I think it's really sweet if gill fall in love with Clementine

I think it's really sweet if gill fall in love with Clementine, although both are aged 11 - 13. This is the love of little children and it is so sweet I think. Finally, he tells her "cool Hat" and Clementine quite indifferent to it.
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Too soon for something like that to happen, I think. Besides some people didn't get that ending. Also I doubt Gill will stay alive that long.
Children in TWDG usually don't last long, besides Clem and AJ. Gill is a determinant character, more reason to fear for his fate. I'm not even sure about Clem or AJ's survival during S3.
clem noooooo
When you said Gill, I thought for a second you meant:
As far as I know, many players seem to hate Gill. A romance subplot between two children would be difficult to handle in a sensitive way without making the relationship look creepy, especially for a character who is well regarded by the fandom and another character who not many seem to care for at all.
Who hates a little kid who was barely on screen and said all of two words?
I haven't the foggiest. Probably the same kind of people who are suspicious of Gill for merely speaking to Clementine.
I got that ending. And I just want them to be fellow survivors, no romantic attachments whatsoever.
Gill isn't determinant. His appearance is determinant. I'm willing to bet he'll eventually show even in the Kenny and alone endings.
One word: BULLSHIT. Clementine is cleverest girl in a zombie apocalypse, she needs no boyfriend to survive. If I ever see Clem falling in love with a boy of her age, I'll never play this game again.
Not sure, I mean, why would Kenny and Clem return to Howe's? Or just Clem? They could try to go back since Wellington isn't accepting new members tho, but I'm not sure. Even though Randy, Patricia and Gill probably took over Howe's since no one was there when they arrived in those endings. Also if Clem ends up in Wellington, why would she go back to Howe's? Maybe Wellington isn't safe?
Well even if we don't see them, they aren't determinant. They exist even in the other endings. Just look at Chet. He didn't show up if you chose to wait until night, but then he was a walker later, so he existed the whole time.
Yeah, they do exist that's for sure. But what I wanted to say is that a love relationship between Gill and Clem is very unlikely to happen, first of all because it would probably be determinant (because Gill's appearance is), and because they're still too young. I really doubt he'll survive S3 at all, or even the first episode if they decide to reunite all endings into one same storyline (that would also mean that Kenny/Jane would be goners, which I'd totally hate).
The moment Clementine loves Gill his future will be sealed.... To become zombie food.
not necessarily with the Kenny Jane thing. The problem with Nick and Sarah was that they were trying to make both playthroughs equal, where they could have the same play time, so they cut out a lot of dialogue time for Nick and Sarah. But when the characters are determinant with each other, such as Carley and Doug, they can keep them on as long as they want because the only thing that's changing is the model and voice. And as for the alone ending, they could easily just have Clem find a character along the way that they could place into that spot.
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Brotp. Asexual and aromantic Clementine for me, pls.