The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Nope, but they did have knitting.

    They were psychos before video games. Ed gein didn't play COD

  • I don't know if gamestop and game are the same because I don't have gamestop in thus country but the offer was in game

    Well thanks for sharing I'll be sure to take advantage of this offer

  • edited May 2016

    enter image description here

    this is what it looks like in game

    papai46 posted: »

    Looks like Mooman... O MY GOD!

  • Hehe, I love these animations. :)

    enter link description here

  • Being english ive never seen a real life termite, are they big? Do they bite? Is your bed going to turn into sawdust like in a cartoon? I MUST KNOW!!!

    I was just relaxing in my bed, snuggled under my covers and then I felt something crawl on my arm. It was a termite! Why does it have to be termite season?

  • "Moon Man, Moon Man. Can't you see?"

    Enjoy Yourself

  • i wasnt allowed 18+ games when ps2 came out untili was about 16 too many kids have access to these games especially gta when you get kids just ruining the game for everyone and cod is just awful with them calling me a hacker just because they got sniped

    I feel like things are too accessable for kids these days. Playstations etc were around when I was that age, but I wasn't allowed 18 games,

  • had that happen before and it wasnt a small spider luckily it got squashed as soon as i saw it,i hate spiders

    Not that termites don't sound gross, but I would be grateful that at least it wasn't something like a spider. That would really unnerve me. :P

  • Termites are small, but not that small. They don't not bite. They are attracted to light and wood. They are super annoying and literally have no purpose on the earth. They are gross and every morning their wings fall off so your porch and sometimes insides your house there are a lot of termite wings. Basically, termites suck and I wish they were extinct.

    Being english ive never seen a real life termite, are they big? Do they bite? Is your bed going to turn into sawdust like in a cartoon? I MUST KNOW!!!

  • If it was a spider, I would've passed out. Spiders suck.

    Not that termites don't sound gross, but I would be grateful that at least it wasn't something like a spider. That would really unnerve me. :P

  • Literally can't wait!

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Oi m8 I'm supposed to be the creepy one.

    Don't mind me

  • I just recently finished Season 2 of Daredevil on Netflix. I felt the Season Finale this time around was not as strong as Season 1's finale, but overall, I liked Season 2 more. I can't wait for the Punisher spinoff as that sounds like it will be good as well.

  • Whew, finally finished a chapter of one of my stories (It's Icarus Mines). Unfortunately I procrastinated too much, I ended up spending 5 days playing Fallout 3 (beat main story with some side quests.). Really need to do something about this problem of mine... It wasn't this bad in high school and a little after that.

    So anyway, I'm planning on whether to start the next chapter or work on the comic issue tonight. Not sure which though.

  • edited May 2016

    It's really not an issue if a kid plays COD tbf. You're bound to encounter a few brats but there's definitely okay ones in the crowd too. A game does not determine the mindset of the child, it's the mind itself that determines how they'll behave. For example, I've played Resident Evil 2 on N64 when I was only 6 and GTA a few years later. None of those games effected how I acted in reality, cuz they were games that fascinated me and which I enjoyed. And don't give me the bad parenting argument (not you I meant to others who may use that against me) for being allowed to play them when I was surpivised for a brief period until they knew I would be mature about them.

    I'm really worried about this generation when you got people that can't be older than 10 playing COD

  • From my personal procrastination I can give you some advices:

    -Go to sleep not too late. I procrastinated way too much when I go to bed around 3AM several days.

    -Do something you like. And if you don't, try to like it by seeing the bright side of the thing. Doing something you like will make it easier.

    -Give yourself objectives you can actually achieve. Sometimes there's a thing you want to finish, but you procrastinated so much that it's not even possible to finish it in one day; hence you don't work on it at all. Give you small tasks (like finishing half a chapter) that you know you can achieve, then have a "rest" time, playing games or whatever, and check the time you allow you to play it.

    It's just a question of bad habit we have to fight.

    Whew, finally finished a chapter of one of my stories (It's Icarus Mines). Unfortunately I procrastinated too much, I ended up spending 5 da

  • eeeewwww... the wing thing is particularly nasty. Thanks for the info c:

    Termites are small, but not that small. They don't not bite. They are attracted to light and wood. They are super annoying and literally hav

  • I fucking hate Middle School so much, we have SOLs this week and they still give us homework.

  • edited May 2016

    Saddened about Gord Downie. As a fan, I'm not sure which is worse. Suddenly dying, or knowing they're going to die shortly. The 'Hip have had some great tunes. From New Orleans Is Sinking to...

    enter link description here

  • edited May 2016
    Johro posted: »

    Saddened about Gord Downie. As a fan, I'm not sure which is worse. Suddenly dying, or knowing they're going to die shortly. The 'Hip have had some great tunes. From New Orleans Is Sinking to... enter link description here

  • edited May 2016

    The aforementioned CLASSIC

    enter link description here

    Johro posted: »

    Saddened about Gord Downie. As a fan, I'm not sure which is worse. Suddenly dying, or knowing they're going to die shortly. The 'Hip have had some great tunes. From New Orleans Is Sinking to... enter link description here

  • That thumbnail though...

    joshua007 posted: »

    @Markd4547 @Euron enter link description here

  • Do you get craneflies in America?

    Termites are small, but not that small. They don't not bite. They are attracted to light and wood. They are super annoying and literally hav

  • Yes, but we call them daddy lonlegs

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Do you get craneflies in America?

  • Thanks for the advice, it's an issue that I've tried to fight and failed miserably for months. I'm glad to say I've managed well today with focusing on things after reading this earlier (I was taking a break playing a little of Fallout 3 ), I'm actually working on my comic right now. Going smoothly for a change. I feel the heat! :D (also literally, summer weather is pushing out the spring weather o_o)

    The issue I often felt was that I felt overwhelmed since I thought too much. But I'm just taking tidbits on what to do so I feel okay.

    Euron posted: »

    From my personal procrastination I can give you some advices: -Go to sleep not too late. I procrastinated way too much when I go to bed a

  • We have daddy longlegs too, but we give that name to those long-legged spiders with the tiny bodies.

    Craneflies are probably my least favourite thing on Earth.

    Yes, but we call them daddy lonlegs

  • That's what we call daddy long legs too, at least on the East Coast. Crane flies are generally called "mosquito hawks."

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    We have daddy longlegs too, but we give that name to those long-legged spiders with the tiny bodies. Craneflies are probably my least favourite thing on Earth.

  • This weeks penny dreadful was fantastic

  • Posting this is so ridiculous, but this is really bugging me out. I discussed it with my teacher for about five minutes in the middle of the class.

    Let's imagine I tell you…

    Joe said that he had never been to Rome.

    You ask me, what did he say exactly? Whatever I quote next has to mean the same as the first quoted sentence. What would you say? Are there any "grammar nazis" that could help me?

    Joe said, "I had never been to Rome."

    Joe said, "I have never been to Rome."

    I am so sure that the first one is the correct one, but my teacher and everyone else in the class say otherwise.

  • The first one is what joes ghost would say, I think.

    Posting this is so ridiculous, but this is really bugging me out. I discussed it with my teacher for about five minutes in the middle of the

  • I thought it was dreadful.

    This weeks penny dreadful was fantastic

  • This remark will not go without penny-ty

    I thought it was dreadful.

  • Jesus this question made me twist my noggin for a while. The first one is past perfect and the second one is present perfect, considering the original statement was in the past perfect tense I think it would only make sense that the first one is correct. I might be wrong though.

    Posting this is so ridiculous, but this is really bugging me out. I discussed it with my teacher for about five minutes in the middle of the

  • I surrender.

    This remark will not go without penny-ty

  • It seems like he would only say the first one if he was telling a story about a time before he had been to Rome after having gone there.

    Posting this is so ridiculous, but this is really bugging me out. I discussed it with my teacher for about five minutes in the middle of the

  • What's what I was thinking. But isn't the first quoted sentence attempting to say just that? I imagine that Joe would be telling the narrator a story of when he first went to Rome, and that's why he would say "I had never been to Rome." That would then prompt the narrator to tell us that "Joe said that he had never been to Rome"—this last part is the one that the exam showed us.

    I get that this is confusing though. It doesn't help that this sentence had not context whatsoever, so we have no idea about in what situation Joe said this and the narrator heard it.

    It seems like he would only say the first one if he was telling a story about a time before he had been to Rome after having gone there.

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