What if Luke never died
This question has been ringing in my head.What if Luke never drowned in season 4 .I personal think that he would stop Bonnie,Mike and Arvo.What do you guys think
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This question has been ringing in my head.What if Luke never drowned in season 4 .I personal think that he would stop Bonnie,Mike and Arvo.What do you guys think
Things wouldn't have went to shit so hard.
Therefore, he needed to die, to progress the plot...Sadly.
Mike might've helped Arvo escape, or left with him. Perhaps 50/50 on the 'taking the supplies and gunshot' scenario popping up again.
Bonnie likely would've stayed.
Kenny and Jane wouldn't of done their stupid fight, so they're not determinant.
Yay, more characters alive for Season 3 to work with.
Well, since his usefulness to the story had been exhausted by that point and that everything that happened afterwards was mostly due to his death... he'd just be alive really
Luke dead...
Sorry, Lisa.
You did everything what you could...
Well that's a lie
I didn't do anything.
You tried save him in S2 Ep5 as Clementine, but... he's gone... Т_Т
I would have loved to see some type of three way dynamic between Kenny, Luke, and Jane at the end of the episode where Luke is on the sidelines trying to cool everyone down like Clem was doing.
...that or they should've replaced Jane with Luke. Just my opinion though.
If Luke lived, we never would have got the group fighting, Clem getting shot, and Jane vs Kenny. He was too good of a person, the glue that held the group together and that would have led to a happy ending. And TWD is not about happy endings.
I wouldn't have a broken heart.
I'd be the happiest fan girl alive.
I wouldn't be pissed off at Telltale till this day.
Firstly, the story wouldn't work, because you sabotaged the natural order of things
Secondly, due to the disruption, the story would begin to suffer from narrative contradiction, slowly collapsing in on itself as the game becomes a pyschological thriller about trying to escape from a virtualized reality that has begun to falter and break apart, leading to the line between whats real and what is just a facade becoming blurred as the game begins to thematically destruct the concept of existence and tackle the hard topics of existentialism and perception, such as to whether the nature of perception is analogue or binary, where perception as a concept stands in regards to the individual, and whether or not reality is just a social construct based on how the subjective opinions of the perception of the world between groups of individuals begin to homogenize into what can be considered an objective truth, thus resulting in a story that raises deep philosophical questions that keeps people pondering for the years to follow
Well, as long as Luke lives.
...And I'd totally play that game.
I still think he would help stop arvo,bonnie and mike
Jesus christ whats wrong with you twd people?! It is becomming either " what if ... is alive .." treads....I mean , arent there more themes to discuss in such awesome and full of great characters game?
But Deltino, what we ended up with doesn't work and it already sabotaged the natural order of things! And due to the disruption, the story began to suffer from narrative contradiction, slowly collapsing in on itself as the game became a psychological terrifying mindfuck about trying to escape from the virtualized reality of duplicated pine trees that began to falter and break apart a nearby town the group forgot about, leading to the line between Russians and what is just a facade translation of the Russian language becoming blurred as the game began to thematically destruct the concept of the group's existence after surviving a shootout, why they spontaneously combusted over a bro a who did nothing, and tackle the hard topics of existentialism of Kenny and Jane randomly becoming mortal enemies and bullshitty perception, such as to whether the nature of perception is analogue or binary when confronted with a frozen lake, where perception as a Telltale concept stands in regards to the individual character and if they have the common sense to walk around the blasted thing, or whether or not reality is just a social construct-plot based on how the subjective opinions of realism perception of the world between groups of individual characters began to homogenize into what can be considered an objective truth of stupidity [A.K.A put one self in harm's way for stupid reasons and continue to do stupid stuff there after] thus resulting in a story that raises deeply disturbing philosophical WTF questions that keep people pondering for potentially years to follow on what the hell they put in their gaming consoles.
I did not need a dictionary for any of that.
Maybe if Telltale would stop killing these great characters off every time the player so much as blinks we would discuss something else.
You know when it was mentioned Telltale were still trying to figure out who the main protagonist is for Season 3 XD I kinda laughed a bit because I thought "Well jee I can't imagine why, it's not like they went and killed nearly everybody off."
But this isn't a "What if ... Is alive", it's a "What if ... Never died".
Cluke would continue.
We do not ever bring that trash ship up ever again
Then who was drown??
When people comment stuff like this it blows my mind they still haven't understood the simple rules of Robert Kirkmans universe.
I'm only up to the "Something to Fear" arc in the comics, but so far every major death in the comic series has served a purpose. I never got the impression that Kirkman was killing off characters just for the sake of killing them. That's more than I can say for episodes four and five of The Walking Dead game.
I can't comment on the TV series, because I've never watched it. Maybe the television characters are meaninglessly killed off all the time. Still doesn't mean it's something Telltale should emulate.
EDIT: I was referring to episodes four and five of the second season. I can't think of any major deaths in the first season which didn't serve a significant purpose in the story.
I believe he'd help Clem stop Kenny and Jane from killing each other and all four would go to Wellington, but at some point Kenny would break down in emotions and depending on our behavior throughout the season we'd also have four endings - and obviously the best one(all four staying together) would be the hardest to achieve.
Just showed up the other day and only has two comments asking people for their information? Mods?
Are there any difference?(Retorical question)
My bets it would be Jane.
And it would have made more narrative sense, because now Jane would be in the same situation as those she felt should be left behind, now with someone else deciding whether or not to help her. Then Luke would get angry and possibly blame Kenny, and then Kenny would get angry and call Luke a fuckup, and we would have the same dynamic between them we'd had for most of the season carried to its logical conclusion, instead of completely dropping that arc (thus making it a big waste of time) and suddenly making Jane and Kenny enemies for literally no reason.
It's not retorical because there is a difference.
Even if that's true, I don't want Jane to die. ;.; Why do either Jane or Luke have to die, really? Why can't they both have well-developed arcs without dying? What's with all the unnecessary death, Telltale?!
Luke did have an arc though
He developed from being alive, into not being alive
If that had been the direction that the writers had decided to go, I think Luke would've indeed tried to stop Mike and Bonnie from doing what they did.
Though Luke did not necessarily care for Kenny, I don't think he would've stabbed him in the back, not with Clementine and Aj being in the mix.
I think he would have been on the fence and tried to stop the group from splitting up. He clearly gets along with Bonnie, seems to be ok with Mike and was pro Arvo if I remember correctly. Then on the other group he likes Clementine and obviously likes Jane, but doesn't really like Kenny.
I can understand what Damkylan is saying how that would've contributed to Luke losing his temper with Kenny finally. Although I still couldn't see Luke hiding the baby, if it'd been something of Luke trying to take Clementine and the baby away from Kenny's care, believing the man was going to get them all killed, especially after Jane dying and the others taking off [even Bonnie having left if she'd failed to convince Luke to come with her, or didn't think Luke cared about her anymore because of how he was with Jane, and his response to her death] that could've worked. Meanwhile if they kept going with Kenny honestly believing he's doing what is right by trying to get them Wellington, it all could've come together well and the I think decision still would've been split between fans if they believed these two characters gave a damn about those kids [and especially if they'd shown it more equally between Luke and Kenny] and the issue being that these two men couldn't see eye to eye and trust the other, or perhaps too blind to realize that they could.
It would've been far better than the finale and more plausible pushing for a fight. The set up is more solid, sure, but the more I've thought about it in the past, I realize I never would've wanted to see it end with picking between the two in a life and death decision and the determinant status being set on them like it was set on Kenny and Jane in the end. I've said it before, I wanted to see Telltale do something clever like that table decision and I still believe that type of option would've made an impact in the finale.
Who knows maybe it could've been a fight with Kenny and Luke, where you're trying to break them up and when you finally do, that's when you've got to make the call to go separate ways. Hell, maybe there could've still been some disagreement between the men where Jane was still alive even [maybe even disagreeing with them too and wanting Clem to come with her] and there being three optional endings of actually picking between these three people, that despite who you pick, the others still live on and get carried over to the next season. Or! Another ending where if you worked things well enough prior in conversations within the episodes, you get them all to stay together as a group, in likeness to Lee optional choice to bring everybody to the hospital with him in Season 1. There's so many outcomes that could've been, so it's difficult to pin one concept down.
But I'm with you on that, Sialark. I think they should've kept more characters alive. That's why I keep feeling frustrated and sad when I think about it. It isn't anything to do about it being about the The Walking Dead [I've mentioned it in the past, no deaths in Season 1 annoy me, and only a very few do in the tv-series,]. Season 2 should've made more effort to build a cast for Season 3. Characters like Kenny, Luke and Jane could've been those potential characters alongside Clementine and A.J to stick it through for another season, without any determinant status severely limiting their roles, thus making it feel like we've gained something from the experience.
As it is, that's why I don't the end of Season 2, all those episodes and we've gained very little.