If you get bit on the leg, cant you just cut a chunk of where you was bit?

I was just wondering because they always cut it off in that situation and the same with their arm, not sure if it just spreads quickly.


  • If you cut off the leg, then yes. But i'm not so sure about just a chunk.

  • At that point, you might as well amputate the whole leg.

    Talking a chunk off is just asking to die of infection.

  • Too many variables to take into account. I guess the thing that scares people the most is the risk of bad stuff happening even if something gets cut off. Better to be safe (the most safe you can get) and just start chopping.

  • No because whaterver is in the bite is traveling through you veins, if it spreads to other parts of your body you are dead, chopping the leg would prevent the infected blood to travel through your body.

  • Medically, having a large chunk of your leg/arm cut off is worse than amputation. Its a lot harder to stop the bleeding and if youre cutting out chunks, it might require reconstructive surgery to connect the blood vessels to your foot/hand, which is presumably not an option. At any rate, amputation is probably better with limited supplies.

  • Here's something I'm puzzled about. We know that everyone has the "walker disease" and you become a walker when you die. You can die by getting bit (as the infection will kill you).

    But what about newly turned walkers? Apparently a dead person becomes a walker in seconds or minutes. A dead body doesn't rot much at all in the first few minutes, so there shouldn't be a fatal infection if a new walker bit you. The body has to rot a little first, for there to be enough bacteria to overwhelm your immune system. Yet anyone bit by a walker, old or new, will die without medical treatment. I'm just bedazzled by that.

    Or this could just be there for plot reasons

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