Question about Glenn...

At the end of Season 1, Episode 1 (game), Glenn leaves with a car for Atlanta because he thinks he has to go and find his friends. I'm yet to read the comic, but am a big fan of the show and the game, am I correct in assuming that the 'tie-in' is that Glenn leaves for Atlanta which is where he meets the group at the Atlanta camp? I'm not sure how this works in the comic since I haven't read it yet, but could someone please explain how this 'ties together'? Or am I right anyway? I don't mind spoilers, may be a while before I get into reading it...
Thanks :)


  • Pretty much what you suggested. Glenn leaves the motel group for Atlanta to look for his friends and then meets up with the Atlanta group. Though this isn't mentioned in the comics however, considering the game was only made 9 years after.

  • Alright thanks.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Pretty much what you suggested. Glenn leaves the motel group for Atlanta to look for his friends and then meets up with the Atlanta group. Though this isn't mentioned in the comics however, considering the game was only made 9 years after.

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