The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • you all laugh at this all you want but maneater is fucking bullshit and i'm gonna break something

    update: i dislike demon's souls.

  • They were shit.

    Shipping threads were good fun, they felt like their own communities, too bad something like that happening again any time soon isn't very likely.

  • enter image description here

    Nicest dude on forum honour to share this forum since I've been here sir

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's my 10th Telltale Anniversary today. Yes, I know the forums say August 5, but I think they're expressing the date in the GMT/UTC time z

  • enter image description here

    Look I completed Pokemom red and petted many dogs im expert

    You need the two dogs in room alone with comfy pillows, warm room, lots doggy snacks, romantic music(sexual healing by marvin gaye) and Beethoven dog movie playing loud.

    Leave the room give them space for few hours and it will work :)

    I mentioned on here about someone wanting to breed my dog with theirs, well I took him around her house yesterday and im not too happy. We w

  • Wow that's really cool!

    Back when it was more active, the Rhysha thread would do an almost weekly Cards Against Humanity match. Other times, we would play Team Fort

  • Probably something that multiple people on here could play like TF or Garry's Mod :P

    But it'd be a group decision either way.

    Hell yeah, man. What would you want to play?

  • Marvel pls. Let this man do a one shot Spider-Man comic!

    Megumin posted: »

    Spider-Man Homecoming by Yusuke Murata. Artist of One Punch Man manga series

  • Happy 10 years! :)

    I enjoy seeing your posts as you are one of the more mature and well-spoken members here.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's my 10th Telltale Anniversary today. Yes, I know the forums say August 5, but I think they're expressing the date in the GMT/UTC time z

  • I considered writing a huge essay about what Telltale used to be like and how it's evolved over the years, but later decided to spare you all. The most important thing is, the only reason I'm still here after 10 years is that you all make the most incredible posts about games and your lives in general! So keep it up, and I'll keep hanging around!



  • Man, 10 years. So much change. Rock on man. Congratulations.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's my 10th Telltale Anniversary today. Yes, I know the forums say August 5, but I think they're expressing the date in the GMT/UTC time z

  • i love my first amendment right to freedom of speech

  • I love our Charter of Rights and Freedoms' freedom of expression and thought.
    (A little knowledge of Canada)

    ...Although some people completely abuse it. Watch a Youtube livestream. A little too much freedom of expression... that doesn't even have a point.

    i love my first amendment right to freedom of speech

  • All the time. Its so embarrassing I once had a, what i considered friendly, conversation in a store and ended up getting asked out by a 60+ year old.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Has anyone ever accidentally flirted with someone? Like you didn't even know you were flirting with them until it's too late?

  • My new dream is to sing for Disney can someone hook me up

  • Wikipedia says Walt Disney's ashes are located at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California, United States.

    Good luck!

    My new dream is to sing for Disney can someone hook me up

  • I'm looking for this person if you've seen them anywhere could you please tell me?

  • I was so scared for a minute omfg

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    I'm looking for this person if you've seen them anywhere could you please tell me?

  • Ueah, the link just takes people to their account.

    I was so scared for a minute omfg

  • enter image description here

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    I'm looking for this person if you've seen them anywhere could you please tell me?

  • Wow really? Erin Yvette played Team Fortress 2 with you guys? That's awesome!

    Back when it was more active, the Rhysha thread would do an almost weekly Cards Against Humanity match. Other times, we would play Team Fort

  • I miss Mr. Show again.

  • edited August 2017

    So... many... clips... I... Can't... Post.

    "Bob Odenkirk Yelling" is a favourite Youtube video.

    Johro posted: »

    I miss Mr. Show again.

  • I can't go anywhere without flirting with somebody, even if it was unintentional

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Has anyone ever accidentally flirted with someone? Like you didn't even know you were flirting with them until it's too late?

  • lies, walt disney's body was preserved in cryo sleep after his death

    Johro posted: »

    Wikipedia says Walt Disney's ashes are located at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California, United States. Good luck!

  • TIL that Jim Carrey is also an artist. And he's a pretty damn good one as well.

  • From the point of view of someone who wasn't part of them yea

    papai46 posted: »

    They were shit.

  • What was it?

    I was so scared for a minute omfg

  • instead of sleeping tonight apparently i thought it'd be a great idea for me to force myself to clean, scrub down and micro-organize literally every inch of my room to the point of me being physically exhausted, and then after that brilliant plan i've proceeded to have an anxiety attack over useless shit nobody cares about so now i can't even sleep if i tried.

  • Which one is the best TV series in your opinion? For me it's Gomorrah.

  • edited August 2017

    ♪Hello, ........ Is it me you're looking for?♫

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    I'm looking for this person if you've seen them anywhere could you please tell me?

  • edited August 2017

    ♪ When you leave, my colors fade to gray

    Numa numa ay. Numa numa numa ay

    Every word of love I used to say, now I paint it everyday♫

    lupinb0y posted: »

    TIL that Jim Carrey is also an artist. And he's a pretty damn good one as well.

  • Could I make millions by throwing a bunch of paint at a canvas?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    TIL that Jim Carrey is also an artist. And he's a pretty damn good one as well.

  • Jim carey is surprisingly interesting. Before he was famous he went to a notorious bar on mulholland drive and wrote a massive check to himself to be cashed in the future by the time the date on the check came around he actually had made the money to cover it, some black magic fuckery right there.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    TIL that Jim Carrey is also an artist. And he's a pretty damn good one as well.

  • edited August 2017

    Narcos. It is by far the best show that I have ever watched. The narration, music and acting is just amazing.

    sevyn posted: »

    Which one is the best TV series in your opinion? For me it's Gomorrah.

  • Seen Gomorrah? It's quite similar.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Narcos. It is by far the best show that I have ever watched. The narration, music and acting is just amazing.

  • edited August 2017

    No I didn't. What is it about exactly?

    sevyn posted: »

    Seen Gomorrah? It's quite similar.

  • Scared the shit outta me.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    I'm looking for this person if you've seen them anywhere could you please tell me?

  • The mafia in Naples told through the eyes of Ciro Di Marzio.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    No I didn't. What is it about exactly?

  • Leftovers, Westworld or Taboo.

    sevyn posted: »

    Which one is the best TV series in your opinion? For me it's Gomorrah.

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