The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • enter image description here

    I love when this stupid ass piece of shit Batman game doesn't save my previous choices from both the previous season and S2E1. But they'll

  • Hey! I have finally accumulated a total of 5000 likes!
    Where's my trophy? :p

  • enter image description here

    AChicken posted: »

    Hey! I have finally accumulated a total of 5000 likes! Where's my trophy?

  • one of us...
    one of us...
    one of us...
    AChicken posted: »

    Hey! I have finally accumulated a total of 5000 likes! Where's my trophy?

  • You should watch Extras when you finish it. Probably Ricky Gervais' best TV work, it's incredibly funny.

    I have so much to talk about but none of it is topical. Oh, actually, continuity what’s up. I finished the first series of The Office UK

  • If I'm looking at the right show, the first episode is titled "Ben Stiller" and it seems promising.

    Graysonn posted: »

    You should watch Extras when you finish it. Probably Ricky Gervais' best TV work, it's incredibly funny.

  • I just took my new antibiotics for the first time and I'm actually disgusted by their taste. I pray that it was because I set them on the counter before I took them because the counter was a bit slippery, maybe there was something coating it, but I doubt it.

    In other news, I finished the first episode of Extras and I love this show already, thanks so much @Graysonn for the recommendation.

  • Wait, there are trophies? I only got access to tuna salads in the salad bar.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hey! I have finally accumulated a total of 5000 likes! Where's my trophy?

  • Fucking eBay. Taking nearly 40 bucks from my recent sales. You're a huge fucking corporation, you don't need to take a chunk of other people's money. It feels like straight up robbery.

  • that's my bad, I'm just a little late

    enter image description here

    (@ any mod about to yell at me for posting these: I'm done after this pls don't yell at me, I am innocent in this matter.)

    fallandir posted: »

    Wait, there are trophies? I only got access to tuna salads in the salad bar.

  • Sounds like it too.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Fucking eBay. Taking nearly 40 bucks from my recent sales. You're a huge fucking corporation, you don't need to take a chunk of other people's money. It feels like straight up robbery.

  • Got an issue? No worries!

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    If you still need further assistance, you may also try the following:

    I love when this stupid ass piece of shit Batman game doesn't save my previous choices from both the previous season and S2E1. But they'll

  • So, i actually brought the entire season 1 of Minecraft Story Mode and brought Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 episode 1(soon I will buy more episodes of Minecraft Story Mode Season 2) only to help me wait for Guardians Of The Galaxy episode 4 this coming tuesday. So,I will probably play couple of episodes tonight and finish the rest tomorrow and start play Season 2 (the first episode). I think it's interesting

  • who told you about the moderator salad bar, that was supposed to be our secret
    fallandir posted: »

    Wait, there are trophies? I only got access to tuna salads in the salad bar.

  • I'm not too big on Minecraft myself, but the general consensus is that people really like Episodes 5-8 (the portal hopping episodes). Those contain self contained stories, which some people saw as an interesting change. Minecraft as a whole also gets more experimental with having parts with actual gameplay/puzzles, compared to other Telltale titles, so it has that going for it too. (And, the soundtrack is really good!)

    strwar3 posted: »

    So, i actually brought the entire season 1 of Minecraft Story Mode and brought Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 episode 1(soon I will buy more

  • Yea Minecraft Story Mode is really different because sometimes in season 2 you can build your own stuff and its a pretty cool mechanic.

    I'm not too big on Minecraft myself, but the general consensus is that people really like Episodes 5-8 (the portal hopping episodes). Those

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I have had them before and they can taste bad if you have them in your mough for too long and the other thing i hated about them was the smell, i was feeling crappy at the time anyway but the mouldy smell made me feel sick.

    I just took my new antibiotics for the first time and I'm actually disgusted by their taste. I pray that it was because I set them on the co

  • Yeah I agree. The first four episodes are very "nothing" but I really liked 5-8. Also really love that soundtrack.

    I'm not too big on Minecraft myself, but the general consensus is that people really like Episodes 5-8 (the portal hopping episodes). Those

  • Yea the soundtrack is awesome! I really enjoy the main menu music in Season 2.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yeah I agree. The first four episodes are very "nothing" but I really liked 5-8. Also really love that soundtrack.

  • The smell is terrible and I’ve decided to not interact (for lack of better term) with them anymore than I have to.
    I take my pills with water, so part of me is wondering maybe the water is why the taste was so bad, but I can’t come up for excuses for the antibiotics, they might be good for my health, but not my taste buds.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I have had them before and they can taste bad if you have them in your mough for too long and the other thing i hated about them was the smell, i was feeling crappy at the time anyway but the mouldy smell made me feel sick.

  • Just to play Devil's Advocate - how do you think they reached the point of being a "huge corporation"?

    BroKenny posted: »

    Fucking eBay. Taking nearly 40 bucks from my recent sales. You're a huge fucking corporation, you don't need to take a chunk of other people's money. It feels like straight up robbery.

  • My favourite's probably the opening for S2E1. It just has this really exciting adventure-y feel to it.

    Yea the soundtrack is awesome! I really enjoy the main menu music in Season 2.

  • There's an official Stranger Things game on mobile. As far as I can tell, it's free.

  • Trophy Earned

    AChicken posted: »

    Hey! I have finally accumulated a total of 5000 likes! Where's my trophy?

  • ...Oh the irony of it all.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Just saw the original BladeRunner last night. What the actual f*** did I just watch? My country's rating for it was also extremely ina

  • I know things

    who told you about the moderator salad bar, that was supposed to be our secret

  • edited October 2017

    No, actually. It was the Final Cut version. Is the original not so screwed-up?

    I thought it'd just have extended scenes, but according to my research, a lot was actually changed between versions. Huh...

    AChicken posted: »

    Just saw the original BladeRunner last night Wait.. You mean "original" original? The theatrical release?

  • edited October 2017

    When you drink, especially in excess, how do you normally feel, do you feel happy, or do you feel miserable, as in lonely, or alone?

    For some people, alcohol allows them to escape themselves. For just a split second it allows them to escape their negative feeling.

    Many people, whether they have mental or emotional problems or both - in fact it is often the former that leads to the latter - try to self-medicate.

    And obviously drunkenness only adds insult to injury, as you're still basically the same person, except that you're drunk, and since alcohol lowers inhibitions, you are now acting a fool, and thus are the joke of anyone who is around you.

    So my question is in fact a two-part question.

    1 - What kind of drunk are you, and why do you drink?

    2 - Since alcohol doesn't solve anything, then what is the answer?

  • Final Cut? Good, good.
    Yeah... I've never seen the theatrical version, only heard about how badly they changed and added things going against what the director wanted (like the voice-over track). I've only seen the Final Cut, but that's fine, it's a really good movie in how it's presented -- the way it was meant to be presented.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    No, actually. It was the Final Cut version. Is the original not so screwed-up? I thought it'd just have extended scenes, but according to my research, a lot was actually changed between versions. Huh...

  • The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced it's nominees for 2018, you all better go out and vote for motherfucking Judas Priest or I will hunt you down.

  • edited October 2017

    When I get drunk, the only difference between when I'm super tired and when I'm Intoxicated is that I fall over more while I'm drunk. So basically, I start to laugh at things that are barely funny, I lose my chronic anxiety and I stop overthinking conversation and actions which causes me to be socially awkward, by brain starts to skip over very obvious details. Ex. When giving someone change I would accidentally give them back all the money without really thinking about it, then I remember what happened and have to correct myself. And really (I'm not at the age for drinking yet) But my sister was the reason I had my first drink in the first place. I would go to her collage apartment or go to frat parties with her and she would give me drinks. So in all, I don't actually have to drink to get the same effects, I just need to pull an all-nighter or two, or starve myself until my brain shuts down and let my fatigue build up (numbs two of my problems with a single stone). For me it's the reverse of being drunk. You feel fucking awful at first (can last for hours), then you get the high for about an hour, then you feel like shit again, this cycle continues until you give yourself what your body is deprived of and you get a SUPER high, and it just goes in circles.

    For answers, I say that we can never completely get away from our problems. When certain problems are solved, new ones arrive to take their place. The only thing you can do is choose the ones that are the most bearable and stick with them or keep ourselves busy trying to [solve]/[distract ourselves from] those problems so that it somewhat numbs you to the pain they bring you.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    When you drink, especially in excess, how do you normally feel, do you feel happy, or do you feel miserable, as in lonely, or alone? For

  • Last night I was talking to my mom about my stitches that I got over the summer and she phrased it in such a way that almost made me puke, but it also made me realize that I have had an awful year in terms of accidents.

    1. I drink for the taste, and sometimes to chill or to jump into the right mood when I'm out with either friends or people that I don't know. Obviously, you can party without alcohol, but they are moments when it just helps to skip a lot of awkwardness.

    2. That everything is for people, just as long as you know where and when to stop.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    When you drink, especially in excess, how do you normally feel, do you feel happy, or do you feel miserable, as in lonely, or alone? For

  • Come at me bro, I voted for Dire Straits. Best chillout music, them and Pink Floyd.

    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced it's nominees for 2018, you all better go out and vote for motherfucking Judas Priest or I will hunt you down.

  • Fuck off.

    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced it's nominees for 2018, you all better go out and vote for motherfucking Judas Priest or I will hunt you down.

  • You already did!

    papai46 posted: »

    Fuck off.

  • Sorry?

    AronDracula posted: »

    You already did!

  • voted for nina simone and radiohead

    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced it's nominees for 2018, you all better go out and vote for motherfucking Judas Priest or I will hunt you down.

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