Which season of the tv-show was the best one?


as topic says.. Which season was the best one in the tv-series in your opinion? Personally I would say the 3rd one since it contained a lot of drama and the red wedding was probably the most shocking scene in the entire series. Was season 5 the worst season so far? And what are your thoughts on the 6th season when D & D will completly depart with the books and make their own storyline.. Will it be for the better or for the worse?


  • Definitely Season 4. While Season 3 was really depressing and sad, Season 4 was filled with kickass moments like the Battle of The Wall, Tywin's death, Tyrion's trial, Arya and The Hound, Hodor vs skeletons and thankfully Joffrey's death

  • I would say Season 2 or Season 3... The war of the five kings was just epic, (although there wasn't much of Balon Greyjoy) and I wanted to see Robb get revenge for Ned

    Season 3 had a lot of drama as you said, and I love drama sooo.. and the Red Wedding? Can't remember any other TV-show or movie that affected me so much x)

  • It's gotta be season 4.

    I really enjoyed season 5, even Dorne, I love Trystane and Doran! But I'll admit Dorne could've been handled better.

    As for departing from the books, I don't really care, part of me is like "cool, it won't be exactly like the books". I'm just sick of book fans complaining because things in the show don't happen the exact way they did in the books. Prefer the books? Then read the books. Stop comparing the show to the books and let them be two different things.

  • S4 > S3 > S5B (Episodes 7-10) > S2 > S1 > S5A (Episodes 1-6)

  • I love the second season the most. The Battle of Blackwater was just so epic, still my favourite episode overall.

  • edited October 2015
    1. Season 2
    2. Season 1
    3. Season 4
    4. Season 3
    5. Season 5
  • edited October 2015

    4 I think is the best. Then probably 1 and 5. 2 and 3 merge into one for me! Not that 2 and 3 are bad. Just 1 and 5 stand out in my memory more. I'll have to rewatch them at some point. I've loved every season though. I don't mind the slower seasons but 4 stands out with something large happening every episode. I rank season 5 high, but that may be because hardhome is my favourite episode!

    I don't think the show will end up being that different from the books. It may have a happier ending though.

  • Season 1 is mine. I loved all the politics in Kings Landing (playing as Mira is the best/terrifying).

    1>3>4>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5 (It did not do justice to Stannis', Theon's, or Sansa's storylines). Not even Ramsay's Twenty Good Men™ could have saved it.

  • Season 4. It had so any big moments

  • My personal favorite was season 1, but i also liked season 2, 3 and 4. If I had to rank them all in terms of preference, it would go 1>3>4>2>5. Season 5 had some redeeming aspects from a show only perspective, and Hardhome did look fantastic, but it is, at least to me, the weakest season so far, and I hope season 6 is better.

  • Personally, I liked season 1 the best. I really enjoyed all the scenes where the characters sat down together and discussed the old times. Robert Baratheon is one of my favorite characters so naturally all I missed him in all the other seasons.

  • s4=s1>s3=s5>s2

    Btw, s6 will not "completely depart with the books", there will be parts from AFFC and ADWD in it + of course none of us knows what will be in TWOW.

    I think season 5 gets more shit than it deserves, but I don't care about that anymore. I just wish the worst whiners (read: book purists) would simply stop watching, it's annoying to have so much negativity around such a great show.

  • I think season 5 gets more shit than it deserves, but I don't care about that anymore. I just wish the worst whiners (read: book purists) would simply stop watching, it's annoying to have so much negativity around such a great show.

    Couldn't agree more.

    s4=s1>s3=s5>s2 Btw, s6 will not "completely depart with the books", there will be parts from AFFC and ADWD in it + of course none o

  • I thought George R.R. Martin was going to try to release the book before the sixth season aired? I've read little newsy updates to that effect. If he does do so... man, that'd be a fantastic way to spend time till the sixth season airs.

    s4=s1>s3=s5>s2 Btw, s6 will not "completely depart with the books", there will be parts from AFFC and ADWD in it + of course none o

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