Why most of the characters in the game are Caucasian?

Wikipedia almost all the characters registration Caucasian. How does it make sense if it takes place in Georgia (America) Kenny looks and sounds typical American, I would not have guessed that he was Caucasian. I have nothing against Caucasians, but why are all Caucasians? It takes place in the Caucasus?
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Caucasian is another word for those who are white-skinned or from the Caucasus.
I just can't see an ethnicity-based thread going anywhere good. Like, at all.
So, with that being said: because whiteys rule the universe
Even so, telltale gave of a colorful set of characters in the sense that they were all different. None of them were quite the same, and I think that's what's important and made the story great rather than focusing on their skin tone/background.
Guys, this is a troll page.
They either don't know that white=Caucasian or it's a troll.
i am not
Do you know that Caucasian means white?
The Walking Dead season 1 was pretty diverse Lee, Clem, Russell and Christi are Black, Omid is middle eastern, Glen and Vince are Asian.
No. I do not speak English, I use Google Translate.
i am just a kid!!!!!
Then you should know that Caucasian means white.
I thought this Caucasian people who come from the Caucasus, as the Russians and Germans ...
No, it's white people.
Both playable characters are African American lol.
Wait what? Lol pretty sure atleast 50% of the characters in the game have been other than Caucasian
Why are most character male? Why does Clementine have a blue hat? Why does Lee have to be black? Why is Kenny racist? Why does Clementine have to be mixed? These are all questions nobody should ask
If anything white people are under represented if you look at the percentages. Not that this matters in the least.
The obvious answer is that TTG is influenced by either the illuminati or the lizard reptoids.
Which seems strange considering there isn't a single Reptilian American represented in either Walking Dead game.
Which obviously means Telltale is racist against the Reptilians!
Sigh. White people always say this. The rest of us don't like always living in a white-washed world. On the other hand, it's like... why do some women always complain about depictions of gender?
I went to Wiki to see. And it was more diverse than I remembered. It helps that the PC is a mixed girl. Other characters in season two include:
Alvin (and Alvin jr.)
Bit parts:
:P I'm not white, and I don't want to start anything by explaining my comment. I am also not complaining about how women are depicted in the game. Apologies if you got the wrong impression of me.
Don't apologize for your perspective. You didn't do or say anything offensive, so no reason to apologize.
Point was that people here are ignorant. Dont be surprised if someone doesnt know the meaning of word they are using.
New content coming, new rants.
Oh you're back, I wondered what happened to you
got banned for really stupid reason so i left.
I don't think it matters.
Oh, I'm really sorry about the confusion! In America (and some other countries), we usually use "Caucasian" to describe a white person, no matter what ethnicity. We do not use it to describe someone from the Caucasus, at least not commonly. Again, I'm sorry about any confusion caused.