Kenny and love for to Clementine and AJ

Kenny's relationship with two children ... pretty deeply disappointing. Kenny and AJ: AJ gives for Kenny good feelings, a new beginning, a move on. Kenny and Clementine: Clementine returns Kenny the difficult past that he does not want to remember him. Which is bad. Now it is understandable why a little difficult for him to show the Clementine emotions. Especially when he called it "duck" by mistake. Kenny inward toward the child, is close to her ... he'd rather be with AJ, because he feels Better with him than with Clementine reminded him of his past evil. Again, it's not out of hatred! He loves Clementine and AJ same, as that! But it's hard to be with her, it's hard to look her in the eye. You see it.
I wondered why Kenny rather be with AJ than with Clementine? Clementine is past , AJ is a good future.
They like his kids, he loved them to the same ... but it's more deprived Clementine sad that she was part of a terrible past, where his wife and son died.
so ...?
I can usually sort of make out what you mean but this doesnt make any sense sorry.
what what???
Okay I think I know what you're saying. You're saying that for Kenny, AJ represents a better future, and hope for the future. He's a baby; he's newborn life; all that jazz. But also for Kenny, Clementine represents the pain of the past, since Clem reminds Kenny of Duck and of his dead family and everything that had gone wrong back in season 1.
And to that I say...that's pretty insightful; good on you. I think I have to agree. As to why Kenny treats them in that way? Well he projects on them, just like lots of people project onto others. I think even you could say that AJ and Clem represent to Kenny different aspects of Duck. AJ = Duck when Duck was a baby, and Clem = Duck when he's older, when Duck seemed to do fine even when Kenny went "off on a boat or somewhere" for "a couple of years" back when Duck was growing up. Supposedly Kenny believed Katjaa took care of him fine; Duck didn't need his dad to raise him. To Kenny, at points it seemed to me that he had already given up on Clementine, saying things like, "You can take care of yourself; you don't need me," like he'd given up and was mourning after Duck/Katjaa died. AJ on the other hand obviously is a second chance to Kenny. He's a baby, who unlike Clementine, can't take care of himself, and absolutely does need someone to help him. So Kenny obviously put a lot more effort into caring for a baby than caring for Clementine, when really both kids could use care.
Yes. But I meant it like two children, Clementine is part of a painful past and because it is "neglecting" the providence of her ... and that's sad, because she was only a child at the age of 11.