The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It still is ridiculous and tells me you don't really know how rape really works, in most cases of rape the act is committed by a person the victim trusts, basically someone they know well and they wouldn't really have any reason to be on their guard for, pepperspray wouldn't help much against that.

    Pepperspray and other weapons like that are safe to have on you. Jumping straight to guns is a little perplexing.

  • "No means yes and yes means anal"

    I'm going to believe this is a real thing. What the fuck? Why...Why would that be a real thing that people support that aren't rapists? I really want to think it's just a joke but it's hard to.

    if better education was put in place while rape would not be eradicated the rates would decrease significantly

    My question is, what kind of education? Who would it be targeted towards? What would it instill? All important questions, you can't just say we need to put better education in place without specifying the education. My question is how would you teach people not to rape any better than we are now without punishing them for something they didn't do or treating them like they have or will do it in the future?

    kaleion posted: »

    Not all of them, part of the problem is that what is rape and what isn't is not really taught problem, hence how stupid campaigns like Yale

  • No, it tells me that you aren't specific in the type of rape. There are several kinds, violent, subtle, and the kind you implied. Weapons would work against violent kinds.

    kaleion posted: »

    It still is ridiculous and tells me you don't really know how rape really works, in most cases of rape the act is committed by a person the

  • Well how is kind of hard to say as I'm not an expert on the subject and therefore can't say what would be best, but teaching people that if someone seems uncomfortable or that they said no they should back off, after all like I said there's a lot of ignorance in the subject and saying that when a woman says no she means yes is a very old thing that people still say, so even if it's obvious it should be confirmed in a school program, teaching people to make their feelings on the subject more clear might help too, speaking from personal experience it's really hard to know how to react while something is happening and even if you are uncomfortable it's hard to push the person away.

    I'm sure there's more things which is precisely why we should have experts analyse the situation and decide what can be taught in order to prevent these sort of situations from happening.

    "No means yes and yes means anal" I'm going to believe this is a real thing. What the fuck? Why...Why would that be a real thing tha

  • Now, you act like we don't already teach that rape is wrong, it's okay to deny sex, and all of the other stuff you mentioned. I just literally just had Health class with an entire session of drugs, rape, sex and everything. They taught us all of that. Every.Single.Thing.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well how is kind of hard to say as I'm not an expert on the subject and therefore can't say what would be best, but teaching people that if

  • Yes and no, it would work against some but if someone is already up close they could easily overpower the victim before they have time to do anything about it, I guess it would work in some situations but still there's not really much that can be done.

    No, it tells me that you aren't specific in the type of rape. There are several kinds, violent, subtle, and the kind you implied. Weapons would work against violent kinds.

  • The thing is that sex education varies greatly from school zone to school zone and state to state, even if your school has a decent program the school in the next zone might be completely pathetic, obviously the solution would be standardizing education across all school zones and probably country wide so that there isn't this weird thing where some people are receiving good sex education and some aren't, still that's just talking about your country, in mine it's pathetic all around.

    Now, you act like we don't already teach that rape is wrong, it's okay to deny sex, and all of the other stuff you mentioned. I just literal

  • And yet there's still a chance it could work, is it not? You have a chance to fight it off, through the entire thing...To deny the option of defense just because it may not work is a foolish thing to do. In violent situations, traveling in groups with small weapons like pepper spray can make sure you're not a target of a multitude of crimes, not just rape. I'm a man and I'll most likely only travel in groups and with some sort of weapon just because it's the smart safe way to go.

    kaleion posted: »

    Yes and no, it would work against some but if someone is already up close they could easily overpower the victim before they have time to do

  • I'll give you that...The fact that it might not go into every single subject in each school district. However, unless there's something extremely wrong going on with that district, it's mandatory for a sex ed class to be given with rape as one of the subjects being talked about, as far as I'm aware of course.

    kaleion posted: »

    The thing is that sex education varies greatly from school zone to school zone and state to state, even if your school has a decent program

  • Not everyone has the luxury of knowing people that live by the same area they do and have to go home at the same hour they do, sure do it if you can but it's not really an option that is available for everyone, and yes I guess I let my cynicism get the better of me, if you can carry pepperspray or something like that do it, there's no reason not to.

    And yet there's still a chance it could work, is it not? You have a chance to fight it off, through the entire thing...To deny the option of

  • I'm going to ask a quick question...There are several instances where you can be violently raped while walking home. However, as far as I'm aware, those instances could include going home from a party or going home from work or a bar. If you go out with friends then you should have a few people to go home with you, or if you're afraid to walk home from work, you could ask a work friend to help. As well as you could drive or call a cab. There are several options for increasing your safety.

    kaleion posted: »

    Not everyone has the luxury of knowing people that live by the same area they do and have to go home at the same hour they do, sure do it if

  • This is satire but contains some very good information on the subject, I'll admit that most of my knowledge of your country's sex education comes from having watched this video earlier this week, but it's not my country so it's not like I should be aware of it.

    enter link description here

    I'll give you that...The fact that it might not go into every single subject in each school district. However, unless there's something extr

  • Well for example, I don't have much money and I have to walk through a dangerous neighbourhood on my way home, after work not every day there are co-workers or friends that go that way too (Some days of the week there are though), since taking a cab would drain my funds and I wouldn't be able to afford to pay all my bills it's not really an option, so of course I have to walk home by myself and there's not much that can be done about it, I imagine there are a lot of people with similar situations.

    Also people are unlikely to company you if they had to go in a different direction, if it's a small detour that will cost them just a bit of time though they are likely to accompany you so it's good to take advantage of the situation but then again, now they are the ones that will have to risk it, I mean assuming not only rape but general criminal activity such as assault and possible gang activity, which are legitimate concerns where I live.

    I'm going to ask a quick question...There are several instances where you can be violently raped while walking home. However, as far as I'm

  • Oh no, I mean the state should burn them at the stake.

    kaleion posted: »

    I've dabbled in vigilantism too but it's not the right answer, if you are already mentally broken because of the rape killing the person will leave you in shambles, it's not exactly healthy for the person.

  • That was funny, I enjoyed that, thank you.

    There are several issues with sex education in America, and several issues with all the other parts of it too. It didn't shock me about how the southern states were some of the worst and the whole history comparison is sad because some parts about history are being changed in Texas in order to make them seem better. It's disappointing, luckily my school got a large amount of the information at the end.

    My point still stands, no means no, and most people if not all know this. If someone disagrees with this and rapes someone, they are mentally unsound. If people don't know this, then they should look in a dictionary.

    kaleion posted: »

    This is satire but contains some very good information on the subject, I'll admit that most of my knowledge of your country's sex education

  • To be honest I don't really believe in revenge or justice and I wouldn't trust the state to catch the right suspect every time so I'm not really in favour of any sort of death penalty, much less one like that, though I do understand the cathartic appeal of wanting that to happen to horrible people, I do believe that everybody has the capacity to redeem themselves which I'll admit is rather naive of me and generally not what you'd expect of someone as cynical as me.

    Oh no, I mean the state should burn them at the stake.

  • since taking a cab would drain my funds and I wouldn't be able to afford to pay all my bills it's not really an option

    If you live so close to home to where you can walk there after work, then you have enough money to pay for a short cab ride.

    I mean assuming not only rape but general criminal activity such as assault and possible gang activity, which are legitimate concerns where I live.

    As everyone else. Crime exists, people will harm each other knowing that it's wrong. If you're traveling in a large or even small group, you are less likely to be attacked by a criminal. If you are so unlucky to not have any alternative than walk home at night in a dangerous neighborhood, then I feel sorry for you and your only option is protection. There are several ways you can avoid this, but if you can't take any of them, you're shit out of luck.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well for example, I don't have much money and I have to walk through a dangerous neighbourhood on my way home, after work not every day ther

  • I don't think you're taking into account the fact that we are from different cultures, maybe where I come from it's not as clear, and even in the US there are too many different cultures and some are very macho oriented and might encourage that kind of behaviour.

    This might come across as a bit patronizing but I've got to ask, have you lived all your life in the same city? How much interaction have you gotten with different cultures?

    I ask because as a person that's been around and met tons of different kinds of people you'd be surprised at how much everything varies from culture to culture, specially morality.

    That was funny, I enjoyed that, thank you. There are several issues with sex education in America, and several issues with all the other

  • Oh yes, culture and religion. I forgot to include that in this conversation as I was looking at everything from a law perspective. I have lived in the same city my entire life, I'm not one to deny that, yet I have experienced several different cultures and learned about them. I just ignored the aspect of religion as I'm looking at things from an American law system point of view.

    kaleion posted: »

    I don't think you're taking into account the fact that we are from different cultures, maybe where I come from it's not as clear, and even i

  • Have you ever maintained a home and had bills? Trust me if I could save myself an hour's worth of walking through dangerous neighbourhoods I'd do it, I'm not stupid, I'm broke, and that's the case for a lot of people, also where I live cabs are stupidly expensive.

    And I know how to protect myself, been dealing with this bullshit my whole life so I wouldn't sweat it, there are people who don't and still have to do it though which sucks.

    since taking a cab would drain my funds and I wouldn't be able to afford to pay all my bills it's not really an option If you live s

  • Have you ever maintained a home and had bills?

    Actually, I'm (Luckily) still in high school and have yet to deal with that on a large scale. I do however pitch in money I have to help pay with the family household bills, which happens often.

    where I live cabs are stupidly expensive.

    Really? They're relatively cheap where I live, of course not if you're traveling moderate to long distances.

    kaleion posted: »

    Have you ever maintained a home and had bills? Trust me if I could save myself an hour's worth of walking through dangerous neighbourhoods I

  • That's good, teaching you the responsibilities of having to pay bills already, your parents are not stupid.

    And well, like I said it's a different country, living here is probably very different from living there, also it's a 3rd world country so keep that in mind, since that explains why I don't have that much money, specially considering I haven't gone to college yet, I do plan to, but too many bills and general bad luck have stopped me from doing it, a shame though I'm not what you'd call stupid, at least academically speaking.

    Have you ever maintained a home and had bills? Actually, I'm (Luckily) still in high school and have yet to deal with that on a larg

  • Yeah, they're pretty smart...or dumb and I'm learning from their mistakes. Either way, I'm learning young to save.

    I didn't know you lived in a third world country.

    kaleion posted: »

    That's good, teaching you the responsibilities of having to pay bills already, your parents are not stupid. And well, like I said it's a

  • Well in any case it's smart for them to teach you by letting you see the bills.

    And I'm from México, how bad things are varies from city to city, I do prefer my location undisclosed though.

    Yeah, they're pretty smart...or dumb and I'm learning from their mistakes. Either way, I'm learning young to save. I didn't know you lived in a third world country.

  • Mexico...Ah...I get it, yeah everything can be a little bad down there depending on your region.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well in any case it's smart for them to teach you by letting you see the bills. And I'm from México, how bad things are varies from city to city, I do prefer my location undisclosed though.

  • fuk off fuccboi

    papai46 posted: »

    @Green613 KYS

  • Yo vivo en México, diría que soy la persona mas mexicana aqui si no fuera por mi falta de patriotismo.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Ambos de mis padres son mexicanos, entonces.....

  • Good luck... Stay positive and keep busy doing things IT persons do.

    thanks mate i atleast still got my I.T diploma course so theres still a chance for a new job

  • edited August 2015

    I don't even really know what to expect anymore, but I guess I'm with you on that. A few months ago if you would have told me that Trump would be a legitimate, leading candidate I would have thought you were joking lol. It'll be interesting to see how long he lasts.

    I know right? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone, it just doesn't make sense lol. I would laugh if I wasn't so worried about the very real possibility that he can actually win. I'm really hoping that people will start coming to their senses in the next debate.

    Well that's good at least. Only like four months away, nbd lol. Winter is too cold and inconvenient to do anything too productive anyway.. at least where I am lol.

    Damn, 4 months is a pretty long time...well, I'm a patient person, I'll be rewarded in the end for my prolonged suffering lol. You're lucky imo, where I live, winter is never cold enough.:P

    Thanks. I do honestly feel a lot of pressure, mostly so because I have already wasted money as it is (because of changing my major).. and I really, really want to avoid doing that. My sisters are also graduating on time (they're the same age as me) and they sort of seem to have things somewhat set.. while I'm still sort of trying to find my place. Kind of makes me feel like someone might think I don't have my shit together.. haha. It's just been a little difficult for me, for whatever reason. At some point I feel like you just to find something and stick with it. Hopefully I get there soon.

    That's understandable, I hate wasting money as well. But paralegal studies is something that you're interested in, right? Better to switch majors if you weren't at all interested in your prior major imo. Laying out a plan and establishing a goal to work towards helps a lot from my experience, even talking with a college counselor can be pretty helpful at times.

    You'll get there, it's important to remember that everybody moves at different paces. I know that's been said a lot, but that's only because it's true. One of my brothers is only a little bit older than me, and sometimes I feel as though he's miles ahead of me in terms of success in life/school. I compare myself to him a lot, and I often feel myself coming up short, but when I really think about it, that is such a counterproductive thing to do. He's not me, I'm not him, and we're on different paths to different destinations. Just because I feel he's progressing faster than I am, doesn't mean I'm not progressing, nor does it mean I won't ever get to my destination, and the same goes for you imo.

    Belan posted: »

    What would be even better is if he's taken out of the running early on. At this point though, being the pessimist I am, the future isn't loo

    edited August 2015

    Shekels :P

    Watch those spooky shekles you got there.

  • Saltlick123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: The Bucket List Today: The Recruit

    enter image description here

  • oh the love between a man and a dog. cute

    Life goals

  • This song is so...fucking...COOL! My faith in music has been restored after 3 days of shit pop radio.

  • Started reading the witcher stories. And something has really started to bother me.... why is there so much child trading going on? I find it increasingly irritating that people be trading their kids left and right....

    Also, why does this particular point irritate me so much? Rape, murder, child molestation are all fairly rampant in these stories, yet trading children of destiny is what really annoys me.

  • Fuck first days of school. Fun but annoying, especially when they mess up your schedule. Second day will be worse...Woo...

  • I'm actually excited for school to start. Can't wait for September.

    Fuck first days of school. Fun but annoying, especially when they mess up your schedule. Second day will be worse...Woo...

  • I was too, till last night...when I couldn't get to sleep. Then I wake up with little sleep and have to fight everything and get all of these new things to carry around, of course this doesn't help my back and sure doesn't make it easier to move around in the dense halls of the school. Don't even get me started on how they put me in a class I had last year and now I'll probably have to work with my counselor for a few days to solve the problem.

    Other than that, it was pretty good.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm actually excited for school to start. Can't wait for September.

  • Uh, anybody know what happened to Lehfeelz? Haven't seen him here for a while. :?

  • Lucky bastards. I've still got five weeks of school before two weeks of holidays.

    Plus, my school is run by morons, or the curriculum is set by morons. Regardless, it's someone's fault.

    Fuck first days of school. Fun but annoying, especially when they mess up your schedule. Second day will be worse...Woo...

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