Im very sorry you felt like that... I haven't known anyone who has had suicidal thoughts/attempted suicide but it gets better in the end no matter how bad it seems, stay strong
Hé everyone I know I'm not active that much anymore but I have a reason for that.
This is for me kinda hard to say but I have suicidal th… moreoughts... And I have tried to kill myself two times this year with medicines and I just wanted to say it here AND i have help... Whoa 0_0 I hope you guys understand.
You know, living in a large basement with plenty of opportunities for projects, recording set ups and time to work on current projects is pretty awesome. I have my own area to myself and it's good to stay in until I turn 18 and I'm able to move out. What's NOT cool is the fact that there are 6 different fucking air-vents on my direct side of the basement, 4 of which are over my bed. And what's even worse is that just because it's kinda hot outside, my family feels the need to turn the AC to 50 fucking degrees and it all blows down here. I'm so fucking cold holy shit.
Meh, Shattered Dimensions isn't on a completely violent level. I'd say the Spidey-Noir sections are the only really fucked sections. Besides, I played through Silent Hill 3 when I was 7 and I turned out fine so I don't think a Spidey game is too bad.
Hey, guys, I need your advice.
My brothers and sister are 7 years old.
Do you think they're old enough to watch me play Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions?
I feel like a asshole for not to have responded to current posts like this because I didn't knew what to say myself. Telling my parents was hard but still after not even have responded to those posts or the onces I missed and still getting comments that people care. That gives me warmth from inside:)
Im very sorry you felt like that... I haven't known anyone who has had suicidal thoughts/attempted suicide but it gets better in the end no matter how bad it seems, stay strong
If you guys are interested in this kind of thing, we heavily revamped our previous "Future of Telltale Games FAQ". It's now more organized, and includes a small handful of FAQs in individual posts instead of having one massively long post.
We also added links to our other FAQs for upcoming games in different forums, as well as separately linked FAQs for games from Telltale Publishing. We also added a smaller FAQ for Telltale's involvement in other content (such as comics, Walking Dead Pinball, Minecraft skins, etc) that we are also going to update in the short future.
Some of it will be kinda niche stuff, but as we said, it will also be much more organized so you can jump straight into what you are looking for, and it will be easier to check back often on.
Real sorry to hear you've been going through that. I'm glad you're still kicking though and getting help. Do whatever you can to make yourself happy such as comedy videos (check vanossgaming, his vids are hilarious), playing games, watching movies, even hanging out with friends and family. Whatever may have brought those thoughts, just remember (and I always say this) "Life has its shitty moments but there are precious moments that makes it worth while."
Hope you're pulling through okay. If you got like a PS4 or PS3 we can play GTA (currently only multiplayer game I have, will get Overwatch). I also have steam if you like to hang out, same name and I have a Canadian flag shown under it.
Hé everyone I know I'm not active that much anymore but I have a reason for that.
This is for me kinda hard to say but I have suicidal th… moreoughts... And I have tried to kill myself two times this year with medicines and I just wanted to say it here AND i have help... Whoa 0_0 I hope you guys understand.
Sonic Adventure 4, now with a barely functioning Chao garden. Witness Sonic fall through the floor as he picks up a chao.
Pre-order now and get a bonus glitch where Sonic goes so fast that he flies off the map and lands in a good game with Knuckles and featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series!
Well, Sonic Team will have had 4 years to make it by the time it gets released, so it better be good, as I don't think rushing the game could be used as an excuse this time, if it sucks, or is really glitchy/broken.
Yeah, if they fuck it up they're up shit creek without a paddle because there will be no excuses this time.
Sonic Adventure 4, now with a barely functioning Chao garden. Witness Sonic fall through the floor as he picks up a chao.
Well, Sonic Tea… morem will have had 4 years to make it by the time it gets released, so it better be good, as I don't think rushing the game could be used as an excuse this time, if it sucks, or is really glitchy/broken.
''It'd probably be bad advice from myself since I played Resident Evil 2 when I was 6''
I was 8 years old when I played mortal kombat shaolin monks and 9 years old when I played Assassin's Creed you are not alone:)
Finally got my own Ratchet and Clank game! Not only that, but my brother bought me Resident Evil Survivor for a buck and I even found my lost gamecube memory card! Yahoo!
Pre-order at Gamestop to get the last story on day 1. Gotta be like Capcom was with Asura's Wrath by making the true ending DLC. Just imagine Sega following Ubisoft's example with SA4 this way:
The only thing I could think of would be like if they restarted development several times because they were never happy with the game, and then they just shit it out. I guess they could always follow Inafune's example, and say the finished game is "better than nothing".
Sonic Adventure 4, now with a barely functioning Chao garden. Witness Sonic fall through the floor as he picks up a chao.
Pre-order … morenow and get a bonus glitch where Sonic goes so fast that he flies off the map and lands in a good game with Knuckles and featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series!
Well, Sonic Team will have had 4 years to make it by the time it gets released, so it better be good, as I don't think rushing the game could be used as an excuse this time, if it sucks, or is really glitchy/broken.
Yeah, if they fuck it up they're up shit creek without a paddle because there will be no excuses this time.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is honestly one of my favorite shows. I'm finally convincing a family member to give it a shot. They never wanted to watch it because "Shows with real people are better than cartoons except for comedies." I hope they enjoy it despite it being animated. The look of a show is not as important as it's content.
If you guys are interested in this kind of thing, we heavily revamped our previous "Future of Telltale Games FAQ". It's now more organized, … moreand includes a small handful of FAQs in individual posts instead of having one massively long post.
We also added links to our other FAQs for upcoming games in different forums, as well as separately linked FAQs for games from Telltale Publishing. We also added a smaller FAQ for Telltale's involvement in other content (such as comics, Walking Dead Pinball, Minecraft skins, etc) that we are also going to update in the short future.
Some of it will be kinda niche stuff, but as we said, it will also be much more organized so you can jump straight into what you are looking for, and it will be easier to check back often on.
I haven't played the Mass Effect trilogy, but recently I've gotten some interest in it. I was already somewhat familiar with the franchise (I knew who Shepard and Garrus were, etc.), but for some reason it hasn't been remastered on the Xbox One, with only the original backwards compatible. Knowing how much money they could make, it's kind of disappointing.
So, I recently got an email from Telltale's Newsletter. It just gives you links to all the news about each of their series announced at E3. But at the bottom, where they promote 7 Days to Die, the subtitle beside it is "If you build it, THEY will come." --- Kudos to you Telltale, I get that reference.
And, finally, Wreck-it-Ralph 2 has been confirmed! (I loved that movie) Too bad we have to wait until 2018 but it's real!! HOORAY!
Fucking hell, man. I had no idea.
Real sorry to hear you've been going through that. I'm glad you're still kicking though and getting hel… morep. Do whatever you can to make yourself happy such as comedy videos (check vanossgaming, his vids are hilarious), playing games, watching movies, even hanging out with friends and family. Whatever may have brought those thoughts, just remember (and I always say this) "Life has its shitty moments but there are precious moments that makes it worth while."
Hope you're pulling through okay. If you got like a PS4 or PS3 we can play GTA (currently only multiplayer game I have, will get Overwatch). I also have steam if you like to hang out, same name and I have a Canadian flag shown under it.
It doesn't look like it will be any time soon. The American studio is handling the MMO and the two main Canadian studios are juggling 3 properties right now. You never know, but it seems very unlikely unless it's handed off to a different company. Considering how well that's gone for studios lately, I'd say there's a 1% chance of that.
I haven't played the Mass Effect trilogy, but recently I've gotten some interest in it. I was already somewhat familiar with the franchise (… moreI knew who Shepard and Garrus were, etc.), but for some reason it hasn't been remastered on the Xbox One, with only the original backwards compatible. Knowing how much money they could make, it's kind of disappointing.
I'll probably get Andromeda though.
I haven't played the Mass Effect trilogy, but recently I've gotten some interest in it. I was already somewhat familiar with the franchise (… moreI knew who Shepard and Garrus were, etc.), but for some reason it hasn't been remastered on the Xbox One, with only the original backwards compatible. Knowing how much money they could make, it's kind of disappointing.
I'll probably get Andromeda though.
Finally ended up buying Street Fighter V on Steam since it was on sale. To my surprise though, the game isn't launching at all, and while I was looking up the fix I actually found my HOMIE @Poogers555 on the steam forums having the same problem.
Though it looks like he did end up fixing it, Imma try all night looking for a fix for this. If you know the fix Poogs, pls hit me up.
so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week
so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week
As for Wreck-It-Ralph, which I loved, the sequel going to the Internet is a fun concept, especially if you do online gaming. I'd love to see a parody of some hard core RPG players or some trolls.
So, I recently got an email from Telltale's Newsletter. It just gives you links to all the news about each of their series announced at E3. … moreBut at the bottom, where they promote 7 Days to Die, the subtitle beside it is "If you build it, THEY will come." --- Kudos to you Telltale, I get that reference.
And, finally, Wreck-it-Ralph 2 has been confirmed! (I loved that movie) Too bad we have to wait until 2018 but it's real!! HOORAY!
so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week
so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week
Sadly I dont think there is a fix. At the time I was using a new computer I bought, the game didnt work on that one, but then I tried on my old pc, and surprisingly it worked but it couldnt handle it. It wasnt until I upgraded my new pc that it suddenly started to work. My best conclusion is that Street Fighter doesnt like certain parts in PCs. Also if you have an AMD graphics card that could be the case because it seemed like people with an AMD card had the issue more often. Before I upgraded mine I had an AMD but now I have a Nvidia. So yeah, sadly if your having that issue where launching just opens an error message, it seems there is no real fix other than getting new parts and hoping that Street Fighter finds them worthy enough to work
Finally ended up buying Street Fighter V on Steam since it was on sale. To my surprise though, the game isn't launching at all, and while I … morewas looking up the fix I actually found my HOMIE @Poogers555 on the steam forums having the same problem.
Though it looks like he did end up fixing it, Imma try all night looking for a fix for this. If you know the fix Poogs, pls hit me up.
Ok, wow. I'm not really sure what to say... Just try to cheer yourself up, keep your mind off those sad things, visit the forums here, and we people will be here to support you. I don't know anyone whose ever tried suicide, but there have been people here that talked about it. You aren't alone
Hé everyone I know I'm not active that much anymore but I have a reason for that.
This is for me kinda hard to say but I have suicidal th… moreoughts... And I have tried to kill myself two times this year with medicines and I just wanted to say it here AND i have help... Whoa 0_0 I hope you guys understand.
Was a really hot day out today and now a giant rainstorm has hit. Feels so damn good.
Im very sorry you felt like that... I haven't known anyone who has had suicidal thoughts/attempted suicide but it gets better in the end no matter how bad it seems, stay strong
You know, living in a large basement with plenty of opportunities for projects, recording set ups and time to work on current projects is pretty awesome. I have my own area to myself and it's good to stay in until I turn 18 and I'm able to move out. What's NOT cool is the fact that there are 6 different fucking air-vents on my direct side of the basement, 4 of which are over my bed. And what's even worse is that just because it's kinda hot outside, my family feels the need to turn the AC to 50 fucking degrees and it all blows down here. I'm so fucking cold holy shit.
Meh, Shattered Dimensions isn't on a completely violent level. I'd say the Spidey-Noir sections are the only really fucked sections. Besides, I played through Silent Hill 3 when I was 7 and I turned out fine so I don't think a Spidey game is too bad.
Minus the hot day and the same for me ._.
Welp xbox backwards compatibility is beginning to be a big fail. Every game that gets a lot of votes is getting remastered lol
Maybe it will be better in the end.
I feel like a asshole for not to have responded to current posts like this because I didn't knew what to say myself. Telling my parents was hard but still after not even have responded to those posts or the onces I missed and still getting comments that people care. That gives me warmth from inside:)
Do you guys hate me for having a different opinion about TftB?
Depends on the opinion I suppose.
enter link description here
If you guys are interested in this kind of thing, we heavily revamped our previous "Future of Telltale Games FAQ". It's now more organized, and includes a small handful of FAQs in individual posts instead of having one massively long post.
We also added links to our other FAQs for upcoming games in different forums, as well as separately linked FAQs for games from Telltale Publishing. We also added a smaller FAQ for Telltale's involvement in other content (such as comics, Walking Dead Pinball, Minecraft skins, etc) that we are also going to update in the short future.
Some of it will be kinda niche stuff, but as we said, it will also be much more organized so you can jump straight into what you are looking for, and it will be easier to check back often on.
Fucking hell, man. I had no idea.
Real sorry to hear you've been going through that. I'm glad you're still kicking though and getting help. Do whatever you can to make yourself happy such as comedy videos (check vanossgaming, his vids are hilarious), playing games, watching movies, even hanging out with friends and family. Whatever may have brought those thoughts, just remember (and I always say this) "Life has its shitty moments but there are precious moments that makes it worth while."
Hope you're pulling through okay. If you got like a PS4 or PS3 we can play GTA (currently only multiplayer game I have, will get Overwatch). I also have steam if you like to hang out, same name and I have a Canadian flag shown under it.
Meh. Not everyone likes the same game.
Pre-order now and get a bonus glitch where Sonic goes so fast that he flies off the map and lands in a good game with Knuckles and featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series!
Yeah, if they fuck it up they're up shit creek without a paddle because there will be no excuses this time.
Yay, we all were hardcore in childhood! xD
Well as long as you aren't calling for the heads of TFTB fans (never go full Hitler) then I'm OK.
Finally got my own Ratchet and Clank game! Not only that, but my brother bought me Resident Evil Survivor for a buck and I even found my lost gamecube memory card! Yahoo!
Pre-order at Gamestop to get the last story on day 1. Gotta be like Capcom was with Asura's Wrath by making the true ending DLC. Just imagine Sega following Ubisoft's example with SA4 this way:
The only thing I could think of would be like if they restarted development several times because they were never happy with the game, and then they just shit it out. I guess they could always follow Inafune's example, and say the finished game is "better than nothing".
I'm watching the Spider-Man show from the 1990s.
It's so fun to watch, even as a grown-up.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is honestly one of my favorite shows. I'm finally convincing a family member to give it a shot. They never wanted to watch it because "Shows with real people are better than cartoons except for comedies." I hope they enjoy it despite it being animated. The look of a show is not as important as it's content.
Plus, there's FAQs.
Yo dawg, we heard you like FAQs, so we put FAQs in your FAQs, so you can read FAQs while you read FAQs.
Forgive me.
I haven't played the Mass Effect trilogy, but recently I've gotten some interest in it. I was already somewhat familiar with the franchise (I knew who Shepard and Garrus were, etc.), but for some reason it hasn't been remastered on the Xbox One, with only the original backwards compatible. Knowing how much money they could make, it's kind of disappointing.
I'll probably get Andromeda though.
So, I recently got an email from Telltale's Newsletter. It just gives you links to all the news about each of their series announced at E3. But at the bottom, where they promote 7 Days to Die, the subtitle beside it is "If you build it, THEY will come." --- Kudos to you Telltale, I get that reference.
And, finally, Wreck-it-Ralph 2 has been confirmed! (I loved that movie) Too bad we have to wait until 2018 but it's real!! HOORAY!
Finally get a day off tomorrow after 7 straight working. I know some people are keeping track of my work schedule
I'm excited. I've got a whole day planned of video games, liquor, watching NHL free agency, hanging out with an old friend. It will be glorious.
I have send you a friend request question Garrus profile right?
It doesn't look like it will be any time soon. The American studio is handling the MMO and the two main Canadian studios are juggling 3 properties right now. You never know, but it seems very unlikely unless it's handed off to a different company. Considering how well that's gone for studios lately, I'd say there's a 1% chance of that.
Yeah I've been waiting since November for Mass effect 2 and 3 to be made backwards compatible
. I'm waiting for them before I finish replaying ME1.
Finally ended up buying Street Fighter V on Steam since it was on sale. To my surprise though, the game isn't launching at all, and while I was looking up the fix I actually found my HOMIE @Poogers555 on the steam forums having the same problem.
Though it looks like he did end up fixing it, Imma try all night looking for a fix for this. If you know the fix Poogs, pls hit me up.
you are forgiven
so that girl who rejected me i thinkshe may actually be developing feelings for me shes also invited me over to her place to stay round the nkght next week
Use protection, lad.
That is a pretty clever reference.
As for Wreck-It-Ralph, which I loved, the sequel going to the Internet is a fun concept, especially if you do online gaming. I'd love to see a parody of some hard core RPG players or some trolls.
But how would she develop feelings so quickly?
Guess who's getting that puss tonight.
Sadly I dont think there is a fix. At the time I was using a new computer I bought, the game didnt work on that one, but then I tried on my old pc, and surprisingly it worked but it couldnt handle it. It wasnt until I upgraded my new pc that it suddenly started to work. My best conclusion is that Street Fighter doesnt like certain parts in PCs. Also if you have an AMD graphics card that could be the case because it seemed like people with an AMD card had the issue more often. Before I upgraded mine I had an AMD but now I have a Nvidia. So yeah, sadly if your having that issue where launching just opens an error message, it seems there is no real fix other than getting new parts and hoping that Street Fighter finds them worthy enough to work
Ok, wow. I'm not really sure what to say... Just try to cheer yourself up, keep your mind off those sad things, visit the forums here, and we people will be here to support you. I don't know anyone whose ever tried suicide, but there have been people here that talked about it. You aren't alone
no idea but i have been talking to her a lot and it seems she sems to like me more
will do m8 lol
not tonight but next week