Raging Pls! I'm talking to the SaltBro you tried to drop on me SaltBro are you okay? This is Deputy Director 123, Director 305 and Secretary of the SaltArmy, BlindSniper are currently discussing current undercover missions.....
bruh, if Iron Man wanted to he could do everything that Batman could do, and make the suit impervious to water. Because Genius IQ that's why. He just too lazy, and don't feel like it rn.;P
I would watch that. But Bruce would be too sad all the time without the Joker to chase. And he's not as sassy as Tony to be Iron Man. And Tony would probably end up blowing up the Joker upon first meeting, and lacks the angst to be Batman lol.
I could say I could do anything and use that mentality so doesn't count :P
He don't feel like it! He's a genius and can do whatever he want, don't tell him what to do.DX
If Tony took the time to learn martial arts, they would be on equal footing in hand to hand combat, but at this moment, Tony without the suit vs Bruce..Bruce would probably win. But when it comes to outwitting each other, I think Tony may have the upper hand. With the suit, Bruce would so be dead tho lol.
BUT...but cuz batman cuz BATMAN
He just too lazy, and don't feel like it rn.;P
I could say I could do anything and use that m… moreentality so doesn't count :P
The question is if they switched Bruce and the other iron man guy superhero roles where Bruce was Iron man I think he'd do just as awesome a job
They need to make a VS movie this is to close to even call they are nearly the same
I think without suits both sides Bruce would defeat Iron man
But with suits Ironman would win
Justin Bieber won a music award does that make (insert any artist who won) good?
Kirsten stewart won an acting award does that make (insert any actor or actress who won anything) good?
Winning is always good m8
That logic in itself is wrong it won so many awards and top reviews unlike COD who only won a few and got badly reviewed they will always be a couple of rotten eggs who win but imo it's a masterpiece :P
Nah..Iron Man cuz Iron Man.
I would watch that. But Bruce would be too sad all the time without the Joker to chase. And he's not as s… moreassy as Tony to be Iron Man. And Tony would probably end up blowing up the Joker upon first meeting, and lacks the angst to be Batman lol.
I could say I could do anything and use that mentality so doesn't count :P
He don't feel like it! He's a genius and can do whatever he want, don't tell him what to do.DX
If Tony took the time to learn martial arts, they would be on equal footing in hand to hand combat, but at this moment, Tony without the suit vs Bruce..Bruce would probably win. But when it comes to outwitting each other, I think Tony may have the upper hand. With the suit, Bruce would so be dead tho lol.
fine, it's a draw.
The 4th Icon to the right at the top when you're posting a comment for Online Ones, If you're trying to Upload them then another user might be able to help you better on that.
The 4th Icon to the right at the top when you're posting a comment for Online Ones, If you're trying to Upload them then another user might be able to help you better on that.
your response=cRYING
lmfao xD but no it's ok yu just gotta be active more and stuff
Raging Pls! I'm talking to the SaltBro you tried to drop on me SaltBro are you okay? This is Deputy Director 123, Director 305 and Secretary of the SaltArmy, BlindSniper are currently discussing current undercover missions.....
Replace booty with likes and we got a good pic.
pls ;-;
I don't think I want to say that anymore.
I've been living a lie.
I think I made the ultimate forum war by making this discussion: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/90285/the-forum-among-us
I am active, I'm here every day but I post nothing. Awkward....
BUT...but cuz batman cuz BATMAN
I could say I could do anything and use that mentality so doesn't count :P
The question is if they switched Bruce and the other iron man guy superhero roles where Bruce was Iron man I think he'd do just as awesome a job
They need to make a VS movie this is to close to even call they are nearly the same
I think without suits both sides Bruce would defeat Iron man
But with suits Ironman would win
Am I the only one who finds the whole "Deflate Gate" thing stupid?
I'd really hate to burst their bubble I don't even need to debate I'll show you
Call of duty has won game of the year awards before. Does that make it good?
No I didn't say it was bad :P I just personally don't like it, that's all ;__;
Nah..Iron Man cuz Iron Man.
I would watch that. But Bruce would be too sad all the time without the Joker to chase. And he's not as sassy as Tony to be Iron Man. And Tony would probably end up blowing up the Joker upon first meeting, and lacks the angst to be Batman lol.
He don't feel like it! He's a genius and can do whatever he want, don't tell him what to do.DX
If Tony took the time to learn martial arts, they would be on equal footing in hand to hand combat, but at this moment, Tony without the suit vs Bruce..Bruce would probably win. But when it comes to outwitting each other, I think Tony may have the upper hand. With the suit, Bruce would so be dead tho lol.
fine, it's a draw.
We had to write about it in my current events class and I honestly gave so little of a fuck I didn't even know what to write.
post moar comments >:D
Justin Bieber won a music award does that make (insert any artist who won) good?
Kirsten stewart won an acting award does that make (insert any actor or actress who won anything) good?
Winning is always good m8
That logic in itself is wrong it won so many awards and top reviews unlike COD who only won a few and got badly reviewed they will always be a couple of rotten eggs who win but imo it's a masterpiece :P
The whole thing is so stupid and is probably just a distraction to the Pats so the Seahawks can win.......... Conspiracy........
I don't know what to comment on :c. Thanks for the help though.
luv ya bb
and I would love a film with those two imagine the sass 2muchsass for cinema who would be the bigger diva by the end of the movie 
The sheer amount of simultaneous angst/sass would be ridiculous if these two were ever in a movie together lol.
How do I upload pictures? I have a few pictures I wanna put up here, but I don't know how.
ok thx.
"Boys grab your torches and pitchforks."
It's extremely stupid they just jelly the Patriots are better players than them B]
The 4th Icon to the right at the top when you're posting a comment for Online Ones, If you're trying to Upload them then another user might be able to help you better on that.
Here's what most people thought when following Jane in TWD:
I really loved both of them as characters, what a shame they had to perish.
This is about as appealing as a piss popsicle.
I'm so done
saving that thanks salt
oh no it's a landscape ;-;
I have a huge
a huge confession to make.
I never actually bought TWD Season 2. ;-;
Hate me pls ;-;