The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    JOIN US.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me on the forum right now.

  • We've gone from strict guideline adherence to no guideline whatsoever...

    enter image description here

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me on the forum right now.

  • replying to himself.

    Blind, replying to himself. A new era has begun.

  • AChicken posted: »


  • To be honest I don't even know. All I saw was Blind Sniper acting wack-perfectly normal so I decided to "assist" him, temporarily.

    I need a shower.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    We've gone from strict guideline adherence to no guideline whatsoever...

  • What was the origin of this chaos? I NEED TO KNOW!

    Who did it and why?!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It'll calm down by tomorrow. .... Maybe

  • To be honest I don't even know. All I saw was Blind Sniper acting wack-perfectly normal so I decided to "assist" him, temporarily.

    And here I thought it was a mass conspiracy I've missed out on... wait, maybe it is, and you're just trying to convince me otherwise!?

    enter image description here

    To be honest I don't even know. All I saw was Blind Sniper acting wack-perfectly normal so I decided to "assist" him, temporarily. I need a shower.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2017

    If I am Negan, do I have to use Lucille? I'm more of a Crowd Control-bat kinda guy. ;)

  • He finally cracked. All the chaos and power has finally gotten to him!

    To be honest I don't even know. All I saw was Blind Sniper acting wack-perfectly normal so I decided to "assist" him, temporarily. I need a shower.

  • edited January 2017

    Why not, Everything Negan is yours. So that means you are everywhere

    If I am Negan, do I have to use Lucille? I'm more of a Crowd Control-bat kinda guy.

  • I've gone MOD with power! Muhahaha!

    ...I've also reused that joke countless times now.
    lupinb0y posted: »

    He finally cracked. All the chaos and power has finally gotten to him!

  • enter image description here

    Why not, Everything Negan is yours. So that means you are everywhere

  • I personally recommend Negan's "big fucking knife". He's quite proficient with it. Good times, good times.

    If I am Negan, do I have to use Lucille? I'm more of a Crowd Control-bat kinda guy.

  • Hey, don't get mad at me.

    I'm not the one that made it, your lordship.

    Bro, don't insult me with such a comparison Kylo Ren is weak sauce, I personally aim for a higher level of pure evil

  • wow people u were on some heavy shit last night

    enter image description here

    Also, why are the meme threads closed?

  • seems i missed out on some high-quality shenanigans. smh

  • I leave you folks alone for one day and we get this?

    Time to get my disciplinary stick.

    Okay, it's more of a beating stick.

    Okay, it's more of a club.

    Putter, alright, it's a steel putter, but it'll get the job done.

  • Was this directed towards our earlier argument? If it was, I wasn't mad at you, I just heavily disagreed with your opinion.

    I'm honestly really sorry if I've been really fucking rude or awful in recent comments I've made. My emotions are completely all over the pl

  • Why is the Meme & Fun Thread closed?

  • Johro posted: »

    I leave you folks alone for one day and we get this? Time to get my disciplinary stick. Okay, it's more of a beating stick. Okay, it's more of a club. Putter, alright, it's a steel putter, but it'll get the job done.

  • Wait it's closed?

    Why is the Meme & Fun Thread closed?

  • I want it too but skybound has annoyed me

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well I thought I had completed my collection for the Whisperer War but I somehow completely missed the fifth part I also really wanna get the variant for issue 163. LOOK AT IT!

  • wow, i just noticed that. one of the recent posts were deleted too wtf

    Why is the Meme & Fun Thread closed?

  • we've both come close many times, but i think we're both a bit timid. our hugs always lasts about 7 seconds. it's hard to let go. lol we're always joking about seducing one another. there's plenty of opportunities, we just need to get to that next step. sucks that we're shy when it comes to making that next move.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Do it! I know, easy for me to say....

  • edited January 2017

    WHY ARE THE THREADS CLOSED?! Did things get a bit too zesty last night or something?

  • edited January 2017


    Looks like I'm gonna have to pray to the heavens that the comic book stores I go to still has it by the time I get back and that it won't cost me an arm to get it.

    I'm looking at that eBay link and it'll cost me $80 to get it from there.

    I want it too but skybound has annoyed me

  • edited January 2017

    Jesus Chrisa

    enter image description here

    Mods, this joke's not funny anymore.

  • It's a bit bullshit tbh, I was hoping to get one! disappointed

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Fuuuckkkk... Looks like I'm gonna have to pray to the heavens that the comic book stores I go to still has it by the time I get back and

  • Shut them down!

  • jesus christa

    I've gone MOD with power! Muhahaha! ...I've also reused that joke countless times now.

  • Just watched the Regular Show finale.

    Good show. Jolly good show.

  • Misguided Blonde Sexually assaulting Tokyo Japanese me

  • Is there a reason why the "Share your creative work here" thread was closed, or did it just get caught in the crossfire?

  • It's reopened; sorry about that.

    Why is the Meme & Fun Thread closed?

  • I-is it over?

  • It's reopened; sorry about that

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Is there a reason why the "Share your creative work here" thread was closed, or did it just get caught in the crossfire?

  • The forum.


  • lupinb0y posted: »

    The forum. Me.

  • That and a few other things. I'm glad you're not upset. And sorry for being so rude, I should've been explaining myself better.

    Spodes posted: »

    Was this directed towards our earlier argument? If it was, I wasn't mad at you, I just heavily disagreed with your opinion.

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