
Nothing much to say. Spanish teenager girl from Spain that loves TWDG. Hate being a teenager. I'm not build like that. You'll understand if you get to know me. ((not saying my life is shit and I want to die, btw. My life is good as it is, no need to be an attention whore)). You can call me Naomi. Or Gomi, suit yourself. Dark caoba red hair, blue eyes (sometimes a little grey and green, tho) and pale white skin. Loved Lilly, Molly and Christa from S1, Shel and Nate from DLC 400 days, and Sarita, Sarah, Luke and Nick from S2. ((of course, not counting Lee and Clementine)). Everyone wants Clem to be the protagonist of S3, but I like the idea of having someone else in that role ((maybe Christa?)). But I'd like Clem to be the deuteragonist and have a really important role on the season. Lee, Sarita, Sarah, Luke and Nick are alive in my heart. Back off, haters. Wanting to see more of Molly, but I fear that we won't. I want to believe that Christa is alive, trying to find Clementine. Lilly should return. It would be damn interesting to see her again. Wanting to see the 400 days characters again (plus Eddie and Nate, too). I might not like Jane, but that doesn't mean I consider Kenny being God. But I chose him over her, because Kenny is family, and we just knew Jane for goddamn two days. "What's the most important thing in this world? Clem, it's family". So my Clem's with Kenny and AJ up north near Wellington. I don't hate Arvo. Deal with it. I learned to empathize with people ((even if that would get me killed in a zombie apocalypse, tho)). He might had shoot Clem, but I understand why he did it. I don't hate him, so I'm neutral with him. If I ever have kids, and if it's a girl, her name would be Clementine. I only talk about TWDG, don't I? Someone shut me up now.


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