The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Am a pesky dane

  • Yeah, my sister can be the most awkward person ever. And I have no fucking way of stoping her, trust me.

    I met your sister yesterday on steam. Awkward moment for me. lol Nice anime pic anyway.

  • I didn 't promise anything. I will post it anyway.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    The moment Konni promises to post the Joke anime one she made and didn't :P

  • edited December 2014

    Well it's better than having a sister that way than one that complains almost the whole day, and gets angry over the most ridiculous things. Say I'm trying to get her attention once, she yells.

    blueneon posted: »

    Yeah, my sister can be the most awkward person ever. And I have no fucking way of stoping her, trust me.

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    I know you did it thanks it's awesome

    blueneon posted: »

    I didn 't promise anything. I will post it anyway.

  • I know it is awesome, I made it, even if I was horribly killed it would be awesome.

    Seriously, it is not even that good!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know you did it thanks it's awesome

  • Who says I don 't? Well, she does not yell whenever I talk to her but other than that it is just as bad.

    Well it's better than having a sister that way than one that complains almost the whole day, and gets angry over the most ridiculous things. Say I'm trying to get her attention once, she yells.

  • Cool. What site is this from? :3

    blueneon posted: »

    I didn 't promise anything. I will post it anyway.

  • I want to look like this.

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  • Want me to give you the site where you can make the characters?

    Cool. What site is this from?

  • Yes, please! :D

    blueneon posted: »

    Want me to give you the site where you can make the characters?

  • Ok, here, but it is a game, not aq program or anything and you can only make anime chracters.

    Yes, please!

  • Good enough! Thanks!

    blueneon posted: »

    Ok, here, but it is a game, not aq program or anything and you can only make anime chracters.

  • :}

    Good enough! Thanks!

  • Everyone says Joker justs want to kill Batman and is a psychotic killer with no morals or feels :P

    But till this day only one thing made the Joker cry feels :'(

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    without batman crime has no punchline

    In one line Hamill the voice actor for Joker says is his favourite ever in the shows the Joker never wanted to kill Batman it's a myth

  • [removed]

    Anime me.

  • So, I've just been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hypertension. Considering the amount of stress I have to deal with on a daily basis, I'm quite worried. Fucking great. You know what stinks the most? Unlike most people, I didn't get this disease due to being overweight or anything like that, I simply inherited it from both my grandfather and dad even though I'm in perfect shape so there's not much I can do to control it but "chill out" and hope for the best.

  • What about me? I make charactes like this as well.

  • edited December 2014

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    Maybe put it in bold and caps so I can see what you said. Honestly, I'm wearing very strong glasses and I still can't see your words with all the negativity seeping through the crack of your ass.

  • Shit. O_O Get well, man! I hope for the best!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    So, I've just been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hypertension. Considering the amount of stress I have to deal with on a daily basis, I'm quite wor

  • [removed]

    Maybe put it in bold and caps so I can see what you said. Honestly, I'm wearing very strong glasses and I still can't see your words with all the negativity seeping through the crack of your ass.

  • Because people these days spend more time worrying about other's lives when it doesn't concern them.e.g.Westboro Baptist Church, people who call suicide cowardly.So many people are just intolerant and won't accept anything that isn't what THEY want.

    blueneon posted: »

    I think you look just fine. I don 't get why some people get buthurt over someones apearence anyway.

  • Why are you repeating what you said earlier? Can you think of something else?

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  • I'm sorry to hear that bro :'/ I wish you the best of luck damn that's terrible news

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    So, I've just been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hypertension. Considering the amount of stress I have to deal with on a daily basis, I'm quite wor

  • You have a point. I guess some people just can 't accept difference in as many foms as it comes in.

    Because people these days spend more time worrying about other's lives when it doesn't concern them.e.g.Westboro Baptist Church, people who call suicide cowardly.So many people are just intolerant and won't accept anything that isn't what THEY want.

  • [removed]

    Why are you repeating what you said earlier? Can you think of something else?

  • @Markd4547

    I'll be fine, guys. Thanks. I just gotta make sure I don't stress a whole lot, though that's quite the task when you're a secondary boss at your job. I'll be happy as long as my blood pressure is not at 260/90 anymore.

    Shit. O_O Get well, man! I hope for the best!

  • You've been one longer. Nuff said.

  • [removed]

    You've been one longer. Nuff said.

  • Just stay positive and happy your great at that anyway and you will be fine but I wish you the best of luck always remember your health is more important then anything so make sure if anything ever gets to much on your blood pressure or stress level take a break immediately :'/

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    @Markd4547 I'll be fine, guys. Thanks. I just gotta make sure I don't stress a whole lot, though that's quite the task when you're a secondary boss at your job. I'll be happy as long as my blood pressure is not at 260/90 anymore.

  • [removed]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yep ^

  • Gah dauym, Get well dude!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    So, I've just been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hypertension. Considering the amount of stress I have to deal with on a daily basis, I'm quite wor

  • Certainly a broken record that ceased to function.

    I hereby today classify Papai46 as the Merle Dixon of the forums.

  • Great advice. I'll definitely take it easy, and to my best abilities, avoid everything that can potentially thick me off. I really don't want to suffer from serious heart problems. (Though this is something like that already, but you get what I mean).

    Thanks again. Wise as always The Joker is.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just stay positive and happy your great at that anyway and you will be fine but I wish you the best of luck always remember your health is m

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    Certainly a broken record that ceased to function. I hereby today classify Papai46 as the Merle Dixon of the forums.

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