The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • When your friends are obsessed with shipping.

    @wolfenus54 @2614118 , Wottii confirmed.

  • He probably wanted it for ps4, as all his other Telltale purchases might be made on there from now on. And no, it's not crossbuy. I don't think any of TTG's games are. I bought their collection on PS4 when it was half-off, cause none of my games were a cross buy thing.

    What, why? Why didn't you get a different game what possible difference could there be that would make it worth buying again. And isnt it crossbuy on digital?

  • edited May 2016

    I'd go to church except for 2 reasons: 1) There either is no God, or 2) There is and it's seen me masturbate and have sex, so there's no reason to start playing coy now.

  • oy wanna have a fukin fight m8?

    When your friends are obsessed with shipping.


    Y U DO THIS?

    @wolfenus54 @2614118 , Wottii confirmed.

  • edited May 2016

    I did get another game with it as it was part of a buy one get one free offer it isn't crossbuy on digital and I wanted to get the game on ps4mainly for the colour improvements and quicker loading times as it takes years to load an also I can get another platinum trophy at the end

    What, why? Why didn't you get a different game what possible difference could there be that would make it worth buying again. And isnt it crossbuy on digital?

  • edited May 2016

    2016 officially fucking sucks for music fans. Prince, David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Keith Emerson, Frank Sinatra Jr., John Berry, and now, fucking Nick Menza.

  • Where was it in a buy one get one free

    I did get another game with it as it was part of a buy one get one free offer it isn't crossbuy on digital and I wanted to get the game on p

  • I love coming back to 600+ comments.

    @BigBlindMax sorry about your grandfather and happy super late birthday.

    I don't know if I'm happy or depressed that it's my last week till summer.

  • Is shipping all you guys talk about?

    @wolfenus54 @2614118 , Wottii confirmed.

  • They are The Cringe Kids after all.

    papai46 posted: »

    Is shipping all you guys talk about?

  • ROFL, true true.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    They are The Cringe Kids after all.

  • A bit sad I never got to see Nick live. Megadeth didn't come here until the reunion... When he was fired.

    2016 officially fucking sucks for music fans. Prince, David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Keith Emerson, Frank Sinatra Jr., John Berry, and now, fucking Nick Menza.

  • Don't worry. We haven't figured out cloning dinosaurs, life after death, or where the holy grail is. So, you didn't miss anything.

    I love coming back to 600+ comments. @BigBlindMax sorry about your grandfather and happy super late birthday. I don't know if I'm happy or depressed that it's my last week till summer.

  • In one of the game shops I have in my town

    Where was it in a buy one get one free

  • Wha...?

    enter link description here

  • Lemmy missed the cutoff by 3 days.

    2016 officially fucking sucks for music fans. Prince, David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Keith Emerson, Frank Sinatra Jr., John Berry, and now, fucking Nick Menza.

  • Well thanks for sharing I'll be sure to take advantage of this offer

    In one of the game shops I have in my town

  • edited May 2016

    Anyone reading any comics on the road to civil war 2?

    Ms Marvel is great (Kamala Khan) got Spider-Man in the mix too (Miles Morales)

    enter image description here

  • I'm really worried about this generation when you got people that can't be older than 10 playing COD

  • Same I seen a kid that was something like 8 years old and his back was facing me then he quickly TURNED ROUND AND SHOT ME WITH A GUN WITH PLASTIC BULLETS luckily it was my hand but it ached for like a week

    I'm really worried about this generation when you got people that can't be older than 10 playing COD

  • I feel like things are too accessable for kids these days. Playstations etc were around when I was that age, but I wasn't allowed 18 games, idek how kids gets these games.

    Shitty non caring parenting, bet the dont even know what thier kids say etc.

    Personally atm they can keep cod, its gone so far downhill, thank god for these new fps coming out and Battlefield 1 taking a step in the right direction finally

    I'm really worried about this generation when you got people that can't be older than 10 playing COD


    Jesus Christ.


    Oh okay, phew.

    Same I seen a kid that was something like 8 years old and his back was facing me then he quickly TURNED ROUND AND SHOT ME WITH A GUN WITH PLASTIC BULLETS luckily it was my hand but it ached for like a week

  • edited May 2016

    I remember when I was younger I wasn't allowed to play games like COD and other mature games. I had to atleast wait till I was a teenage before they would even think about letting me buy games like that, but it seems like it doesn't matter what age you are you are allowed to play any game. Like right now I am playing COD Black Ops since is it backwards compatible on xbox one (Only COD game I've really liked.) and I kid you not their is someone playing with a mic that can't be older 10. I don't know man, but you are definitely right. COD has gone down hill badly. Seems like all the older mature players moved over to Battlefield lol.

    I feel like things are too accessable for kids these days. Playstations etc were around when I was that age, but I wasn't allowed 18 games,

  • It doesn't sound bad but it broke my skin :0


  • WHAT!? 3 new episodes of steven universe ♡♥♡ the intros in french? Oh well x

  • Thanks! It he last two weeks have been a roller coaster. How are you?

    Btw, our NationStates region is (kind of) alive again. There's currently a vote up to change how officers are elected.

    I love coming back to 600+ comments. @BigBlindMax sorry about your grandfather and happy super late birthday. I don't know if I'm happy or depressed that it's my last week till summer.

  • See, I was allowed to play mature games like that since I was about 13, but at least my gaming area was in the open. If I got mad and called someone a faggot my mom probably wouldn've jumped down my throat. That's the way I'd do it as a parent.

    I'm really worried about this generation when you got people that can't be older than 10 playing COD

  • They were psychos before video games. Ed gein didn't play COD

    I'm really worried about this generation when you got people that can't be older than 10 playing COD

  • rip your precious skin

    It doesn't sound bad but it broke my skin :0

  • Drawn with a DSI? Wow, it must require times.

    enter link description here

  • it's in a better place now

    rip your precious skin

  • Wow okay, I knew Stephen King would screw me over in 11/22/63 like he does with any of his books but I didn't expect the waterworks to start running! Damn you, King!

  • enter image description here

    my life is complete

  • Looks like Mooman... O MY GOD!

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    my life is complete

  • I was just relaxing in my bed, snuggled under my covers and then I felt something crawl on my arm. It was a termite! Why does it have to be termite season?

  • Duck_Hunt posted: »

    my life is complete

  • Not that termites don't sound gross, but I would be grateful that at least it wasn't something like a spider. That would really unnerve me. :P

    I was just relaxing in my bed, snuggled under my covers and then I felt something crawl on my arm. It was a termite! Why does it have to be termite season?

  • Don't mind me

    enter image description here

    I was just relaxing in my bed, snuggled under my covers and then I felt something crawl on my arm. It was a termite! Why does it have to be termite season?

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