The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You could always give the books a try. :)

    fallandir posted: »

    Just watched 3rd episode of GoT, it was crap. This show is definitely running downhill.

  • ...I don't... know what... that is.

    Gothique posted: »

    ...which reminds me of Lovecraft's "The Picture in the House".

  • It's a short story.You can find it here if you're interested in checking it out.

    ...I don't... know what... that is.

  • Are you alive?


  • I know exactly what you mean. *wink wink


    Johro posted: »

    I love you all like bacon. You know. In that, I want to cook you, eat you, and hide pieces of you in the freezer for when I crave you, sort of way.

  • I wish I could read them for the first time again, I read all available books before the show even started and I've reread the series here and there, perhaps 6-7 times now.

    Gothique posted: »

    You could always give the books a try.

  • Right!

    I'll get cropping right away!

    It. Is. Awesome. But it's missing... a hat!

  • Is there even a reason to watch the show, especially considering that you know the story so well?

    fallandir posted: »

    I wish I could read them for the first time again, I read all available books before the show even started and I've reread the series here and there, perhaps 6-7 times now.

  • It's just a story?

    Well, OK, when my wife gets mad about things the characters do on her favorite soap opera, I tend to point out that they're just fictional characters, and nobody's forcing her to watch this, but that doesn't seem to help.

    But you can't make other storytellers write what you'd like, so my only other advice is, write your own fanfic, and then it can end however you like.

    MaconMajr posted: »

    I need advice. It's been bugging me for a long time. Ever since Logan ended, I fear the X-Men's story has ended. The mutant race is n

  • i wish i wasn't lol. i'm gonna shoot you a message when i'm on a lunch break btw. i wanna ask your opinion on something

    AronDracula posted: »

    Are you alive?

  • what have i done

    lupinb0y posted: »


  • lol

    what have i done

  • Decided to change my profile picture, Luna Lovegood in HP Half Blood Prince.

  • edited August 2017

    Yah. To physically punish yourself and starve and still not hit what you want to look like.... It's tough.

    Edit: Just realized that being self conscious and being anorexic are two different things. Whoops.

    I will always be extremely jealous of people who aren't self conscious about the way they look.

  • looks weird when you can't see the rest of her body

    Decided to change my profile picture, Luna Lovegood in HP Half Blood Prince.

  • Media, facebook, instagram and tv pressure girls to put all their self esteem on how they look

    I'm not self conscious not because think I'm a model I don't put my self worth on that.

    We never be good looking enough always be something to feel insecure about so feel happiness in what we are when we realise this.

    Then look through own eyes at others most beautiful thing not model but kind people who have this magically aura which atttacts us.

    I want be judged on my successes and actions over shallow looks they always fade plus most attractive are most insecure as so much pressure to maintain.

    I think in life to much emphasis especially with girls on always looking perfect when this is impossible so always doomed to fail and make everyone miserable

    I will always be extremely jealous of people who aren't self conscious about the way they look.

  • oh shit.
    iS tHaT a MoTher fUcKing lAst oF uS reFeReNce?

    The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread: Where we can be all poetic and just share whatever's on our minds together.

  • enter image description here

    The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread: Where we can be all poetic and just share whatever's on our minds together.

  • edited August 2017

    enter image description here

    Just binged whole rick and morty episodes this show is masterpiece and Castlevania great anime

    Now watching few Bojack horsemen episodes and watching Archer too

    I always wanted watch these and there much better then expected

    Life seems so much better with these shows in it

  • The constant problem I keep having with writing a romance story is I keep having the characters catch feelings for each other too early in the story.

    Can someone give me any tips?

  • Have those characters hate each other until half way through the story where they get used to earache other and then fall in love after a few chapters.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    The constant problem I keep having with writing a romance story is I keep having the characters catch feelings for each other too early in the story. Can someone give me any tips?

  • I'm trying to avoid doing that because i do that too often, even though I Love how those kind of relationships start.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Have those characters hate each other until half way through the story where they get used to earache other and then fall in love after a few chapters.

  • The only other option I can see right now is not having them meet so early in the story, and have a love at first site thing going once you reach the middle. Or just make them both have secret feelings but both have trouble finding a way to confess them until later.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I'm trying to avoid doing that because i do that too often, even though I Love how those kind of relationships start.

  • and have a love at first site thing going once you reach the middle.

    Ooh, sorry but I hate those.

    Or just make them both have secret feelings but both have trouble finding a way to confess them until later.

    I might just do that. Thanks!

    Melton23 posted: »

    The only other option I can see right now is not having them meet so early in the story, and have a love at first site thing going once you

  • Well despite the obvious similarities books and TV show are quite different, also it's interesting to see this universe on the big screen, at least it was in S1 and 2. And the ongoing season is no longer based on the books, cause the author hasn't published the next part yet, so watching the show is the necessary if you don't want to stay behind.

    Gothique posted: »

    Is there even a reason to watch the show, especially considering that you know the story so well?

  • Try and start it with a friendship instead of love. Spend most of the story dedicated to building their character and them going through emotional turmoil as friends alone, with a slight attraction to each other, and when you feel their characters have been developed enough, (bout halfway through) then hit them with the romance.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    The constant problem I keep having with writing a romance story is I keep having the characters catch feelings for each other too early in the story. Can someone give me any tips?

  • Thank you...

    enter image description here

    Try and start it with a friendship instead of love. Spend most of the story dedicated to building their character and them going through emo

  • Give them both romantic interests that bugger off early-mid story.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    The constant problem I keep having with writing a romance story is I keep having the characters catch feelings for each other too early in the story. Can someone give me any tips?

  • I guarantee, you'll be missing free time once it's gone, or even later in your life, when you could be surrounded with work with no time to catch a breath, not to mention to develop your personality.

    I recommend learning new things, like learning a new language or how to play some instrument. You don't need to leave your bed to do that. When you'll feel better, definitely go outside. Explore, meet new people, exercise, travel, etc. If you feel really bored, look for a job, money is always good.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ah, this summer has been so uninteresting for me so far. All I did the majority of summer was playing games on my laptop, watch anime but

  • Now I'm not the best when it comes to romance, but if I had to give you advice, it's to take the advice of ClemyClooAndBabyboo

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    The constant problem I keep having with writing a romance story is I keep having the characters catch feelings for each other too early in the story. Can someone give me any tips?

  • And that's what I'm planning on doing!

    Now I'm not the best when it comes to romance, but if I had to give you advice, it's to take the advice of ClemyClooAndBabyboo

  • Dahmer, is that you?

    Johro posted: »

    I love you all like bacon. You know. In that, I want to cook you, eat you, and hide pieces of you in the freezer for when I crave you, sort of way.

  • No problem, I used to write romance a lot so I picked up some tips along the way. Glad I could help.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Thank you...

  • But there are girls who are beautiful and don't even have to try, those are the types I'm jealous of.. honestly, I have hated the way I look for so long im starting to believe it's impossible for anyone to think I am beautiful.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Media, facebook, instagram and tv pressure girls to put all their self esteem on how they look I'm not self conscious not because think I

  • But isn't that what I basically just said? :|

    Try and start it with a friendship instead of love. Spend most of the story dedicated to building their character and them going through emo

  • You said they should hate each other first then they like each other.

    If I missed it, then sorry about that. :(

    Melton23 posted: »

    But isn't that what I basically just said?

  • Nooooo my last suggestion was that they were friends but had secret feelings that they wouldn't confess until later :joy:

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    You said they should hate each other first then they like each other. If I missed it, then sorry about that.

  • Just 23 days left until I get my exam results back... I'm so dead :fearful:

  • Always going be people better looking then all of us

    In my personal experience I turned down lot of gorgeous girls because high maintenance and controling

    While average looking girls much more attractive because fun be around and caring

    As for you I never seen what look like but as person ur amazing and that is so Much more important and rare

    Anyone can be born beautiful maybe u are but have low self esteem

    Plus beauty in eye of the beholder maybe u better looking then those girls

    Ur mentality is dangerous thinking no one find u beautiful then any dude who compliments u, you will settle even tho u deserve better

    But there are girls who are beautiful and don't even have to try, those are the types I'm jealous of.. honestly, I have hated the way I look for so long im starting to believe it's impossible for anyone to think I am beautiful.

  • Kinda but not quite. You mentioned love at first sight, but my suggestion was more friendship that builds up, any attraction wouldn't come for a very long time through the story and it'd take even longer for them to actually get toghether, and love at first sight kinda means immediate attraction.

    Melton23 posted: »

    But isn't that what I basically just said?

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