The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • how is everyone on this fine day?

  • DanalizaDanaliza Banned
    edited April 2016

    I'm doing fine thank you

    Danaliza posted: »

    how is everyone on this fine day?

  • Just peachy, thanks for asking!

    Danaliza posted: »

    how is everyone on this fine day?

  • NeverForget the heroes of 7/11. Make America Great Again!

  • Well meme'd.

    Danaliza posted: »

    how is everyone on this fine day?

    1. It's a model extracted from Quantum Break.
    2. Keyshot 6
    lottii-lu posted: »

    Two Questions: * Is that a model you made by yourself? (If so great work) * What program is that?

  • edited April 2016

    Thx <3

    * It's a model extracted from Quantum Break. * Keyshot 6

  • enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

    Well, when I Youtube Hit the Lights, the first thing I want to see is Metallica, not some shitty, pop song made by the girl from that stupid wizard show on Disney.

  • So my friend is joining the forums

  • Cool who is hé if I may ask?

    So my friend is joining the forums

  • I don't mind the prequel, and John Carpenter's The Thing is one of my favorites. I agree with you on the effects and the pacing. I would also add the scene where the alien attacks the main character and the dude just suddenly shows up with a flamethrower was rediculous and kind of broke the movie.

    Johro posted: »

    Unpopular opinion: I didn't hate The Thing prequel. I hated that they altered the special effects and I hated that they violently disrup

  • So... I just saw Wolf Daryl/Beth NSFW content...


  • How did this happen Lottii?


    lottii-lu posted: »

    So... I just saw Wolf Daryl/Beth NSFW content... eND MY SUFFERING

  • Blame the Bethyl community on Tumblr.

    They are trying to defend it too.

    How did this happen Lottii? How?

  • But how did you get there?

    How/why did you look at that?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Blame the Bethyl community on Tumblr. They are trying to defend it too.

  • edited April 2016

    Oh, Sorry.

    I accidentally stumbled across it in the ‘Beth Greene’ tag on Tumblr, what's bad is that I'm on mobile at the moment so I can't blacklist Bethyl.

    I also managed to see a lot of anti-bethyl complain about it too and how them defending it (along with drawing it) is disgusting.

    I actually feel sick from seeing that tbh.

    But how did you get there? How/why did you look at that?

  • Trump should get a Slurpee for that one.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    NeverForget the heroes of 7/11. Make America Great Again!

  • Definitely!

    As a former 7/11 employee and a veteran of the 11pm Battle of Drunken Fists, I'm honored that the President is honoring our brave sacrifices.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Trump should get a Slurpee for that one.

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So... I just saw Wolf Daryl/Beth NSFW content... eND MY SUFFERING

  • I know you're most likely better than me.

    Am I the only person here who's okay with math?

  • Thanks Greeny.

    Green613 posted: »

    Congrats man! B]

  • I hope it is too, common sense stuff mostly, I hope you have that.

    Good job mate! Hope it'll go as breezy for me when I try for mine.

  • I thought I was going to fail too.

    Boom, nailed it. Gj.

  • Thanks Max.

    BigBlindMax posted: »


  • Oh god, my friends are defending him for that one.

    "He must've been thinking about the 711 fire station", excuse me while I laugh till I cry.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    NeverForget the heroes of 7/11. Make America Great Again!

  • Jet Fuel can't melt Slurpees.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    NeverForget the heroes of 7/11. Make America Great Again!

  • If you have steady income or have regular freelance clientele, do not work for your local board of elections.

  • Anybody excited for the release of Mafia 3? Their new trailer got me hyped. :)

  • I just beat the dragonslayer armor in Dark Souls 3, and the statues right there... Oh my god shit just got real.

  • Mememememememe!

    Anybody excited for the release of Mafia 3? Their new trailer got me hyped.

  • It looks really good. One thing worries me. I watched the 12min gameplay video and noticed something that's back.

    The speedometer. Sigh.

    Anybody excited for the release of Mafia 3? Their new trailer got me hyped.

  • Looks pretty good and an interesting take on the Mafia story. October 7th can't come soon enough. Curious to see how much Vito is involved in the story.

    Anybody excited for the release of Mafia 3? Their new trailer got me hyped.

  • I don't watch the TWD TV series so I have no idea what you're talking about. What is it? Why is it so bad?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So... I just saw Wolf Daryl/Beth NSFW content... eND MY SUFFERING

  • Hey it could be worse.At least Mafia 2's driving is still far more fun than 1's. 1 had more restrictions, it controlled worse and the cops reacted to the player doing things such as passing red lights.

    Johro posted: »

    It looks really good. One thing worries me. I watched the 12min gameplay video and noticed something that's back. The speedometer. Sigh.

  • edited April 2016

    Oh god, my friends are defending him for that one. "He must've been thinking about the 711 fire station", excuse me while I laugh till I cry.

  • edited April 2016

    Supposedly, it can vary. It has already been pretty much revealed that he is one of the lieutenants(capos I guess). Unless that is misdirection, because I know the other two characters in the announcement trailer are. Anyway, we're suppose to have control as to which ones we are giving assets to and these choices are supposed to effect the ending. It sounds pretty interesting.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Looks pretty good and an interesting take on the Mafia story. October 7th can't come soon enough. Curious to see how much Vito is involved in the story.

  • Yeah, I heard that the choices you make in the game will have an effect on the ending. That was actually a feature that was removed from 2 (in the OST there's a song that was meant for one of the endings, one that sounds as if it belonged in an ending where both Vito and Joe die). Have they revealed how much choices like allocating assets to certain capos will affect other things (like cutscenes and the game world) besides the ending.

    Johro posted: »

    Supposedly, it can vary. It has already been pretty much revealed that he is one of the lieutenants(capos I guess). Unless that is misdire

  • edited April 2016

    I got some pretty cool storage boxes for my walking dead issues.

    I got 3 boxes 113-126 / 127-144 / 145-153

    Volumes 1-25

    enter image description here

    Also just ordered B&W A New Beginning Rick Grimes Figure

    enter image description here enter image description here

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