The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Eh maybe. Not usually like him to get hurt by simple comments seeing as he dishes them out what seems like 24/7.

    Basically, I was joking around with him and he took it too seriously Its not really a joke if its going to hurt someones feelings. I

  • They got B A R S.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Before I go to bed I just need you all to know this exists.

  • It isn't!
    I'll send it to you in one day or two ;)

    bruzdaa posted: »

    That would be great! If that's not a problem of course.

  • Great! Thank you very much.

    Euron posted: »

    It isn't! I'll send it to you in one day or two

  • In the wild and 100% hypitetical case a film director wrote a Telltale Game, who would you like them to be?

    I'd kill for a game writen by Tarantino.

  • It would be 90% hubs/dialogue and 10% gameplay :D

    In the wild and 100% hypitetical case a film director wrote a Telltale Game, who would you like them to be? I'd kill for a game writen by Tarantino.

  • I sometimes forget that Michael Madsen voiced Carver, its pretty awesome. The line 'Well well, whites in trouble' is so meta.

    It would be 90% hubs/dialogue and 10% gameplay

  • poor dude

    Has Youtube gone too far?

  • edited July 2017

    And don't forget about lines like "HE SUCKED THAT WARM BLACK DINGUS"

    Plus guns? What is gun give me my katana

    It would be 90% hubs/dialogue and 10% gameplay

  • I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but

    why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Confidence portrays someone as an achiever or go-getter.

    I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • know what always feels good?

    Finishing a research paper and having it finalized and ready to go.

    Ah...feels good.

  • Maybe you're thinking of overconfidence, or someone just thinking they're the best ever and no one else is important. Those aren't attractive.

    In general, though, people are attracted to other people who at least seem to know what they're doing.

    I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • There's a very fine line between confident and arrogant. there has to be a perfect balance.

    I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • I just read Weird Al's coffee table book, Weird Al: The Book.
    If you're a fan whom hasn't been along for most of the ride, it's a good read.
    If you already know the whole story, there's a lot of cool pictures and letters in it.

  • I'm so stoked for his Charles Manson film. I should maybe make a discussion thread about it.

    And don't forget about lines like "HE SUCKED THAT WARM BLACK DINGUS" Plus guns? What is gun give me my katana

  • edited July 2017

    I'm opposite I love confidence in people.

    I believe everyone should believe in themselves and be proud who they are

    Have that fight within thethe soul to achieve great things

    I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • How can confidence ever be a negative, you're saying someone uncertain of everything they do is attractive? :P

    I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • idk but someone who isn't sure in themselves, is scared and can't believe in themselves isn't really the deffinition of attractive

    I feel a little guilty posting this after this whole political thing so serious and all but why is confidence supposed to be attractive? like it's almost unatractive to me. idk.

  • No, but I feel like less confident people are more... careful? Sensitive? Human? I don't know how to explain. I think that it's because I'm very self concious. I like people I can relate to, and people that lack confidence seem more human and close to me than people that are sure of what they do most of the time. Confident people seem like gods to me. Not because they're arrogant, it's hard to explain, but I feel like they're above me, even if they don't mean to make me feel this way. I want someone I know that has the same insecurities I do, that can understad all the pain I feel, and someone I can help through their pain. Or help in any way. I don't want them to live to cuddle me, I want to be there for them too. Someone that fights agains the same enemy i do (self-consciousness). They feel more human to me. I also feel like when people are a little insecure (not much though) they are more careful with people close to them, because they fear losing them. I don't know, it's hard to explain. Insecurity itself itsn't attractive, exactly. It's not the self-consciousness that attracts me, it's someone as human as me.

    How can confidence ever be a negative, you're saying someone uncertain of everything they do is attractive? :P

  • Lol I guess are literally going insane over this deleting comments coming from the Mods,right? I'm with you!!


    Not surprised at all. The hate and reviews for this shit movie is well deserved. They cancelled Popeye movie just for this? Just how stupid they can be?

  • edited July 2017

    god forbid someone feeling confident and not fully taking into account how sensitive and insecure you are. sometimes you will just have to be accustomed to others actually taking pride in what they've achieved or how they look, while not really being cautious of how another person might feel. wanting a person to limit how they behave in front of other people just so that they don't offend someone who hasn't achieved as much as they have or who lacks confidence is just incredibly idiotic and unnecessary. seriously, nobody should feel insecure or simply not very confident just because you are or due to the fact that your feelings might be hurt.

    No, but I feel like less confident people are more... careful? Sensitive? Human? I don't know how to explain. I think that it's because I'm

  • Well shitty movie was always gonna be shitty!

    AronDracula posted: » Not surprised at all. The hate and reviews for this shit movie is well deserved. They cancelled Popeye movie just for this? Just how stupid they can be?

  • yeah trust me relationship would not work if you were both insecure, it would simply just not function

    No, but I feel like less confident people are more... careful? Sensitive? Human? I don't know how to explain. I think that it's because I'm

  • Hell, Suicide Squad is even better than this.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Well shitty movie was always gonna be shitty!

  • edited July 2017

    I love Suicide Squad more than this movie! Emoji shouldn't even been a movie at all!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Hell, Suicide Squad is even better than this.

  • I think movie deserves no praise, no one should even defend it. Popeye movie didn't deserve to be cancelled. Anyone who loves this movie has the worst taste in movies. This is easily the worst movie ever existed. Holywood should be ashamed of themselves.

  • The Emojii movie could have worked as a funny self parody satire where they make fun of bad ideas in Hollywood.

    Instead, it's just another generic and lazy animated film ripping off other more successful animated films.

    AronDracula posted: » Not surprised at all. The hate and reviews for this shit movie is well deserved. They cancelled Popeye movie just for this? Just how stupid they can be?

  • Movies have gotten so bad recently. They used to be way better; what changed?

    AronDracula posted: » Not surprised at all. The hate and reviews for this shit movie is well deserved. They cancelled Popeye movie just for this? Just how stupid they can be?

  • Dude chill i just said that i don't consider confidence attractive and i wanted to see if most people felt the other way or if it was just an stereotype.

    god forbid someone feeling confident and not fully taking into account how sensitive and insecure you are. sometimes you will just have to b

  • edited July 2017

    Just saw The Big Sick, it was limited release where I live but it was worth it. It was great to laugh in the cinema again. I even thought Ray Romano was good and I didn't expect myself to say that.

    EDIT: The main actor in the film and person the true story was based on voiced Reggie in TWD S2 (If you wanted to know).

  • Finally got around to finishing Dragon Ball Xenoverse's story.

    I really liked the writing and the overall plot of the game, but good fucking God if it isn't the most tedious shit I've ever played. Hopefully when I get around to purchasing the sequel it'll contain some improvements.

    Anyone else played/or seen where its improved?

  • hell yeah!!

  • AronDracula posted: » Not surprised at all. The hate and reviews for this shit movie is well deserved. They cancelled Popeye movie just for this? Just how stupid they can be?

  • Woot. Back from vacay... Back in my time zone. Now my mind won't be so jumbled up when an announcement of something comes up. (I nearly missed the Telltale Summer Update by a day because I was really confused about Job's "tomorrow" and "currently 3 a.m. here" comments trying to convert it all to my region's time zone.)
    But no more!

  • 1:14 RIP my ears. But he is fucking right.

    I can't wait for CinemaSins to sin this retarded movie. He should start with "This movie exists".

  • I'm sorry guys but Hello Neighbor is garbage. It got worse since Alpha 2 and the full game is going to be released in 29 August. How are they going to fix the bugs and glitches in a month?

  • Oui

    Acheive250 posted: »

    G'day mate! (Is this a monthly thing?)

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