQ...", and now they changed the release dates from 4-6 week to 6-8 weeks but whatever, I'm expecting that this delay inly happens in episode 2 like in season 1.
"I suppose making a game of the year is very unprofessional eh?"
Professionalism is about conduct not the result. Mike Tyson has an awesome boxing legacy but he wouldn't be considered professional in the way he went about doing things.
The game deseved game of the year but telltale did not deseve an award for studio of the year. I love the game but I love it because it is based on and inspired by one of my favourite stories, the walking dead. If the story and universe Kirkman established wasn't as phenomenal and infectious they would have had less to work with. cough coughJurrasic park cough cough
Did ttg get studio of the year for jurrasic park or back to the future? Our votes matter!
lol nothing got posted there.
You know that I know you know. Please, you really assume some ridiculous things about people.
"What I'm trying to say is that they give us a Season Pass, with a noticeable higher price than buying single episodes. It goes without saying that you think that you get what you pay for. In this case a well structured release schedule, and at least decent Customer Support, with a strong network between buyers and developers."
I'm not aware that season 2 is available as singular episodes. And if so, you're just guessing they would be cheaper than the wholesale Season Pass. Even if not, while there's a marked difference in price, it wouldn't make any difference in my financial status. Probably an euro, maybe two, I wouldn't care much.
In regard of the customer support, I spot @telltalemike actively trying to help out in the support section. I'd call that decent Customer Support. I hope you're not seriously expecting them to come address every wail and woe about the release date that passes through this thread. As for the release structure, I knew the 4-6 week estimation was just that and wouldn't probably hold. I also knew I could occupy myself on other things while waiting for the episodes, than spend my every waking hour complaining here. I still know what I bought.
"So we who bought the Season Pass is walking on a thin rope in the dark with no guarantee whatsoever if we will get the remaining episodes or not"
Your views conserning TTG are all-time low it seems. As far as I know they have yet do anything like that and you're just fearing for some far-fetched worst case scenario. Announcing GoT and TFB and then not finishing up TWD does wonders for future sales I'm sure.
"And the worst part about this is that Telltale Games has still not established communication with us and provide us with meaningful updates on the progress."
Trailer next week and release early March are not meaningful updates?
"So I'm strongly standing by that I didn't get what I paid for, and I'd rather have put my 25 EURO in two bags of groceries. At least you get what you paid for."
That I did. And if you're unhappy, vote with your wallet and don't buy their following episodic games.
Boy, that escalated quickly. :P
ttg have never cancelled a game once it started.
jurassic park was delayed and then released in full. ( i think )
the season pass once you ignore the 'estimated release' will get you the episodes when they are out...
this is such a simple concept..
ttg have given updates that do not infringe non disclosure agreements.
if you struggle to buy food stuffs you shouldn't be spending money on games..
wat ? Walking Dead Game is a RPG ?
No, it's not. I can understand the similarities though. Techinacally you can choose what kinda charcter you wanna play as, but it's so far from a traditional RPG I wouldn't classify it as one. Adventure Horror Point-And-Click is the correct genre I guess?
i know it is weird time to say this but did anyone noticed Ben's face is just like shagy's face in scooby dooby doo ? wtf ? am i losing it again ?
Yup, your choices "effect" events in the game, thus, it is technically an RPG, because you're Role Playing, in a Game.