Tell your deepest darkest secret for TWD S3
If someone were to say, "If you revealed your darkest secret, we would release season 3 in a matter of days." Would you do it?
I made a thread like this a while back and it was fairly successful until people got a little... "out of hand" with their secrets.
You are not required to reveal the secret, just say if you would do it or not. If you wish to reveal the secret, do as you may. But please, keep it under control.
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I wouldn't
no one needs to know the cookie left that jar.
Oh hey Dont_Look_Back, haven't seen you in a while.
No I wouldn't, don't really think I have a deep dark secret anyway, unless it's so deep and dark that it's secret from even me.
Here's a secret: Clementine die to protect AJ!
I laugh ... I wish I knew something about the season 3
I played S4 of TWD. OK phew. Now can I play S3?
I'm pretty sure the statute of limitations hasn't come into effect yet. So no.
Are you trying to get me to incriminate myself about the murder of- wait shit
I knew there was something off about you! I'm calling the cops on your punk Deltinoy ass!
Kenny will commit suicide like Kat did because of his problems
My darkest secret is that my family is in shambles, and it's eating me away. I don't know what to do anymore. Every night my mom cooks dinner, and calls to me when she's finished. But when I get downstairs the food is not ready. It's still cooking on the stove with "just a few minutes" as she puts it. I'm so sick of these lies. It's tearing our family apart.
Copyright of the internet.
I have an omorashi fetish. There, I said it.
That man didn't disappear, it was me who got rid of him.
Now, where's my season three?
How about i tell my secret in return for some updates. The game isn't close to being finished, not even TWDM is finished I'm guessing.
I'll tell you my secret(s) for news.
Umm i like cheese
I like pie
My favorite cookie is chocolate
I love my job at the Krusty Krab
I don't care that much about this game....
Nope. I love this game, but not so much that I'm willing to spill my deepest most personal secrets in order to get it quicker.
TWD wasnt anywhere as good as ttg recent games. It was way too short like twau.
Yes. I get turned on when people piss themselves. It's stupid, I know.
Where are you been, Don't_Look_Back?
It's so nice to meet you again!
I missed you
I'm currently a sucker for The Little Mermaid (Disney version) right now. It's a phase I'm going through. I'm a guy, 20 yrs old.
Then don't post a secret?
But my secret? The body is under the swing set.
My secret? I helped someone hide a body under a swing set.
asleep sorry
I like to dig under random swing sets in the hopes of finding a dead body which I can then use to blackmail the people who buried the body there in the first place.
Ikr? It's one of the weirdest fetishes, I think. XD
Your Gravatar goes amazingly with your comment.
I mean, I can see it being plausible with females pissing themselves, but like?
Well, I'm bisexual (and female), sooooooo... yeah...
And I actually agree! As a kid, I didn't realize it was so weird, but now I do, and it's actually legitimately funny. XD No offense taken at all, bro/sis/affectionate-name-for-a-sibling.
I once found a body under a swing set and left it there.
(This is a joke... please don't arrest me.)
As a kid, I used to pour water on the crotches of my dolls.
Don't worry you did the right thing.
InfiniteDawn also said to tell you that she thought you were really cool and you two were just beginning to become friends and she feels bad for leaving you hanging and not being able to reply to you.
Thank you.
She was banned like, directly after our conversation. What happened??