Yeah. TWD is definitely a game with hard work put into it. I just don't understand why telltale gets shat on only HALF as much as infintyward after COD Ghosts fell on it's face. I mean there ARE worse staff out there.
Don't be so fucking rude.. Yes it can be frustrating that it takes awhile for these episodes to release.. But you must acknowledge these are w… moreorking people in a company that's very limited and have alot in their hands right now. Telltale doesn't delay these episodes in purpose. If they could release them on time, or earlier - They honestly would. They're not robots - they don't work 24/7 and they take breaks like us all. We all need a break from are jobs right? lol
Just don't be so rude next time.. And this goes out to everybody , actually.
I honestly don't care who is and isn't a Kenny fan but Lilly is FAR from deserving fans... I hate Lilly as a character all together. She avoids dealing with problems outside of what fucks with her system, atleast KENNY shows some FUCKING courtesy at the end of the game... I mean he ONLY risks his life to help get Clem back!! There's a reason Kenny's the one who's coming back in episode 2 and even more reason Lilly's not!!
Soon, we gonna play ep2, clock it roughly 2 hours and then we are here again bitching, sure first few weeks are easy and we just lying to ourselves that TT will no fuck things up and BANG, 3 months later still waiting!!!
Are you kidding me? So what next, you'll then say survival instinct is great because inspired by the walking dead?
And what about the wolf among us? are you then going to say you like it because of the wolf among us comics(even if they are good) and that telltale had their success handed to them on a silver plate every time they do it from now on?, or that it was made easier for them?
Jurassic park and back to the future weren't as good, not because of them, but because of telltale. And vice versa goes, the walking dead comic is great and my favorite western comic. but the success of the game is almost entirely because of telltale. And even if that's untrue there's no way we would care about them more becoming a better studio than them making better games, because the games are what we play and enjoy.
Our vote matters. But that's exactly why we shouldn't vote in that direction, else we'll give them the wrong impression that their PR team, their updates and their trailers and makeover and conduct are priority over the quality and enjoyability of the games itselves that are made. The best studio is the studio that continues to make the best most enjoyable games at fair price. That's my vote.
"I suppose making a game of the year is very unprofessional eh?"
Professionalism is about conduct not the result. Mike Tyson has an awesome… more boxing legacy but he wouldn't be considered professional in the way he went about doing things.
The game deseved game of the year but telltale did not deseve an award for studio of the year. I love the game but I love it because it is based on and inspired by one of my favourite stories, the walking dead. If the story and universe Kirkman established wasn't as phenomenal and infectious they would have had less to work with. cough coughJurrasic park cough cough
Did ttg get studio of the year for jurrasic park or back to the future? Our votes matter!
ok dude you've posted the same thing twice, move your mouse over your comment after you posted it the first time look on the right side you should see 3 options
click on edit and make the changes. click on update comment.
voila only one post
so just flag your second post as spam so a mod can delete it or make it different.
ok dude you've posted the same thing twice, move your mouse over your comment after you posted it the first time look on the right side you sh… moreould see 3 options
click on edit and make the changes. click on update comment.
voila only one post
so just flag your second post as spam so a mod can delete it or make it different.
At first all these gif's and meme's were kind of funny but after seeing tons and tons of them they are getting stale.
Anyone find any new info from TTG anywhere? The show is a dead end for new info.
At first all these gif's and meme's were kind of funny but after seeing tons and tons of them they are getting stale.
Gifs and memes a… morere all that's keeping us from going batshit crazy. We can only hope Telltale will release a trailer tomorrow.
It's really hard looking at the forum on a iPhone with all the Gif's. I thought they were going to implement a mobile view. Maybe it is coming right after 2......... Doubt it though.......
At first all these gif's and meme's were kind of funny but after seeing tons and tons of them they are getting stale.
Gifs and memes a… morere all that's keeping us from going batshit crazy. We can only hope Telltale will release a trailer tomorrow.
Yeah. TWD is definitely a game with hard work put into it. I just don't understand why telltale gets shat on only HALF as much as infintyward after COD Ghosts fell on it's face. I mean there ARE worse staff out there.
I'm going to stick with the idea that each episode will take 3 months, mainly based on PAST episodes generally taking 3 months. Not just for TWD, but for other games Telltale has made. They havent exactly given any reason for me to think they're suddenly going to go faster Theory is one thing, empirical evidence is another.
Doesn't matter to me though - it's not like I paid a season pass so whenever they come out with it, they come out with it. I have other games to play anyway
ttg have previously taken a bit longer to release the second ep due to this feedback system and thus making changes as the community/testers discover, so the following eps should in theory be no more than 2 months/8 weeks.
Yeah. TWD is definitely a game with hard work put into it. I just don't understand why telltale gets shat on only HALF as much as infintyward after COD Ghosts fell on it's face. I mean there ARE worse staff out there.
I honestly don't care who is and isn't a Kenny fan but Lilly is FAR from deserving fans... I hate Lilly as a character all together. She avoids dealing with problems outside of what fucks with her system, atleast KENNY shows some FUCKING courtesy at the end of the game... I mean he ONLY risks his life to help get Clem back!! There's a reason Kenny's the one who's coming back in episode 2 and even more reason Lilly's not!!
she sounded more surprised than angry to me.
twd s2 ep2 confirmed for early march people.
it might also release on Tuesday!(the trailer)
TT is so lucky they have the Walking Dead IP...If it were not for that I'd be done with this company.
We'll I'm getting ready for last weeks TWD followed by the new episode at 9pm est. I'll update if a TTG trailer plays.
Soon, we gonna play ep2, clock it roughly 2 hours and then we are here again bitching, sure first few weeks are easy and we just lying to ourselves that TT will no fuck things up and BANG, 3 months later still waiting!!!
Early march ? Ah, in TellTale language that means around the 15ish since in season 1 they said middle of october and it came out around the 26th...
Well, after S2 is finnished around December, I know I am...
Are you kidding me? So what next, you'll then say survival instinct is great because inspired by the walking dead?
And what about the wolf among us? are you then going to say you like it because of the wolf among us comics(even if they are good) and that telltale had their success handed to them on a silver plate every time they do it from now on?, or that it was made easier for them?
Jurassic park and back to the future weren't as good, not because of them, but because of telltale. And vice versa goes, the walking dead comic is great and my favorite western comic. but the success of the game is almost entirely because of telltale. And even if that's untrue there's no way we would care about them more becoming a better studio than them making better games, because the games are what we play and enjoy.
Our vote matters. But that's exactly why we shouldn't vote in that direction, else we'll give them the wrong impression that their PR team, their updates and their trailers and makeover and conduct are priority over the quality and enjoyability of the games itselves that are made. The best studio is the studio that continues to make the best most enjoyable games at fair price. That's my vote.
really ?
lol bob got burned.
Argh..... I regret to inform the group that the same tired TWD S2E1 trailer is playing during TWD television show.
lol smooth move dude
Will we see this 'news' durning or after the show?
ok dude you've posted the same thing twice, move your mouse over your comment after you posted it the first time look on the right side you should see 3 options
click on edit and make the changes. click on update comment.
voila only one post
so just flag your second post as spam so a mod can delete it or make it different.
At first all these gif's and meme's were kind of funny but after seeing tons and tons of them they are getting stale.
Anyone find any new info from TTG anywhere? The show is a dead end for new info.
Gifs and memes are all that's keeping us from going batshit crazy. We can only hope Telltale will release a trailer tomorrow.
agree with both of you :P
It's really hard looking at the forum on a iPhone with all the Gif's. I thought they were going to implement a mobile view. Maybe it is coming right after 2......... Doubt it though.......
I would like to know season 2 ep 2 of the walking dead comes out someone get back to me as soon as u can I mean it to!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all want to know. As the title states, Telltale has told us it will be "Early March". So anywhere between March 1st - March 15th.
Damn.... Another Sunday goes by with out episode 2...
yeah...since I've followed TT it's been nothing but false promises
Did you seriously expect something to pop up tonight? They've already said a trailer next week.
telltale will be more noticed after game of thrones and borderlands.
Actually Bob is talking about the wrong episode, but 100% sure for one of the episodes Telltale said "early" and it came out pretty late in the month.
did anyone else see the weeping angles in the background?
Are we there yet?
I'm going to stick with the idea that each episode will take 3 months, mainly based on PAST episodes generally taking 3 months. Not just for TWD, but for other games Telltale has made. They havent exactly given any reason for me to think they're suddenly going to go faster
Theory is one thing, empirical evidence is another.
Doesn't matter to me though - it's not like I paid a season pass so whenever they come out with it, they come out with it. I have other games to play anyway
Honestly, I didn't intend that, but that is cool that you realized that!
Not far now...
(anyone else get the Smurfs reference?)
I'm hoping for a trailer tomorrow and then the game beginning of next week.