I think Arvo is a bad kid

From the beginning, he stared at the hate Clementine. Even when it did not kill his sister. (Who was already dead), even if he was mad, that's no excuse for hatred towards the 10-year-old girl (Clementine), including, he wanted to flee with Mike and Bonnie, stealing food from a group that includes a little girl and a baby ?! It's not evil?
No matter how much he hates the Kenny, this is not an excuse to hit two small souls. (AJ and Clementine). Mike also disappointed ... You can tell he loves children, but he completely Stealing food. I thought that Bonnie a good person who cares about Clementine, and the baby ... but not.
And culminated when Arvo nearly shot to death Clementine! What reason do you have to shoot a little girl she cared about you until now ?! (when she stopped Kenny had not stolen the bag).
Even if Clementine keeps quiet and wishes to join, he shoots her. After she lost consciousness, Bonnie or Mike, leaving it like this ... shame! Shame! Shame!
Believe me if you heard the news: Three unidentified persons shot a girl of 10 or 11 and left it that way and fled ... were disgusted. How could they? How much evil?
In any case there is no one who takes care of Clementine properly. Kenny all the time around AJ, Jane cares for it more than Kenny, but still not enough. She so wants love and affection ... until she sees her dreams Lee all the time. Instead, I would hug her all the time ... just a shame what happened there, conclusion.
Stop treating her like an infant! She is hardened by the apocalypse, she knows it doesnt matter that she's just a kid- she has to fight for survival like everyone else. She isn't that innocent girl in season 1 episode 1, she is a survivor that had to do a lot of awful things to survive. If you keep treating her like you do, she'l end up like Sarah. Would you want that?
Then how did Sarah survive 2 years without being learned about the apocalypse?
Well she knew about the outbreak but Carlos sheltered her like an infant and then she ended the way she ended. And she probably survived for 2 years since she had a group of, I dunno 7 adults? But what has this got to do with anything? I am really missing your point..
Luke, Nick, Pete, Rebecca, Alvin, Carlos = 6 adults
Arvo clearly needs to die. I can't believe some people still have symphaty on him after he just shot Clem, the most loved character of TWD.
Its because some people don't see things so black and white.
Well I don't have symphathy for him but I have no desire to kill him.
They also had Nick's mom for a while before she died.
Clearly a masterful comeback that no one can argue.
Completely forgot that
Arvo isn't 'evil'. He did some really uncool things but come on we both know he's not evil, it's a matter of perspective. Imagine if we were playing as Arvo since the beginning of season 1 and not Clementine:
The group sends us to hide our meds (for some unknown reason) a kid shows up that doesn't speak your language but it's a kid so naturally you don't want to hurt her. Then a woman sneaks up behind you and steals your gun then suggests taking your medicene that you need for your sister (A character you're attatched to by now). Luckily they let you go with the meds, you return to your group and tell them what happened. Their naturally worried about a group nearby that may or may not be a threat. The group decides to take their supplies, whether you agree or not doesn't matter as you're not in a position to give orders. The plan goes horribly wrong and your sister is wounded, naturally you try to revive her then some big scary guy with one eye grabs you and uses you as a human shield/hostage. You're terrified that you won't get back to your sister in time then you see a little girl shoot your sister, the same little girl that tricked you into letting your guard down, so naturally you hate her. Your whole group is dead, all characters you were attached to and now you're forced to travel with the antagonists to get them some food.
Anyway you get the idea I can't be bothered writing the whole episode from Arvo's perspective and I won't even try to defend him shooting a child.
What do I gain from killing a teenager? Anyway that's not the point, I don't kill characters if I don't have to, no matter how much I hate them. I would've even spared Carver if I could.
No shit, sherlock
how is that related?! She definitely like a baby, this fucking little girl, what it relates to the nature of her !!! When you understand it. That's what people do not realize is that it's a tough girl, does not mean she is not innocent and in need of love. And you stop treating her like a robot. Enough.
how is that related?! She definitely like a baby, this fucking little girl, what it relates to the nature of her !!! When you understand it. That's what people do not realize is that it's a tough girl, does not mean she is not innocent and in need of love. And you stop treating her like a robot. Enough.
how is that related?! She definitely like a baby, this fucking little girl, what it relates to the nature of her !!! When you understand it. That's what people do not realize is that it's a tough girl, does not mean she is not innocent and in need of love. And you stop treating her like a robot. Enough.
I'm tired referred Clementine as a robot! Enough! You think she's immune to anything? Protect Arvo? You are annoying. Clementine Clementine is the same, same one she was weaker, but now it has grown in total next year or two, there is not much difference ... its toughness goes regrettable, it is more to pity than to treat it as a robot. I really like Clementine.
In need of love?
You kinda sound like Lexi Porter... wait a minute....
It's related because you're saying Arvo is 'evil' for what he did but from his perspective Clem and her group are evil for killing his friends and sister. The point I'm trying to make is that if you played from Arvo's perspective you'd probably hate Clementine too. I would REALLY appreciate if you would stop swearing at me.
Nobody said Clementine was a robot!
Maybe not you, someone else said it was "tough" and that's it. So what? She fucking little girl.
I understood. You did not respond, responded to aManWhoLovesTelltale
This is not funny. You will learn to understand people's attention, I only noticed that something unfortunate.
We're all aware that Clem's a little girl you don't need to preach to everyone and constantly swearing at them to prove it.
Oh? Is it my solemn duty to reply to that single comment simply because it upset you? I'm sorry but I wanted to discuss the actual discussion YOU made not too rush to reply to every comment that upsets you.
Send me a translator that can de-cipher your squabbling and I could maybe offer you a decent answer, thank you.
You're a bad person -.-
I'm the only one here who really love Clementine -.-
Not even true I love Clementine! Just because I don't hate everyone who wrongs her or debate with anyone that disagrees with you doesn't mean I don't love her!
That's unecessarily rude.
You're a bad person -.-
You're trying to hurt me, "thank you".
What I think is arvo did a lot things which showed him as a jerk and made people mad at him. But at some points even he was ill treated like in that place near the house im episode 5 he was jusy depressed but kenny yelled at him like a crazy person. So I think he is okay but due to some reasons a bad kid. Plus he lost his sister so that a sudden shock and mayby he thought clem in the first place robbed him then killed his sister maybe thats why he shot her.