(War plane and explosion sound, ) D...Day 70 ....* cough * * cough * ......s...still waiting for episode 2.....we have no more food supplies.....I don't know if our troop gonna makes it until early march ...the transmission between Head Quarter and the front are always blown off..........(random soldier screaming : ARTILLERY !! TAKES COVER ) ( BAAAAAAMMMM !!!!!) ........ arrrggghhh... i'm....I'm hit....arrgh.. ..i'm cold
(A comrade runs toward me and says) ...NOOO DON'T DIE.....NOT AFTER SURVIVING ALL THIS !!(cries over my body) YOU HAVE TO SEE EPISODE 2 ( rain start and all the battlefield become muddy) it's an horrific scene
(War plane and explosion sound, ) D...Day 70 ....* cough * * cough * ......s...still waiting for episode 2.....we have no more food supplies..… more...I don't know if our troop gonna makes it until early march ...the transmission between Head Quarter and the front are always blown off..........(random soldier screaming : ARTILLERY !! TAKES COVER ) ( BAAAAAAMMMM !!!!!) ........ arrrggghhh... i'm....I'm hit....arrgh.. ..i'm cold
Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen. The final week before we'll be playing The Walking Dead again. I'm extremely excited to see if this long waiting will pay off. I pray that A House Divided will be just as good as Starved For Help. And not to forget the mysterious survivor. Please don't troll us on this one Telltale, and let it be someone from Season One. hint hint Kenny.
Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen. The final week before we'll be playing The Walking Dead again. I'm extremely excited to see if this long wait… moreing will pay off. I pray that A House Divided will be just as good as Starved For Help. And not to forget the mysterious survivor. Please don't troll us on this one Telltale, and let it be someone from Season One. hint hint Kenny.
Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen. The final week before we'll be playing The Walking Dead again. I'm extremely excited to see if this long wait… moreing will pay off. I pray that A House Divided will be just as good as Starved For Help. And not to forget the mysterious survivor. Please don't troll us on this one Telltale, and let it be someone from Season One. hint hint Kenny.
That wasn't the biggest hint ever...it's obviously Kenny. Or Lee's long lost twin brother!
By the way awsome profile pic...i always knew Ben was reminding me of someone.
I could easily see ben as a kid who was rather popular in school, but once the apocalypse hit he became really scared. Can you really blame him tho, he lost most of his friends and ended up with Lee's group, which was already quite heated cos of all the drama between Lily & Kenny.
So no, i dont think ben was dumb. He is just one of those characters that show that not everyone can be a hero. He lost his family & friends and even wanted to die at some point, which really showed how broken he was.
That being said, the moment he left clem in danger i became quite mad at him,lol
(War plane and explosion sound, ) D...Day 70 ....* cough * * cough * ......s...still waiting for episode 2.....we have no more food supplies..… more...I don't know if our troop gonna makes it until early march ...the transmission between Head Quarter and the front are always blown off..........(random soldier screaming : ARTILLERY !! TAKES COVER ) ( BAAAAAAMMMM !!!!!) ........ arrrggghhh... i'm....I'm hit....arrgh.. ..i'm cold
(In comes reinforcements consisting of 200 tanks, medics, lots of food and 1.5 million soldiers) (Tobi walks to veddy and his comrade holding a shotgun and wearing sunglasses, he stops in front of them and holds out his hand) COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE.
(A comrade runs toward me and says) ...NOOO DON'T DIE.....NOT AFTER SURVIVING ALL THIS !!(cries over my body) YOU HAVE TO SEE EPISODE 2 ( rain start and all the battlefield become muddy) it's an horrific scene
I could easily see ben as a kid who was rather popular in school, but once the apocalypse hit he became really scared. Can you really blame hi… morem tho, he lost most of his friends and ended up with Lee's group, which was already quite heated cos of all the drama between Lily & Kenny.
So no, i dont think ben was dumb. He is just one of those characters that show that not everyone can be a hero. He lost his family & friends and even wanted to die at some point, which really showed how broken he was.
That being said, the moment he left clem in danger i became quite mad at him,lol
(In comes reinforcements consisting of 200 tanks, medics, lots of food and 1.5 million soldiers) (Tobi walks to veddy and his comrade holding … morea shotgun and wearing sunglasses, he stops in front of them and holds out his hand) COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE.
I could easily see ben as a kid who was rather popular in school, but once the apocalypse hit he became really scared. Can you really blame hi… morem tho, he lost most of his friends and ended up with Lee's group, which was already quite heated cos of all the drama between Lily & Kenny.
So no, i dont think ben was dumb. He is just one of those characters that show that not everyone can be a hero. He lost his family & friends and even wanted to die at some point, which really showed how broken he was.
That being said, the moment he left clem in danger i became quite mad at him,lol
As much as I'm a little down at how the release has been delayed this long, I have a feeling that this'll mean TTG has been working on adding plenty more content to it and taking in feedback from Episode One and from the looks of the preview Episode Two covers a lot of ground anyhow, a little like Episode Three of Season One did. Hopefully future episodes like three will come around quicker, at any rate.
I had the benefit of discovering this gem of a game a little (a lot) late, but I can definitely understand why people are upset with the wait between episode 1 and 2. While obviously part of the game's charm, that it is like a playable TV series, no TV producer in their right mind would leave THREE MONTHS between episodes. I have the benefit of having just finished episode 1 yesterday, so it will all be relatively fresh in my mind, but for those who played it when it was released 17th December, the momentum and suspense will have given way to frustration. 4-6 weeks is what's quoted on Telltale's website as the wait between episodes, so they are well out of their own set guidelines. While there is an argument that they have been working on other projects, the counter-argument to that is that Telltale should not bite off more than they can chew! Suspense and anticipation are obviously key facets to this series, so waiting for episodes to release is a part of its charm, however, there does reach a saturation point. Like people have said, remembering past choices, characters and the like are an important part of the game, so leaving 3 months between episodes could conceivably lead to players becoming detached and disillusioned with episodes once they are released. I, for one, am hoping that this 3 month gap between episodes is just a blip. If it becomes a consistent feature, then Telltale run the risk of having a game that releases across 3 separate years, potentially, as others have pointed out, ruining any chance of them winning Game of the Year awards. Obviously something has gone amiss with the production of this episode, as Telltale clearly want to run the game as similarly as possible to how TV series are ran (episodes once every week/month). Telltale would do well to be a bit more consistent in future, as TWD feels like a real breakthrough in terms of how games are produced. It would be a shame if its fans were to turn against its producers.
(War plane and explosion sound, ) D...Day 70 ....* cough * * cough * ......s...still waiting for episode 2.....we have no more food supplies.....I don't know if our troop gonna makes it until early march ...the transmission between Head Quarter and the front are always blown off..........(random soldier screaming : ARTILLERY !! TAKES COVER ) ( BAAAAAAMMMM !!!!!) ........ arrrggghhh... i'm....I'm hit....arrgh.. ..i'm cold
(A comrade runs toward me and says) ...NOOO DON'T DIE.....NOT AFTER SURVIVING ALL THIS !!(cries over my body) YOU HAVE TO SEE EPISODE 2 ( rain start and all the battlefield become muddy) it's an horrific scene
It's okay, man. It doesn't affect you. You're not human.
Pack it in, guys. A username is just that, and let's leave it there.
Although, that said, I suppose a friendly reminder that we ask you not to discuss stuff like weed on the site wouldn't go amiss...
C'mon telltale, release it

Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen. The final week before we'll be playing The Walking Dead again. I'm extremely excited to see if this long waiting will pay off. I pray that A House Divided will be just as good as Starved For Help. And not to forget the mysterious survivor. Please don't troll us on this one Telltale, and let it be someone from Season One. hint hint Kenny.
THIS GUY ^ is awesome
That wasn't the biggest hint ever...it's obviously Kenny. Or Lee's long lost twin brother!
By the way awsome profile pic...i always knew Ben was reminding me of someone.
wtf ? next week the second ep will released ? fuck i have a fucking exam shit fucking teacher and his rules >:(
Ben is the dumbest character i ever seen .
I could easily see ben as a kid who was rather popular in school, but once the apocalypse hit he became really scared. Can you really blame him tho, he lost most of his friends and ended up with Lee's group, which was already quite heated cos of all the drama between Lily & Kenny.
So no, i dont think ben was dumb. He is just one of those characters that show that not everyone can be a hero. He lost his family & friends and even wanted to die at some point, which really showed how broken he was.
That being said, the moment he left clem in danger i became quite mad at him,lol
it will be either 4th or 5th.Im sure of it
What kind of artillery they use?''soon'' machineguns?
clem's face at 0:15
(In comes reinforcements consisting of 200 tanks, medics, lots of food and 1.5 million soldiers) (Tobi walks to veddy and his comrade holding a shotgun and wearing sunglasses, he stops in front of them and holds out his hand) COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE.
Once it comes out I'll be like this:
I just wanted to push him off the train when he revealed his secret.
Who wouldn't? He's pure evil!
That is hilarious, but sad at the same time...
Still dumb to me
So uhh... am I the only one to notice that last night's episode of the show didn't have the TV ad of All That Remains appear?
Thank god. It was getting old anyway.
and himself
I'm with you there, cant wait for the trailer of Ep2 this week and the episode itself!
As much as I'm a little down at how the release has been delayed this long, I have a feeling that this'll mean TTG has been working on adding plenty more content to it and taking in feedback from Episode One and from the looks of the preview Episode Two covers a lot of ground anyhow, a little like Episode Three of Season One did. Hopefully future episodes like three will come around quicker, at any rate.
Ben is on top of the list...
More themed music for the wait
I had the benefit of discovering this gem of a game a little (a lot) late, but I can definitely understand why people are upset with the wait between episode 1 and 2. While obviously part of the game's charm, that it is like a playable TV series, no TV producer in their right mind would leave THREE MONTHS between episodes. I have the benefit of having just finished episode 1 yesterday, so it will all be relatively fresh in my mind, but for those who played it when it was released 17th December, the momentum and suspense will have given way to frustration. 4-6 weeks is what's quoted on Telltale's website as the wait between episodes, so they are well out of their own set guidelines. While there is an argument that they have been working on other projects, the counter-argument to that is that Telltale should not bite off more than they can chew! Suspense and anticipation are obviously key facets to this series, so waiting for episodes to release is a part of its charm, however, there does reach a saturation point. Like people have said, remembering past choices, characters and the like are an important part of the game, so leaving 3 months between episodes could conceivably lead to players becoming detached and disillusioned with episodes once they are released. I, for one, am hoping that this 3 month gap between episodes is just a blip. If it becomes a consistent feature, then Telltale run the risk of having a game that releases across 3 separate years, potentially, as others have pointed out, ruining any chance of them winning Game of the Year awards. Obviously something has gone amiss with the production of this episode, as Telltale clearly want to run the game as similarly as possible to how TV series are ran (episodes once every week/month). Telltale would do well to be a bit more consistent in future, as TWD feels like a real breakthrough in terms of how games are produced. It would be a shame if its fans were to turn against its producers.
hold out for a trailer tomorrow you guys.
Before Ep2 comes out you guys have to reach Page 200! GO ON!
144 pages and counting...
GO GO GO GO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We're only eleven pages away from having more pages than the season 2 Episode 1 Release date discussion! gooooooooo!
Well if we're just trying to make up space, have more theme songs
And some Rick
And some Brian
And some Merle :-/