The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • True dat.... I shall post something.

    If you use a YouTube link on the Link tool, it will automatically convert the YouTube link into a video you can view directly on the forums.

  • edited October 2014

    I can post a scene but it is just a good scene. It is not that I LOVE it 's acting. Acting is either good enough or bad, nothing before nothing after nothing in the middle. So here it is.

    Markd4547 posted: » Fun fact about the the blood on Di caprio hand it's real he banged the table in the previous

  • edited October 2014

    Go to youtube copy the link example

    Then click the image of the globe in your comment toolbar whichs says link

    Paste the link twice when asked press ok and post :D

    Once it's posted the video will come up

    blueneon posted: »

    I would if I knew how to post anything but comments and links.

  • Dad et.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    doet OH SHEET dat music ROCKY ROAD OF DUBLIN IM WAS BORN IN DUBLIN THE BAND IS CALLED THE DUBLINERS who are all from dublin that is the most Irish song they could of picked :O Awesome scene :'D

  • edited October 2014

    doet OH SHEET dat music ROCKY ROAD OF DUBLIN IM WAS BORN IN DUBLIN THE BAND IS CALLED THE DUBLINERS who are all from dublin that is the most Irish song they could of picked :O

    Awesome scene :'D

    blueneon posted: »

    I can post a scene but it is just a good scene. It is not that I LOVE it 's acting. Acting is either good enough or bad, nothing before nothing after nothing in the middle. So here it is.

  • Dad et.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    doet OH SHEET dat music ROCKY ROAD OF DUBLIN IM WAS BORN IN DUBLIN THE BAND IS CALLED THE DUBLINERS who are all from dublin that is the most Irish song they could of picked :O Awesome scene :'D

  • They never did it was just a movie reference.

    blueneon posted: »

    Really? Well, I am actually suprized. I do tend to forget shit after a short while anyway, so it makes sense.... So.... are they still making you mad?

  • Well, I have a bad memory! >:'{

    papai46 posted: »

    They never did it was just a movie reference.

  • edited October 2014

    I miss him from time to time too. He was a great character, I wonder how he would have functioned at the prison, or how he would have handled the Governor.

    If I'm being totally honest, he may actually be my favorite character. He kind of had that tragic hero sort of vibe to him.

    I mean.. I guess he was kind of a bad guy.. but..

    Beth will survive, I have a good feeling about this.

    I'm gonna hold ya to that ;)

    I'm sure Beth can handle whatever situation she is in.
    Alt text

    I think he was bit. After he was pulled under the water by that walker, he just seemed very somber and disconnected. And how he kept asking Sasha for one more kiss. Poor guy, everything was just starting to look up for him. And now he only has one leg, which he had to witness people eating..:S

    Yeah, immediately after he got up from the water he gave off the vibe that something wasn't right, and that continued on for the remainder of the episode. I guess I kind of take solace in the fact that he was going to die anyway... though I suppose getting eaten alive wouldn't exactly be the most ideal way to go out <_<

    Tinni posted: »

    I miss him from time to time too. He was a great character, I wonder how he would have functioned at the prison, or how he would have handle

  • The Gruke Among Us, Playable Teaser coming soon.

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  • I know, it is one of my favourite movies of all time, along with Team America and Ratatouill.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    doet OH SHEET dat music ROCKY ROAD OF DUBLIN IM WAS BORN IN DUBLIN THE BAND IS CALLED THE DUBLINERS who are all from dublin that is the most Irish song they could of picked :O Awesome scene :'D

  • edited October 2014

    . this scene is awesomesauce!

    Markd4547 posted: » Fun fact about the the blood on Di caprio hand it's real he banged the table in the previous

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited October 2014

    Thank you all who wished me a good birthday. wtf I love you all

    @Gustav_Kenny , @WhatToWriteHere , @Dont_Look_Back , @blueneon , @ Tobi (It didn't let me link your account) , @AWESOMEO


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Happy birthday.


    blueneon posted: »

    I know, it is one of my favourite movies of all time, along with Team America and Ratatouill.

  • I loved all them spiderman films and this was a great fight scene :D

    papai46 posted: »

    . this scene is awesomesauce!

  • Markd4547 posted: » Nobody shared their movie scenes nooooooo

  • I havn 't seen like half of them, but Wreck it Ralf is my favourite video game related movie or sure.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • ^-^ <333

    Ellias posted: »

    Thank you all who wished me a good birthday. wtf I love you all @Gustav_Kenny , @WhatToWriteHere , @Dont_Look_Back , @blueneon , @ Tobi (It didn't let me link your account) , @AWESOMEO <3333

  • No problem bro. <3

    Ellias posted: »

    Thank you all who wished me a good birthday. wtf I love you all @Gustav_Kenny , @WhatToWriteHere , @Dont_Look_Back , @blueneon , @ Tobi (It didn't let me link your account) , @AWESOMEO <3333

  • Night.

    gonna sleep see u tomorrow

  • :D No problem. <3<3<3<3

    Ellias posted: »

    Thank you all who wished me a good birthday. wtf I love you all @Gustav_Kenny , @WhatToWriteHere , @Dont_Look_Back , @blueneon , @ Tobi (It didn't let me link your account) , @AWESOMEO <3333

  • gonna sleep

    see u tomorrow :*

  • Goodnight Megan! ^-^

    gonna sleep see u tomorrow

  • Alt text


    THE epicness and acting thank you for sharing these are some of the best I ever seen and I never seen any of these scenes before now :'D

    CodPatrol posted: » Some of mine.

  • night

    gonna sleep see u tomorrow

  • I can't wait :'D

    Oh yeah, regarding my interactive game, the non-canon death scenes will be detailed. Example: "The mascot throws you across the bathroom

  • My feels...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Quiet so spam Black Metal Babysitting FEELS :'D

  • Everyone here seems sick atm, but I made you some soup.

    Alt text

    I have a cold and everything is bleh

  • edited October 2014

    I have a cold and everything is bleh

  • I have a cold and everything is bleh

    Alt text

  • Bla bla bla shameless self advertising bla bla bla

    Just read this shit, ok?

  • edited October 2014

    Lights, camera, action,

    Satisfaction at your fingertips, no one's lacking stuff,

    But it's not enough when it seems we have enough stuff just to blow stuff up.

    Lights, camera, STOP!

    We're killing ourselves just to get to the top,

    And we wont stop talking about what we got,

    and how we all love it when we're loved a lot.

  • Ebola

    J/k c:

    I have a cold and everything is bleh

  • Thank you <3

    blueneon posted: » There you go.

  • Oh, thanks :)

    nice beard

  • nice beard

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Ebola J/k c:

  • G' night :)

    gonna sleep see u tomorrow

  • Thanks :)

    nice beard

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