
  • edited December 2015

    Guys, I'm freaking out will Lukas be bad or not in DanTDM's playthrough?

    (Not really spoilers)

  • Ivor= Jesse Petra=Gabriel

    I want him to! It's like this for the new Order: Lukas=Soren Axel=Magnus Olivia=Ellegaard Jesse=Either Ivor or Gabriel (IDK) Petra=Either Ivor or Gabriel (IDK)

  • idk. I saw thinknoodles's playthrough and Lukas was very nice and almost, normal seeming. C:

  • edited December 2015

    enter image description here

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    Jesse loves Lukas' hair.
    There were a lot of Lukas x Jesse moments in this episode :3

  • I'll have to watch it

    idk. I saw thinknoodles's playthrough and Lukas was very nice and almost, normal seeming. C:

  • I love how this went from lukesse to episode 4

  • At one point does lukas hate you? I had convinced him to stay and he was acting normal with me. The worst he did was just worry about his teammates. Is this only when you're a jerk to him throughout the episodes or?

  • I got this moment, I was wondering about it but I found it, I laughed so hard!!! xD

  • xD I still like Ep 3 a bit better because Lukas isn't a member of the order and Petra is, even though in my play through she didn't help defeat the wither and get new armor.

    I love how this went from lukesse to episode 4

  • They all still are if you listen to certain dialogue and think through common sense, I will prove in order of each character how they are all still heroes

    Ivor: I sort of still see him as a hero, he proves skill with a sword in epiosde 2 and appears to have a flow with potions, he can be secretive, a genius yet stupid, in episode 4 it shows him wanting to be honest about the story with the command block which is a trait of a hero.

    Soren: he is supposed to be an architect, we have seen enough of his buildings to prove what he is supposed to be good at he is good at, he does show a bit of leadership but I am surprised how someone like him got to be the leader of the order of the stone

    Gabriel: Let's go back to episode 1 with Gabriel when the wither storm has risen Gabriel doesn't run he tries attacking that bitch and protecting our gang unfortunately it's immune to his sword strike??? So he still protects our gang and tries to get everyone to safety in his temple, in epiosde 2 if you save Petra and go get Ellegaard if you say a certain thing Ellegaard replies saying "I have never known anything to beat Gabriel he was undefeated" there is more I could say but that's enough for him

    Ellegaard: First off she has a bunch of Geniuses worshipping her and dying to be her protege, she has obviously had to demonstrate on a certain occasion superior brains over her peers, she is also attempting to create a command block, your not gonna do something like that if you don't know what your doing.

    Magnus: In boom town he is obviously dying to get out of the place so why would he deny his own freedom by saying "I have beaten them dozens of times. He is obviously a griefing legend, look at the tent cannon he crafts in episode 2!

    The only fraud I really do see in the whole story is Soren when his own dialogue says "the others didn't know what I was doing when we were in the end"

    I could go on with other things I have seen in the episode but you get the point

    IceKane posted: »

    Even if he wasn't actually a hero?

  • The way I made my characters personality is that I'm Gabriel, I made few leadership calls in my group

    Ivor= Jesse Petra=Gabriel

  • Or that.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Or just let him save his friends?

  • No, if you have been mean to Lukas in past episodes and try to get him to stay, he will leave and hate Jesse. If you are nice to Lukas and try to get him to stay, I think you also have to choose certain dialog, he will stay and like Jesse. Or you can let him leave and will still like Jesse. That's all I know.

  • So, who here let Lukas go? :0

  • at the end, he hates you for being heroes because his friends didnt survive, but if you let him go he smiles very cute at you :3

    At one point does lukas hate you? I had convinced him to stay and he was acting normal with me. The worst he did was just worry about his teammates. Is this only when you're a jerk to him throughout the episodes or?

  • me, he derservers it because i know how it feels to lose friends ;_;

    So, who here let Lukas go? :0

  • I cried one point on ep 4 you probably know which one

    xD I still like Ep 3 a bit better because Lukas isn't a member of the order and Petra is, even though in my play through she didn't help defeat the wither and get new armor.

  • Could someone put images up of letting Lukas go find his friends and then seeing him be nice to at the end?

  • edited December 2015

    I love it xD
    Yes he does have good hair

  • edited December 2015

    Its really cute


    Could someone put images up of letting Lukas go find his friends and then seeing him be nice to at the end?

  • i just want to see lukas and jesse kiss -sobs- ;-;

  • I think if you pick "We ARE helping them." Lukas is okay with sticking around, since he knows you're trying to help everyone, including his friends.

    idk. I saw thinknoodles's playthrough and Lukas was very nice and almost, normal seeming. C:

  • in my story petra say "Jassy, im so sorry"
    no lukas.

    Its really cute

  • What does Aiden say?

    Its really cute

  • hey are you xmlpfimloverx from deviantart?

  • Ok to get Lukas to stay you need to say for the first dialog option "We need you Lukas" then for the second either "We ARE helping them." or "Please stay Lukas." and he will stay and get new armor and he will like Jesse.

    Tohabath posted: »

    I think if you pick "We ARE helping them." Lukas is okay with sticking around, since he knows you're trying to help everyone, including his friends.

  • Yep. :P

    I cried one point on ep 4 you probably know which one

  • edited December 2015

    Not me! I am NOT letting him leave meh... Edit: Plus, I got to say Lukas has excellent hair. :3

    So, who here let Lukas go? :0

  • Oh, I never seen this.

    Its really cute

  • Same. ;-;

    i just want to see lukas and jesse kiss -sobs- ;-;

  • Either way man, Lukas is normal again and amnesia Petra in my second playthrough was hilarious and adorable. :3

  • at least we have something in common ;-;

    Same. ;-;

  • edited December 2015

    i just did a fanart aaaand i failed in the head portion
    enter image description here
    oh well, still otp for life


    i just did a fanart aaaand i failed in the head portion oh well, still otp for life

  • edited December 2015

    Maybe Lukas was angry at you?

    In my scumbag playthrough of MCSM, Lukas hated Jesse and didn't even come back to help her and the rest of the gang with the fireworks. The only moment I saw him again was in the end, and he was giving angry looks at Jesse and he even left when Jesse said her friends helped her and "even Lukas" (and he wasn't with the rest of the Ocelots... I wonder if they really survived in this playthrough). So in this playthrough, since he wasn't there when Reuben was dying, Petra said she was sorry instead of Lukas~

    DefrelXxX posted: »

    in my story petra say "Jassy, im so sorry" no lukas. why

  • Yeah. They're just so adorable x_x ♥

    i just want to see lukas and jesse kiss -sobs- ;-;

  • I did. I really wanted to respect his choice of rescuing his old friends, especially since I would do the same IRL. New friends are good, but old friends are important too y'know~ :3

    So, who here let Lukas go? :0

  • thanks, i appreciate it ^-^

    michyxox posted: »


  • i know ;A;

    Yeah. They're just so adorable x_x ♥

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