A few questions
I have a few questions for you all about the scenes of TWD.
- Is there a scene/Are there scenes that made you cry? If so, point out which.
- Can you point out one thing you wish that didn't happen in TWD?(I imagine most would write about Lee or Clem and I know why, but perhaps there are some different ones?)
- What is your dream ending of TWD? You can even write weird things like "they are teleported to our world" or so.
If there are some people willing to answer the questions, I'll answer them as well. No point answering my own questions when no one cares about it.
I'm looking forward to your responses!
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Ben's death in the alley really got me. Lee's also made me cry, but to a lesser extent.
Nick's death if you saved him back in episode 2. Boy was that a waste, especially because he's mostly silent afterwards.
Don't really have one, I just kinda go with the flow.
Lee's death. It's more that I cried afterwards during the credits, but I was still sad and it took a while to get over it.
Season 2 Episode 5
Anything that wasn't Season 2 Episode 5's endings.
Obviously Lee's death. Honestly this is the only scene where I cried. TT Game of Thrones made cry more.
I would have prevented some of the deaths for certain characters to live at least longer (maybe kill off some characters earlier
). I would also fix character development in S2.
I don't know. I would like to see Christa again and possibly have ending with her too. Just imagine her and Kenny seeing each other again.
1.) Lee's death. The ending where you leave Kenny for Wellington choked me up too.
2.) I kinda wish Kenny never came back.
3.) Not sure
The Wellington ending had me well up a little...oh well.
Season 2
All the walkers have died out/rotted away after several years, however they find out there is no cure and that walkers will always be a threat. They start with rebuilding civilization.
The only scene I cried at was Luke's death. And since I was still extremely distraught about it, Clementine getting shot made me cry even more.
See above.
Clementine growing up in a civilized sanctuary, really. I'm being realistic with what I dream of, to be honest. I can't say "omgz lolzor luke cum bak to lief and save clum from zambies n he cures it bc he smort" in a serious manner.
I love your sentence about Luke. Could make a great season 2 ending, long story short...