The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2017

    Has the forum ever gotten together to play games before? If not then that could be a cool thing to do with some of you guys.

  • Does that mean you're a late teen/young adult now?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Little big planet 1 was quite hard for me when I was a kid that fuckin' bunker level, man

  • Yeah :D

    Does that mean you're a late teen/young adult now?

  • Oh cool, 'cause I was a kid when I played LBP 1 too.

    Melton23 posted: »


  • I'd say I was probably 8 years old or 9 at the time

    Oh cool, 'cause I was a kid when I played LBP 1 too.

  • Uhh... I don't really want to say my exact age publicly...
    But I remember my brother was really good at it and he aced alot of the story levels, including the final boss, and I remember that one being really hard, but I haven't played it in a few years so...
    He would then make these insanely hard platformer levels that I could never play because I'd run out of lives.
    When I played The Wedding theme for the first time, I was so scared that I double-checked the rating on the box... :D

    Melton23 posted: »

    I'd say I was probably 8 years old or 9 at the time

  • I liked playing those online levels like the sea monster ones and all that. I think I remember playing a horror map that legit had a jumpscare in it, but I'm not sure if it happened to me or on YouTube it was so long ago.

    Uhh... I don't really want to say my exact age publicly... But I remember my brother was really good at it and he aced alot of the story le

  • We only set-up our internet for online gaming a short period of time before LBP 2 released, so we only played online on it very briefly, then moved onto LBP 2.
    But LBP was such a great game... and then LBP 2 came along and made me wonder "How on Earth could I stand making levels in LBP 1 with such limited tools?!"

    Melton23 posted: »

    I liked playing those online levels like the sea monster ones and all that. I think I remember playing a horror map that legit had a jumpscare in it, but I'm not sure if it happened to me or on YouTube it was so long ago.

  • Did you ever get any of those huge ass robots that people started to make in LBP2 and you could actually control them and shoot lasers out of your eyes, use jet packs and stuff? Super fun. I was an awful builder, the best thing I've ever built in a game was a temple in minecraft and it was so jagged, if I can be assed getting my PS3 out again I can try and find the world but omg it was awful XD nvm being able to make a mecha

    We only set-up our internet for online gaming a short period of time before LBP 2 released, so we only played online on it very briefly, the

  • Hey, yeah! There were these controllable machines that people would always bring out when you play with them in create mode.
    Stuff like giant robots that shot lasers and rockets everywhere, ships that shot rockets and lasers everywhere, robots that you could control their legs and actually walk, people that you could control their arms and legs to punch and kick and also spas out like they were having a seizure, giant hands where you could control their fingers... and so everyone always made rude gestures...

    Did you ever watch mR4w3sum34's videos? I found them so awesome and hilarious.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Did you ever get any of those huge ass robots that people started to make in LBP2 and you could actually control them and shoot lasers out o

  • Don't think I've ever heard of this guy. I always used to play with my brothers and there were these mortal kombat missions and I'd get my guy to pin my brother down and I would start T-bagging him and putting him into "other" positions :joy: I might have some screenshots left on my ps4

    Hey, yeah! There were these controllable machines that people would always bring out when you play with them in create mode. Stuff like gia

  • Back when it was more active, the Rhysha thread would do an almost weekly Cards Against Humanity match. Other times, we would play Team Fortress 2, and there was one time we played against people from the Rhyiona thread and Erin Yvette (voice of Sasha) joined in.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Has the forum ever gotten together to play games before? If not then that could be a cool thing to do with some of you guys.

  • edited August 2017

    Here'a one of his videos that someone else uploaded to YouTube. Just a little warning though, it's pretty random and stupid XD

    EDIT: I just thought I'd add, I never thought I would be looking back to when I used to play LBP, let alone talking about it to someone on these forums... It was nice talking to you. :)

    Melton23 posted: »

    Don't think I've ever heard of this guy. I always used to play with my brothers and there were these mortal kombat missions and I'd get my g

  • You're lucky! Javi is very hard to get... :(

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Pulled a 5-star Javier today in Walking Dead: Road to Survival. All I need now is "Ties That Bind" Clementine and "What Comes After" Carl to form my Dream Team.

  • Shipping threads were good fun, they felt like their own communities, too bad something like that happening again any time soon isn't very likely.

    Back when it was more active, the Rhysha thread would do an almost weekly Cards Against Humanity match. Other times, we would play Team Fort

  • edited August 2017

    You know...

    GTA Online would be the best shit in the world if the people on there actually fucking cooperated.

    It's one thing to drive around and shoot other players for no reason, yeah yeah yeah FIIIIIIINE. Its another thing to leave Heists for no reason whatsoever, individually invite me just to kick me literal microseconds later, leave the mission because YOU DIDN'T GET TO DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR, and running around in circles, actual...honest to god circles instead of doing the objective until your inevitablly deserved death due to being a dumbass.

    People's incompetence on there truly prevent it from being an enjoyable game, and its easily the worst...most toxic community I've ever come across in my online gaming history. If by some god-given miracle I earn enough money through the painful, unforgiving grind of jobs and missions that "game" has to offer, I'm going to buy myself a high end apartment, smoke some virtual weed from my virtual bong while watching virtual tv shows, lock myself inside and never come back out.

  • I'm cracking up

    update: i dislike demon's souls.

  • Hell yeah, man.

    What would you want to play?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Has the forum ever gotten together to play games before? If not then that could be a cool thing to do with some of you guys.

  • edited August 2017

    EDIT: NVM, it's just reruns.

  • I pulled him from The Shiva Force event. You collect 100 tokens and get a 5-star character, which Javier is.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You're lucky! Javi is very hard to get...

  • Kim Jong un

  • I agree sooooo much.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Kim Jong un

  • Lol I came here to complain about the same thing a few days ago.

    You know... GTA Online would be the best shit in the world if the people on there actually fucking cooperated. It's one thing to drive

  • edited August 2017

    Has anyone ever accidentally flirted with someone? Like you didn't even know you were flirting with them until it's too late?

  • In most cases, I would not consider it flirting if it was not intentional. Other people can consider it flirting, but I mean, all you'd have to do is find a way to politely clarify if so.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Has anyone ever accidentally flirted with someone? Like you didn't even know you were flirting with them until it's too late?

  • Tomorrow, I'm going to Netherlands, where my sister is in college. It might be possible that it's going to have a weak internet.

  • Have fun, enjoy your visit.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Tomorrow, I'm going to Netherlands, where my sister is in college. It might be possible that it's going to have a weak internet.

  • edited August 2017

    I've admitted my feeling towards 2 girls (seperate times, don't worry :p) only to get friendzoned by them later. Does that count?

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Has anyone ever accidentally flirted with someone? Like you didn't even know you were flirting with them until it's too late?

  • Hopefully it's not weak internet, and you'll have an enjoyable trip.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Tomorrow, I'm going to Netherlands, where my sister is in college. It might be possible that it's going to have a weak internet.

  • confession of feelings and flirting have nothing to do with each other lol

    I've admitted my feeling towards 2 girls (seperate times, don't worry ) only to get friendzoned by them later. Does that count?

  • edited August 2017

    Then no, I haven't. I've flirted with people, but never accidentally.

    confession of feelings and flirting have nothing to do with each other lol

  • edited August 2017

    Have fun, enjoy your visit.

  • Thanks.

    Hopefully it's not weak internet, and you'll have an enjoyable trip.

  • It definitely isn't intentional when it happens to me. It's just the way I am. I kinda feel bad afterwards that I led them on the wrong way though lol.

    In most cases, I would not consider it flirting if it was not intentional. Other people can consider it flirting, but I mean, all you'd have to do is find a way to politely clarify if so.

  • Spider-Man Homecoming by Yusuke Murata. Artist of One Punch Man manga series

  • Playing Cards Against Humanity was the shit.

    Back when it was more active, the Rhysha thread would do an almost weekly Cards Against Humanity match. Other times, we would play Team Fort

  • It happens, When you speak too quick, and don't think a lot.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Has anyone ever accidentally flirted with someone? Like you didn't even know you were flirting with them until it's too late?

  • edited August 2017

    The trailer remained in a unlisted/embargo state until someone cracked a code. The whole Mr. Robot fanbase came together, making the release more awesome.



  • And here, my girlfriend gets upset because I take pot-shots at cars to alleviate boredom.

    (GTA online is her thing that I do with her, so that's my only stake)

    You know... GTA Online would be the best shit in the world if the people on there actually fucking cooperated. It's one thing to drive

  • that'd actually be a neat idea. i'd love to do a fight club on the og dark souls with some forum members. i've always dreamed of participating in pvp fight club

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Has the forum ever gotten together to play games before? If not then that could be a cool thing to do with some of you guys.

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