Which character would you revive ?

We all have played the game and know about the deaths. so which one did you guys find most depresing or stupid and would like to revive.



  • i think ill revive Ben because he was simple and slightly stupid in nature

  • Besides Lee I'd say Carley, she absolutely didn't deserve to die, expecially being shot by a paranoid psycopath.

  • Sarah, Nick, Chuck, Omid and Mark

  • It's a hard choice, but I think Sarah had the most potential. Remember how defenseless Clementine came across at the start of season one? How you had to look after her, and teach her to fend for herself? That's how Sarah struck me in season two. She came across as Clementine's Clementine.

  • Of course most would say Lee, but besides him I would say Omid and Chuck.

  • So many. Chuck, because he was used as to instruct lee to protect clementine. Should've had a bigger role. Carley purely because she was built as a important major character and then killed off for shock value. Ben, developed so people can hate him then he finally stands up for himself and helps out only to get killed off.
    Nick because his death was stupid and again was built up a lot yet was just thrown away after the 2nd episode,

  • Chuck, very smart and knew how to survive. season 2 probably Alvin or Sarah

  • Chuck or Luke, I can't choose between those two.

  • Definitely Carley first since Lee is the most obvious choice. Just imagine her developing relationship between her and Lee, having a heartbreaking goodbye when he's dying and then she is taking care of Clem instead of Christa without wanishing from the whole story. She didn't deserve any of those bullshit accusations and then get murdered just because she was defending herself.

    I would also ressurect Sarah, Nick, Chuck and Omid.

  • Pete, Nick, Alvin, Sarah, Rebecca, Luke, Carlos, Matthew, Walter, Sarita, Carver, Christa (if she's dead), Omid.
    Only because none of these characters got proper development, with the exception of Omid and Christa.

  • edited October 2015

    [ (?) Silence is a valid option. ]

  • Carley,Omid,Chuck,,Luke,Alvin,Pete.Even thought I absolutely hate him Larry

  • I appreciate all of you commenting here but please select only one or two characters only

  • No one. If we could simply opt to revive any character it would ruin the game. It would eliminate any suspense and fear of loss.. We'd just make a choice with the thinking that "no matter what happen's I can just bring him or her back".

  • Sarah for the most stupid pointless death (stupid writing,stupid progression of story,etc etc etc)

    Duck was the most heartbreaking, (Kenny and Kat were lost after it,and added a real somber atmosphere

  • The entire Cabin group.

  • Only two or three please.

  • This is a hypothetical situation, he's just asking what character you would bring back if you were able to, AFTER playing the game, which eliminates your "no matter what" thoughts.

    WowMutt posted: »

    No one. If we could simply opt to revive any character it would ruin the game. It would eliminate any suspense and fear of loss.. We'd just make a choice with the thinking that "no matter what happen's I can just bring him or her back".

  • edited October 2015

    Sarah, Nick and Chuck.

    KDramnir posted: »

    Only two or three please.

  • Now I'm kind of curious as to how how these hypothetical scenarios would actually play out. Are we preventing these deaths from happening in the first place, or are we merely rendering whatever happened nonlethal? Does Luke pull himself out of the lake and say "That was certainly a refreshing dip. Got the old blood pumping, that's for sure." after two days of being submerged? Does Sarah simply push the zombies away, wrap her gaping bite wounds in bandages, and continue on as if nothing happened? Is Larry forced to spend the remainder of Season One stumbling around with no head? I need to know, dammit!

    This is a hypothetical situation, he's just asking what character you would bring back if you were able to, AFTER playing the game, which eliminates your "no matter what" thoughts.

  • You'd probably have to ask the OP not me.

    Oldsmobile posted: »

    Now I'm kind of curious as to how how these hypothetical scenarios would actually play out. Are we preventing these deaths from happening in

  • Luke, without a doubt.

  • S1 Clementine

  • Never rock the boat-Luke.

  • Lee and Luke

  • Luke, because the interaction he could've had with Jane would've been beautiful quite frankly. An easy going guy, who was not even ready to put down Carver when the need arises, with Jane, who would've looked at his naive idealism as something that would get him eventually killed unless he changed his ways? Not to mention I feel they could've bonded (and they probably did bond) during that off screen little encounter on the observation deck, in an emotional way before getting to their Sex for Solace trope. They could've been so cute together sigh. I mean, look at these cookies and ice cream, man!

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    Sarah too, because I think it was a missed opportunity to see how the relationship between Jane and Sarah could've developed. Jane gave up on her in the trailer scene without giving Sarah a chance, but then went back to save Sarah if you let the timer run out, showing that Jane really did believe in Sarah. If Sarah could've gotten out of her second death scene alive with Jane saving her, for her it would have been a "Wow, I guess this cold survivor really does believe in me. Maybe I can get through this ZA after all," giving way to cautious optimism, while Jane would've rethought some things herself, and I bet Jane never would've left the group at the end of episode 4.

  • edited October 2015

    Lee because having Lee, Kenny, and Clem together in a group is as good as it gets.

    Also I would love having Carley, Omid, Pete, Mark, pre-PTSD Lily, and Alvin back. That may be asking too much but that's a real dream team right there!

  • Sarah, she was one of my favourite characters and her death was pretty illogical in the way it happened, the second one I mean.

  • My man, Rhyyyyyyy--



    She was a savage with the glock and her death was forced. she shouldn't have been murdered so soon! She could've helped out a lot more with the pack you know

  • I agree! Her death as very forced and very out of character for Lilly, who's supposed to be the rational thinker of the group, while Kenny was the impulsive type... I didn't like it, so if anyone deserved to come back, it will be her or Doug.

    walkergunzz posted: »

    CARLEY She was a savage with the glock and her death was forced. she shouldn't have been murdered so soon! She could've helped out a lot more with the pack you know

  • edited October 2015

    Personally, I would bring back Lee.
    I think killing Lee off at the end of S1, though it made the story more dramatic, was still a mistake.
    Lee offered a lot more as a playable character, than Clementine ever did.

    Another character I'd bring back is Nick.
    It almost makes no sense to save Nick, only to have him die a couple of episodes later.
    Same goes for Ben.

    That said, I am sick and tired of Telltales throwaway characters!
    I understand that it's not possible to keep every character that is created around for a long period of time, given the time that it would take to right stories for them as individuals, but that it also wouldn't be true to the nature of the video game itself.
    However it seems to be a card that Telltale is playing way too often, to the point where it's getting monotonous, and predictable.

    Of course, the problem is much bigger than the game itself.
    Unfortunately Hollywood has gotten to the point where basically every story imaginable has been told already, and as a result there is technically no new material to put out there for the masses.
    So the question becomes: how does the story keep getting retold, so that it is still interesting and entertaining?

    The Walking Dead story is no different!
    The question is, especially because it is a video game series, how do we keep retelling the same other basic stories within this videogame story?
    And with that said, I have a lot of respect for the riders, even though I can't say that I have agreed with every direction that they have gone, and that is just speaking from a artistic point of view. they've got a lot of hard work to do in order to pull this off and make the videogame series a success.

    No easy task!

  • Well said, good thinking.

  • Doug. We were bros in my plathrough :)


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  • Ben or Mark

  • This might not count as a revive, but I'd change Kenny's status from Determinant to Alive.

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