The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Not sorry

    papai46 posted: »


  • Not even gonna try to understand and i'm just going to move on.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Not sorry

  • The Hall of Fame is a complete joke. I don't even care and I'm a MASSIVE Priest fan.

    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced it's nominees for 2018, you all better go out and vote for motherfucking Judas Priest or I will hunt you down.

  • Alcohol is a depressant it will only make people more depressed and increase depression, destroy skin and brain cells plus all cancers can also restrict gaining muscle

    I don't drink for sports reasons like to maintain fitness

    For me Sports, Gaming and Netflix is heaven makes me happy

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    When you drink, especially in excess, how do you normally feel, do you feel happy, or do you feel miserable, as in lonely, or alone? For

  • I actually forgot alcohol was classified as a depressant, so I do agree with you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Alcohol is a depressant it will only make people more depressed and increase depression, destroy skin and brain cells plus all cancers can a

  • You know too much, that's what the problem is...

    fallandir posted: »

    I know things

  • I completely agree, the Rock and Roll Hall of Shame is a laughing stock, but still, we need some metal acts in there. Right now, all we got are Black Sabbath and Metallica, that's disgraceful, especially when you think about the numerous metal bands/artists that should be in (Maiden, Dio, Pantera, Megadeth, Mercyful Fate/King Diamond, Def Leppard).

    Johro posted: »

    The Hall of Fame is a complete joke. I don't even care and I'm a MASSIVE Priest fan.

  • I can't fault you with that, Dire Straits should also be in, I just think Priest deserves it more.

    fallandir posted: »

    Come at me bro, I voted for Dire Straits. Best chillout music, them and Pink Floyd.

  • Worst unintentional quote from a movie:

    "I've got a date with a six year old boy"

    • Child's Play
  • Just came back from my first time in NYCC. It was fun, but unfortunately, I missed out on some of the panels I wanted to attend to. I still got some cool stuff like the Here’s Negan comic, a South Park shirt I won, A Bane mask, and meeting a few wrestlers.

    Hopefully next year I’ll have a better time.

  • Looks like that six year old didn't enjoy that date.

    Johro posted: »

    Worst unintentional quote from a movie: "I've got a date with a six year old boy" * Child's Play

  • This is me when i’m sober

    When I get drunk, the only difference between when I'm super tired and when I'm Intoxicated is that I fall over more while I'm drunk. So bas

  • Watching that tonight or tomorrow. Pulling a marathon. Might skip "Seed" though.

  • Just came back from watching Blade Runner 2049, if Roger Deakins cinematography doesn't win an Oscar for this movie...

  • I watched the movie, Evil Dead 2. It was definitely better than the original movie because of Ash's badassness but I dunno if I liked it more than the remake of 2013 or not. Personally, I didn't like the ending at all because it was so confusing. Is there a sequel after this?

  • Yeah Seed was more of a comedy than horror and you could go from Bride to Curse without having to watch it.

    Johro posted: »

    Watching that tonight or tomorrow. Pulling a marathon. Might skip "Seed" though.

  • Yeah, I've seen them all except the new one. Didn't care for Seed very much.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Yeah Seed was more of a comedy than horror and you could go from Bride to Curse without having to watch it.

  • You've never seen Army of Darkness?!?!

    AronDracula posted: »

    I watched the movie, Evil Dead 2. It was definitely better than the original movie because of Ash's badassness but I dunno if I liked it mor

  • I was supposed to go to NYCC today with my dad...

    But of course, something had to come up. I spent the night puking and feeling like shit because of the disease in fighting right now. There are no words to describe how much this sucks...

  • No

    Johro posted: »

    You've never seen Army of Darkness?!?!

  • 2 is my favourite, but AoD s considered a cult classic(preferably the common "S-Mart" ending).

    Johro posted: »

    You've never seen Army of Darkness?!?!

  • I'm going to see it on Saturday, did you enjoyed it?

    Just came back from watching Blade Runner 2049, if Roger Deakins cinematography doesn't win an Oscar for this movie...

  • Today the salad bar, tomorrow the world domination.

    You know too much, that's what the problem is...

  • "Straight up robbery."

    Just to play Devil's Advocate - how do you think they reached the point of being a "huge corporation"?

  • edited October 2017

    It was one of the best sequels I've seen of a classic that expands its predecessor, it felt very Blade Runner. The style doesn't overweigh the substance, very much stands strong in its own right.

    EDIT; For anyone else reading I'd like to say that these opinions are my own and may change, I am aware that their are flaws in the movie and I don't want to mislead anyone's expectations by being vague in my descriptions. It may very well become divided by the masses like the first.

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm going to see it on Saturday, did you enjoyed it?

  • enter image description here

    I was supposed to go to NYCC today with my dad... But of course, something had to come up. I spent the night puking and feeling like shit because of the disease in fighting right now. There are no words to describe how much this sucks...

  • If you're interested there's a video about what is known about this game.

    There's also a rumor that Cyberpunk 2077's world is gonna be 4x bigger than the world from Witcher 3 and all it's DLCs combined.

  • Oh that's good, I've been worried ever since I saw the trailer, but right now I'm too hyped for the movie to let it stop me.

    It was one of the best sequels I've seen of a classic that expands its predecessor, it felt very Blade Runner. The style doesn't overweigh t

  • Thanks for reminding me that I need to finish Trigger Happy Havoc, knew I was missing something.

  • Not really. Even if it's real, I doubt the kid would be able to solve the first problem that happens prior to any jump-scares.

  • Cult of Chucky is nowhere near as good as Curse'.

    I don't like talking spoilers for new releases, even with tags, so I'll avoid specifics here.
    I hate the direction they took at the end. As with the previous couple, this one also baits a sequel and it was not a good setup. I'm talking about the ending before the credits. The little cameo post-credits was fine. If they actually continue that direction, the series loses all it's appeal.

    I have a feeling that this movie will not be well-received(I haven't looked at any reviews yet). There is some fantastic stuff going on with art direction, photography, etc. There is also some terrible stuff going on... Mainly with a little thing called "writing". The movie also just feels incomplete. You know those negative-space paintings where you can't tell what it is until they're done and walk away? It's like that if they never finish it. You're wondering where it's all headed and then.... credits.

  • edited October 2017

    EDIT: DPing. Always when you least expect it!

    Johro posted: »

    Cult of Chucky is nowhere near as good as Curse'. I don't like talking spoilers for new releases, even with tags, so I'll avoid specifics

  • Apparently, some people love it. What do I know?

    Donnie Darko fans maybe. Another artsy mindfuck that when you think about plot and execution after the fact, isn't all that great.

    I admit that the scene with the schizophrenic woman(Cult of Chucky) is pretty great.

    Johro posted: »

    Cult of Chucky is nowhere near as good as Curse'. I don't like talking spoilers for new releases, even with tags, so I'll avoid specifics

  • Mind if I PM you? I need someone to help me understand why this movie is loved so much.

    AChicken posted: »

    Final Cut? Good, good. Yeah... I've never seen the theatrical version, only heard about how badly they changed and added things going again

  • Sure.
    It's been a while since I've seen the movie but I can try to help.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Mind if I PM you? I need someone to help me understand why this movie is loved so much.

  • You can't really with him, don't sweat it.

    papai46 posted: »

    Not even gonna try to understand and i'm just going to move on.

  • It lost it's credibility as soon as they put N.W.A. in there.

    I enjoy N.W.A. don't get me wrong but they're not...rock and roll lol.

    I completely agree, the Rock and Roll Hall of Shame is a laughing stock, but still, we need some metal acts in there. Right now, all we got

  • edited October 2017

    Looks like the beta for Star Wars Battlefront II is live today for anyone that wants to download It for all platforms.

    This is it, EA. This is your once-in-a-lifetime-chance to make a sale. Amaze me. Wow me into getting this. Please. I implore you.

    If I don't like the beta, I'm not buying the game. Simple. I don't care if its not the final product. Their betas roughly show you what the game entails usually, so if it sucks, it sucks. Messing this up would ultimately prove once and for all that they're not cut out to make Star Wars games.

    If that's the case with this one, just do yourself a favor and sell the rights. You don't deserve to have them.

    They really shit the bed with Battlefront I, but I think they deserve a chance. Just one...

  • It lost its credibility long before that.

    It lost it's credibility as soon as they put N.W.A. in there. I enjoy N.W.A. don't get me wrong but they're not...rock and roll lol.

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