Talia is the secret main character

Talia is one of the Forresters we can't play as, but she always seems to be around. Every game had that one character that everyone either loves or hates. I personally adore Talia and was pissed off as hell when Griff hit her, which is why I went back and made Duncan my main bro cuz he got hit instead, sorry bro. I also ship her and Gared simply because of the scene where she gives him her necklace, so sweet! So anyways, that's why I picture Talia as the secret main character because she knows like freaking everything, Gared is a close second. What do you guys think of Talia?



  • Out of all the Forresters, Talia is the one that I will do my utmost to protect and the one character I like interacting with the most. On my first playthough, Ethan didn't hesitate to take Talia's place when Ramsay grabbed her. As Rodrik, I was absolutely furious when Gryff punched her, but I refrained from punching him to help her get on her feet. It was only because I cared more for Talia's safety than my own pride that I stayed down.

  • You are a better person than me, I punched Griff into the next century. I have no regrets.

    Out of all the Forresters, Talia is the one that I will do my utmost to protect and the one character I like interacting with the most. On m

  • Gryff pushed her into the mud, not punched her. But I agree with your point. She seems to have a potential for S2 to be playable character. Her character development is phenomenal IMO. Killing her off in E6 would be really waste of development and time.

  • Right, thanks for reminding me! If I was Talia I'd be mad he ruined my dress! Like dude, I JUST washed this!

    gomatamo posted: »

    Gryff pushed her into the mud, not punched her. But I agree with your point. She seems to have a potential for S2 to be playable character.

  • I don't see anything special about her :/ She's an ok character, she just needs to actually DO something.

  • Everyone has their own opinion, thanks for being honest! :)

    I don't see anything special about her She's an ok character, she just needs to actually DO something.

  • edited September 2015

    I don’t know… Talia is probably my least favourite Forrester. Not that I’d be annoyed if her story continues in Season 2, it’s just that I don’t really care what happens to her either way. I care much more about Rodrik, Asher and Mira. (And considering those three are all pretty much doomed, I'm not sure how much I'll care about Season 2...)

    Talia was pretty cool at the start of the season, but it annoys me in episode five when she bitches if Rodrik goes back on his promise to kill the traitor. Like, I understand what she's gone through, and how she’d feel betrayed by Rodrik… but Asher’s life is in danger. And she knows that. And yet she insists, and still bitches about it.

  • That's fine. I didn't find Mira's story interesting. Everybody's different and that's great! You have a good point about her overreacting about the promise. ;)

  • I have to agree with you there about Mira’s story. It is pretty boring, considering all the potential it had. But I would like to see what she’s got in store for episode six, and of course Season 2 if somebody doesn’t off her before then.

    That's fine. I didn't find Mira's story interesting. Everybody's different and that's great! You have a good point about her overreacting about the promise.

  • It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest, but Talia becoming playable would be a bit too Clementine all over again to me. And I loved that but it's been done, ya feel. The only way I'd personally allow it is if the Whitehills destroy Ironrath and pretty much kill everyone and she begins the next season hiding in the grove plotting her revenge or something. That I could totally get behind because I'm a completely horrible, sado-masochistic person. ;D

    As an aside, I care for Talia way more than I care for Mira, it isn't even comparable for me. To me, we have a sense of all the Forrester kids' personalities except for her. Talia's into music and doesn't let anyone bully her and Mira... cares about her family? Doesn't want someone to kill her? That goes for all the Forresters. I just don't have much of an idea of who she is or what she's about, but I admire Talia's pluck and her interactions with Rodrik have made me super protective of her. The minute Gryff pushed her into the mud he was a dead man. I punched him the second it let me, stood up to him so Talia would know I was with her (and the smallfolk wouldn't see their lord in the dirt on his own land), and I happily took his eye out because no one comes in my house and messes with me and mine.

    About Talia and Gared and the necklace, I have to wonder if she suspected he'd need it. It was Gregor's map and Duncan tells us the dude gave Talia, Ethan, and Rodrik the same necklace, which coincidentally you need to read the map. Rodrik we know was already aware of the North Grove since he can mention it if Duncan's your traitor, so it's possible the other kids with a necklace knew too. It's probably just a dumb lucky coincidence but I love crazy theories and this one makes Talia a damn genius. ;)

    I more than half expect to see Malcolm as a playable character, while we're on the topic. There has to be a reason he stayed in Essos and it was mentioned several times he's going to do something for Dany...

  • Are we twins or something? This is what I meant by her being the secret main character. She obviously knows about the necklace and I'm sure she has other secrets.

    lilithnight posted: »

    It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest, but Talia becoming playable would be a bit too Clementine all over again to me. And I loved that but

  • I think Mira has a lot of potential for season two, I ship her and Tom. :)

    hemfbg posted: »

    I have to agree with you there about Mira’s story. It is pretty boring, considering all the potential it had. But I would like to see what she’s got in store for episode six, and of course Season 2 if somebody doesn’t off her before then.

  • I could see her being a playable character in S2 possibly, although I'd be wanting a whole new set of characters myself. But she hasn't really done anything great enough to make her a real protagonist in my eyes, sure she's caused some trouble and interacted with other characters but she just hasn't done anything to stand out from the rest, she's been about as useful to the story as Ryon.

    And I really don't get the ship either with her and Gared, the only interaction the two have had is a couple lines and her giving him the necklace, is that really enough to warrant a shipping?

  • Yup, this! Talia has to know some things. I'm curious how Gregor chose those three out of the six, but I guess with Asher gone that left Ethan after Rodrik and I like to think even though she's last in the line of succession, he saw that Talia is a smart cookie. :)

    Are we twins or something? This is what I meant by her being the secret main character. She obviously knows about the necklace and I'm sure she has other secrets.

  • Friendly reminder that Talia being furious with Rodrik for not killing the traitor is some people's last interaction between the two. T_T

  • She couldn't be main this season cuz they do that kind of faded character thing when they aren't playable yet

    I could see her being a playable character in S2 possibly, although I'd be wanting a whole new set of characters myself. But she hasn't real

  • I kind of have mixed feelings about Talia, I don't want her to die, I like her, but I find her annoying. My main problem with her is that she thinks she can be a better lord than Rodrik.

  • I Know they aren't a Canon couple but a girl can dream, I just think they're cute together. I agree she didn't do much this season, I hope we get a new set if characters to. All the Forrester people seem to be doomed besides Gared

    I could see her being a playable character in S2 possibly, although I'd be wanting a whole new set of characters myself. But she hasn't real

  • NO ONE IS BETTER THAN RODERICK! sorry, fan girl moment. Roderick is my favorite character next to Gared.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I kind of have mixed feelings about Talia, I don't want her to die, I like her, but I find her annoying. My main problem with her is that she thinks she can be a better lord than Rodrik.

  • I know, I'm hoping for her to be a main character next season.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    She couldn't be main this season cuz they do that kind of faded character thing when they aren't playable yet

  • Why did you have to type cookie? Now I'm craving sweets! By the time I sign back in I'll have gained 50 pounds! See ya!

    lilithnight posted: »

    Yup, this! Talia has to know some things. I'm curious how Gregor chose those three out of the six, but I guess with Asher gone that left Eth

  • Oh I understand that, but I think Warriorcats main thought is that Talia could be that unforeseen protagonist due to all the crap that's happened to her. Admittedly, she has become more hardened as seen from episode 4 so assuming she lives at the end, we could see another Aria Stark type heroine in the making.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    She couldn't be main this season cuz they do that kind of faded character thing when they aren't playable yet

  • Eh, personally I hope not. Though I played Rodrik as a protective older brother to her, I really don't care for her character at all.

  • Someone gets me! (Hyperventilating)

    Oh I understand that, but I think Warriorcats main thought is that Talia could be that unforeseen protagonist due to all the crap that's hap

  • We'll have to wait and see. As long as you enjoy the game it doesn't matter if you agree with me or not. I care about everyone's happiness cuz I'm weird. ;)

    Eh, personally I hope not. Though I played Rodrik as a protective older brother to her, I really don't care for her character at all.

  • NO! I will destroy your dreams! BWAHAHA!!! Not trying to be the killjoy, I'd jump on that ship too if there was something more between the two like in Tales with Rhys and Sasha XP

    I'm pulling for the Forresters myself, I get that a couple more are going to die for sure but I really want; Talia and Ryon to at the least make it through.

    I Know they aren't a Canon couple but a girl can dream, I just think they're cute together. I agree she didn't do much this season, I hope we get a new set if characters to. All the Forrester people seem to be doomed besides Gared

  • edited September 2015

    If Ryon dies I'll march up to the producer and stab him in the face! He's too cute to die!

    NO! I will destroy your dreams! BWAHAHA!!! Not trying to be the killjoy, I'd jump on that ship too if there was something more between the t

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited September 2015

    I don't like her. Girl is annoying - kill him, kill him, Rodrik, or get up brother (so Gryff can punch you again), or I saw what you did Ethan.

    Overrated singer. Her last album sucks.

  • Agreed, and he reminds me of my little brother too so that scene from episode 3 was more intense for me too lol

    If Ryon dies I'll march up to the producer and stab him in the face! He's too cute to die!

  • I was all serious until I read the last part about her album! I fell off my chair laughing! XD

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I don't like her. Girl is annoying - kill him, kill him, Rodrik, or get up brother (so Gryff can punch you again), or I saw what you did Ethan. Overrated singer. Her last album sucks.

  • I despise Ramsey. Those words will be written on my tombstone

    Agreed, and he reminds me of my little brother too so that scene from episode 3 was more intense for me too lol

  • I really like Talia, but if she's going to be a playable character in season 2, it will have to be somewhere other than Ironrath. Assuming the surviving brother is still lord of Ironrath, or if he dies, it falls to Ryon (please don't make me play as a 7 year old boy), Talia just isn't going to be the one making decisions there. Of all the protagonists in season one, we play them because they are the people who can do things and make decisions where they are - Rodrik in Ironrath, Gared at the wall/in the north, Mira in King's Landing, Asher in Essos. Talia, as much as I love the girl, couldn't be a playable character cause there was nothing she could do to affect the story in this season, except figure out the identity of the traitor, which we didn't need to play her as a protagonist for five episodes for her to do, it was worked in effectively as part of the script.

    I'd actually love to see her in King's Landing instead of Mira, just for the temperamental choices I'd have gotten to make like [kick Lord Andros in the shin] or [knock the wine goblet out of Cersei's hand] but that would have ended badly for her. She's a spitfire though and I love her (and things did NOT go well for Gryff when he hurt her)

  • If Talia survives just to become the 'badass' Clem of GoT, then I'll be so pissed at Telltale.

    Getting sick and tired of this character archetype.

  • You have a point there, I didn't really like TWD season 2 because she was too young.

    Zeruis posted: »

    If Talia survives just to become the 'badass' Clem of GoT, then I'll be so pissed at Telltale. Getting sick and tired of this character archetype.

  • You never know with telltale! What if Talia becomes queen of the wildlings? Unlikely, but still. True we probably won't play as her but I hope she's still there.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I really like Talia, but if she's going to be a playable character in season 2, it will have to be somewhere other than Ironrath. Assuming t

  • Very true. Also I should know better than to assume a happy ending for the Forresters with either Rodrik or Asher happily ruling a peaceful Ironrath - this is Telltale's take on Game of Thrones, and that's a horribly naive position to take. This game could go anywhere from here.

    You never know with telltale! What if Talia becomes queen of the wildlings? Unlikely, but still. True we probably won't play as her but I hope she's still there.

  • Right. Especially with the name for episode six: FREAKING ICE DRAGON! I hope the ice Dragon eats Ramsey.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Very true. Also I should know better than to assume a happy ending for the Forresters with either Rodrik or Asher happily ruling a peaceful

  • She's someone I think GRRM would pick as the POV character in the storyline

  • Lmfao I see what you mean, her solo career just isn't the same as when Ethan was still part of the band. xD

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I don't like her. Girl is annoying - kill him, kill him, Rodrik, or get up brother (so Gryff can punch you again), or I saw what you did Ethan. Overrated singer. Her last album sucks.

  • True. It's always interesting when the POV isn't the person in charge.

    Clemenem posted: »

    She's someone I think GRRM would pick as the POV character in the storyline

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