Dear telltale, please enter the urgency of this message!

Since season one, episode one of the dearly loved game, The Walking Dead, made by Telltale Games, us players have made a special bond with the sweet little character known as Clementine. Season one of this game mainly revolved around Clem's caretaker (Lee) and herself. Everything that was taught to her from season one, fortunately came into play in season 2 and showed us that our choices really do matter and that our voices are heard. In my opinion, and I'm sure many others as well enjoyed controlling the character that we have loved and grown up with since day 1. We felt Clem's joy, pain, and any other emotion she ever felt throughout the game. We do our best to keep her safe and pick choices best for her. We all love her as a character and many of us fans would love her back as a protagonist in season 3. I and we would once again like to keep growing with Clementine and feel the same connection. Season 2 was a bumpy ride, but at the end, no matter what, Clementine kept her good morals. Clementine is now becoming a young lady. What else do we want? Please keep this in your thought Telltale. Thank you
We (most fans) want Clementine in Season 3!!
I think Clementine will be a main character in Season 3. I hope she will be the playable character too but even if she isnt, the playable character should go everywhere she does. If they just cut Clementine or kill her off early on into the game then there wont be that tension of always worrying if Clem is safe or not. I have not grown attached to any of the non playable characters in Season 2 as i did with Clementine throughout Season 1 so if she is not present in Season 3 then i wont really care enough to see what happens next. I'll be bummed out more than anything.
I hope you like Clementine two seasons, not just one season.
Your over doing it with these "we want Clem for Season 3" threads. I love Clementine too, but you might want to step it down a few notches.
What do you mean?
He means stop making a lot of threads
What he means is that you're exaggerating, you don't need to do five threads about how you don't want Clem to die.
ok ... sorry
ok ... sorry
Hey, no need to be sad. Just chill out a bit with he threads.
ok ... you are nice
It's just that every one of your threads is about Clementine you post a bunch and most of them are saying the same thing with different words.
I'm okay with her being in it, but I do not want to play as her
Damn, way to put it bluntly. I remember this person saying they're only a kid, so let's go a little easy, okay?